- AzureContainersApp Bachelor Degree final project Source code
- Desafio-de-Tripulaciones Complete app for compare electricity fees
- Chat_TPG Chat with db persistence
- TelegramBOT Telegram chatbot Scrapper from a time table
- Api_ASP_Net_CORE Learn of api in .net
- PokeApp Fronend ui for pokeapi
- FlightFinder Similar to flightradar24
- QuiZ_vol.2 Random trivia and anime trivia ,it uses firebase and an API
- Simple Quiz Aeronautical trivia with 10 questions,it uses js objets
- usbSerialTrack Android app for conect with Circuit-timer-with-ESPnow hardware | using Jectpack Compose , Material Desing 3 , and usb-serial-for-android usb library
- QR_Generator_Tool Generates a valid QR from any data , fully customizable
- Collection of my Test of Micropython Scrips Mainly for use in ESP32
- Collection of my Test of Python Scrips for PC and Raspberry pi
- Circuit-timer-with-ESPnow WIP , chronometer using ESP32 microcontroller and ESP-NOW wireless protocol
- Xplane-Lua-Scrips Collection of flywithlua scripts for xplane
- AssettoSesionViwer Tool for display more friendly the json sesion files generated by AssettoCorsa , web page
- SimpleFuel Tool for display current fuel and remaing fuel in AssettoCorsa , hud ingame Script
- minijuego Old 2d web game about f1 race cars, uses sockets and 2 or more devices
- unity_2d_zelda_like A mix of Zelda 2d game and diy sprites inspired by halo game
- CBird Console flappybird in C
- fmsConverter Convert flight plans in FMS format from X-Plane to JSON format for use with GeoFS.
- Unexpectedplatformergame(itch.io) Plattformer game that was made in 3 days by me and a friend for a GameJam