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SQL-Gen - Rust CLI Tool for PostgreSQL Database Operations Generation extending SQLX


PR's and Issues welcome! This is still early stages of devopment, though hopefully useful to some!

SQL-Gen is a command-line tool written in Rust that helps you generate Rust structs, queries, and SQL migrations based on an existing PostgreSQL database schema. It utilizes the sqlx and clap libraries to provide a user-friendly and efficient experience for working with your PostgreSQL database.

This project draws inspiration from rsdbgen (GitHub: brianhv/rsdbgen) and we appreciate their contribution to the Rust database tooling ecosystem. Originally this was going to be extending rsdbgen but at a certain point of changes it seemed to have diverged.

Use Cases

  • Generate Rust structs and queries for PostgreSQL database tables or from migrations via a Postgres test container
  • Generate SQL migrations based on changes in the structs vs a database or migration via a Postgres test container
  • Handle nullable/optional fields in the generated code.
  • Optional --force flag to overwrite existing files.
  • Use environment variables instead of clap flags (optional).


To use SQL-Gen, make sure you have Rust and Cargo installed on your system. You can install them by following the instructions at

Once you have Rust and Cargo installed, you can build SQL-Gen by running the following command:

cargo install sql-gen

Or for the latest github

cargo install --git --branch main




generate - Generate structs and queries for tables in your db

migrate - Generate SQL migrations based on struct differences for structs that have a database table matching them


  • generate subcommand options:

    • -o, --models <SQLGEN_MODEL_OUTPUT_FOLDER> - Sets the output folder for generated structs (required)
    • -d, --database <DATABASE_URL> - Sets the database connection URL (required). Will default to docker to spin up a testcontainer instance for applying migrations (this will require docker CLI installed).
    • -c, --context <SQLGEN_CONTEXT_NAME> - The name of the context for calling functions. Defaults to DB name
    • -f, --force - Overwrites existing files sharing names in that folder
    • -m, --migrations <SQLGEN_MIGRATION_INPUT> - Sets the input folder for migrations (required only if using docker as the database, otherwise this will determine whether to bother running migrations before generating models and queries)
  • migrate subcommand options:

    • -o, --models <SQLGEN_MODEL_FOLDER> - Sets the folder containing existing struct files (required)
    • -m, --migrations <SQLGEN_MIGRATION_OUTPUT> - Sets the output folder for migrations (required)
    • -d, --database <DATABASE_URL> - Sets the database connection URL (required). Will default to docker to spin up a testcontainer instance for applying migrations (this will require docker CLI installed).

Example .env file

Create a .env file in the project root directory with the following content:


Make sure to replace the values with your actual database connection URL and desired folder paths for generated structs and migrations.

Generate Structs and Queries

To generate Rust structs and queries for a PostgreSQL database, use the generate command:

sql-gen generate --output src/db --database <DATABASE_URL>

Replace <DATABASE_URL> with the URL of your PostgreSQL database. The generated code will be saved in the src/db folder.


Assuming we have the following input database schema:

CREATE TABLE customer (
    email VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE,

Running SQLGen with the generate command:

sql-gen generate --output src/db --database postgresql://postgres:password@localhost/mydatabase

This will generate the following Rust structs and queries (based on primary key, foreign keys, and unique fields):

// in src/db/

#[derive(sqlx::FromRow, Debug)]
struct Customer {
    pub id: i32,
    pub created_at: Option<chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>>,
    pub email: Option<String>,

// in src/db/
use sqlx::{query, query_as, PgExecutor, Result};
use super::Customer;

pub struct CustomerSet;

impl CustomerSet {
    pub async fn all<'e, E: PgExecutor<'e>>(&self, executor: E) -> Result<Vec<Customer>> {
        query_as::<_, Customer>(r#"SELECT * FROM "customer""#)

    pub async fn by_id<'e, E: PgExecutor<'e>>(&self, executor: E, id: i64) -> Result<Customer> {
        query_as::<_, Customer>(r#"SELECT * FROM "customer" WHERE "id" = $1"#)

    pub async fn by_id_optional<'e, E: PgExecutor<'e>>(&self, executor: E, id: i64) -> Result<Option<Customer>> {
        query_as::<_, Customer>(r#"SELECT * FROM "customer" WHERE "id" = $1"#)

