Some tools and scripts to play around with PackStack.
This script is meant to create a 4-node RHEL-OSP installation using 4 VMs, all running on a KVM host.
A RHEL (or Fedora) system with KVM is required to host the virtual machines used in the environment. 8 GB of RAM will be consumed by the virtual machines, so you will probably want to have as much RAM available as possible.
The installation procedure will use a RHEL 7 virtual machine as a template. Create a virtual machine with the following parameters:
- Name: rhel7-base
- 1 virtual CPU
- 2 GB of RAM
- 30 GB virtual disk. Make sure you use qcow2 for the disk image, to speed up the clone process.
- 1 virtual NIC. You can use NAT for the virtual network, just make sure the virtual machine will be reachable from the KVM host.
Run a minimal RHEL 7 installation. After installing, do the following:
- Generate a SSH keypair on the KVM host, and add it to the virtual machine's /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file:
ssh-copy-id root@virtual-machine-ip
- Log on to the virtual machine, and remove the HWADDR option from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
- Power off the virtual machine
The installation procedure is automated by a shell script (reference to script here). First, you will need to edit the following variables to fit your environment:
It is also possible to change the default options for PackStack, if you want to skip certain components. To do so, edit the following variable:
When finished, run the script as follows:
./ <RHSM user> <RHSM password>
and are a username and password used to register the hosts using subscription-manager.
The script will do the following:
- Clone and start 4 virtual machines, from the +rhel7-base+ template (or any other template name specified).
- Register all virtual machines using subscription-manager, and assign them to the required repositories.
- Generate an SSH keypair for root on the controller node, and distribute it to all nodes.
- Prepare a PackStack answer file and execute it.
At the end of the process, the 4-node RHEL-OSP environment will be ready to use.
All are welcome ;).