    // Doesn't exist in this example, but foreign keys will functions like this, assuming customer has a fk field called category
    // pub async fn all_by_categories_id<'e, E: PgExecutor<'e>>(executor: E, categories_id: i64) -> Result<Vec<Customer>> {
    //     query_as::<_, Customer>(r#"SELECT * FROM "customer" WHERE category = $1"#)
    //         .bind(categories_id)
    //         .fetch_all(executor)
    //         .await
    // }

    pub async fn by_email<'e, E: PgExecutor<'e>>(&self, executor: E, email: String) -> Result<Customer> {
        query_as::<_, Customer>(r#"SELECT * FROM "customer" WHERE "email" = $1"#)

    pub async fn many_by_email_list<'e, E: PgExecutor<'e>>(&self, executor: E, email_list: Vec<String>) -> Result<Vec<Customer>> {
        query_as::<_, Customer>(r#"SELECT * FROM "customer" WHERE "email" = ANY($1)"#)

    pub async fn by_email_optional<'e, E: PgExecutor<'e>>(&self, executor: E, email: String) -> Result<Option<Customer>> {
        query_as::<_, Customer>(r#"SELECT * FROM "customer" WHERE "email" = $1"#)

    pub async fn insert<'e, E: PgExecutor<'e>>(&self, executor: E, products: Customer) -> Result<Customer> {
        query_as::<_, Customer>(r#"INSERT INTO "customer" ("id", "created_at", "email", "category") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING *;"#)

    pub async fn update<'e, E: PgExecutor<'e>>(&self, executor: E, products: Customer) -> Result<Customer> {
        query_as::<_, Customer>(r#"UPDATE "customer" SET "created_at" = $2, "email" = $3 WHERE "id" = 1 RETURNING *;"#)

    pub async fn delete<'e, E: PgExecutor<'e>>(&self, executor: E) -> Result<()> {
        query(r#"DELETE FROM "customer" WHERE "id" = 1"#)
            .map(|_| ())


// in src/db/
pub mod customer;
pub use customer::Customer;
pub mod customer_db_set;
pub use customer_db_set::CustomerSet;

pub struct PostgresContext;

impl PostgresContext {
  pub fn customer(&self) -> CustomerSet { CustomerSet }


The name of the context will default to the name of your database, or can be set with the '--context' flag. These queries may need modifying or changing, but they can serve as a good start. You should be able to run commands like:

let customers = PostgresContext.customer().all(&pool).await?;

The suggested way to add customer queries etc would be to add them somewhere like db/ so that they are not overwritten by codgen. If you impl CustomerSet and add functions it should extend it.

Generate Migrations

To generate SQL migrations based on changes in the structs, use the migrate generate command:

sql-gen migrate generate --database <DATABASE_URL> --models <FOLDER_PATH> --migrations migrations

Replace <DATABASE_URL> with the URL of your PostgreSQL database, <FOLDER_PATH> with the folder containing the generated structs (src/db in the previous example), and migrations with the output folder for the SQL migrations.

Example Migration:

Assuming a change is made to the Customer struct, adding a new field:

pub struct Customer {
    pub id: i32,
    pub created_at: Option<chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>>,
    pub email: Option<String>,
    pub address: Option<String>, // New field

Running SQL-Gen with the migrate generate command will generate the following migration:

-- Migration generated for struct: Customer

For a complete list of available commands and options, you can use the --help flag:

sql-gen --help


SQL-Gen is under active development, and future enhancements are planned. Here are some items on the roadmap:


  • Arrays / Vectors
  • Enums
  • Composite types
  • Decimal


  • Singularise/Pluralise correctly with inflection crate (e.g. your table is called customers, maybe you want the struct to still be Customer)
  • A way to customise generated derives
  • Clearer input types that allow for leaving out default fields
  • Tests
  • Linting on output (rustfmt has proven tricky with derive macros)
  • Support for comments and annotations
  • Support for more data types in struct and query generation.
  • Integration with other database systems (MySQL, SQLite, etc.).
  • Advanced migration scenarios (renaming columns, table-level changes, etc.).
  • Dry run mode for generating migration code without writing to files.

Your contributions and feedback are highly appreciated! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions