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Make myriad hocc enhancements and fixes
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Add hocc bootstrapping instructions in a comment at the top of `Parse.hmh`. Dune
refuses to allow writes outside the build directory, so this is a more manual
process than ideal.

Enhance symbol type syntax in the hocc grammar, which previously supported types
of the form `M.t` to support unqualified types (e.g. `t`), as well as general
qualified types (e.g. `M.N.t`).

Mangle `tl` as `tl__hocc__` in generated code.

Fix callback generation for prods sharing a callback block.

Implement richer binding pattern syntax.

Remove syntax support for embedded code within the hocc block, and make keywords
contextual rather than global. Incidentally, codegen failed to emit such
embedded code.
Jason Evans authored and jasone committed Aug 25, 2024
1 parent 8d629f4 commit fc40cce
Showing 33 changed files with 27,993 additions and 16,600 deletions.
2,135 changes: 1,097 additions & 1,038 deletions bootstrap/bin/hocc/Parse.hmh

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

26,073 changes: 26,073 additions & 0 deletions bootstrap/bin/hocc/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

129 changes: 86 additions & 43 deletions bootstrap/bin/hocc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,41 +1,83 @@
open Basis
open Basis.Rudiments
open! Basis.Rudiments

module T = struct
module Param = struct
module U = struct
type t = {
binding: string option;
pattern: string option;
symbol_name: string;
qtype: QualifiedType.t;
stype: SymbolType.t;
prod_param: Parse.nonterm_prod_param option;

let hash_fold {binding; symbol_name; _} state =
let hash_fold {pattern; symbol_name; _} state =
|> Option.hash_fold String.hash_fold binding
|> Option.hash_fold String.hash_fold pattern
|> String.hash_fold symbol_name

let cmp {binding=b0; symbol_name=s0; _} {binding=b1; symbol_name=s1; _} =
let cmp {pattern=p0; symbol_name=s0; _} {pattern=p1; symbol_name=s1; _} =
let open Cmp in
match Option.cmp String.cmp b0 b1 with
match Option.cmp String.cmp p0 p1 with
| Lt -> Lt
| Eq -> String.cmp s0 s1
| Gt -> Gt

let pp {binding; symbol_name; qtype; prod_param} formatter =
let pp {pattern; symbol_name; stype; prod_param} formatter =
|> Fmt.fmt "{binding=" |> (Option.pp String.pp) binding
|> Fmt.fmt "{pattern=" |> (Option.pp String.pp) pattern
|> Fmt.fmt "; symbol_name=" |> String.pp symbol_name
|> Fmt.fmt "; qtype=" |> QualifiedType.pp qtype
|> Fmt.fmt "; stype=" |> SymbolType.pp stype
|> Fmt.fmt "; prod_param=" |> (Option.pp Parse.fmt_prod_param) prod_param
|> Fmt.fmt "}"
include U
include Identifiable.Make(U)

let init ~binding ~symbol_name ~qtype ~prod_param =
{binding; symbol_name; qtype; prod_param}
let init ~pattern ~symbol_name ~stype ~prod_param =
{pattern; symbol_name; stype; prod_param}

let fold_bindings ~init ~f {prod_param; _} =
let rec fold_binding ~init ~f (Parse.Binding {token}) = begin
f init token
end and fold_field ~init ~f field = begin
match field with
| Parse.PatternFieldBinding {binding} -> fold_binding ~init ~f binding
| PatternFieldPattern {pattern} -> fold_pattern ~init ~f pattern
end and fold_fields ~init ~f fields = begin
match fields with
| Parse.PatternFieldsOne {field} -> fold_field ~init ~f field
| PatternFieldsMulti {field; fields} -> begin
let init = fold_field ~init ~f field in
fold_fields ~init ~f fields
end and fold_pattern ~init ~f pattern = begin
match pattern with
| Parse.PatternUscore -> init
| PatternBinding {binding} -> fold_binding ~init ~f binding
| PatternPattern {pattern} -> fold_pattern ~init ~f pattern
| PatternComma {pattern_a; pattern_b} -> begin
let init = fold_pattern ~init ~f pattern_a in
fold_pattern ~init ~f pattern_b
| PatternFields {fields} -> fold_fields ~init ~f fields
end in
match prod_param with
| Some prod_param -> begin
match prod_param with
| ProdParamBinding {binding; _} -> fold_binding ~init ~f binding
| ProdParamPattern {pattern; _} -> fold_pattern ~init ~f pattern
| ProdParamFields {fields; _} -> fold_fields ~init ~f fields
| ProdParam _ -> init
| None -> init

let bindings t =
fold_bindings ~init:(Set.empty (module String))
~f:(fun bindings token ->
let binding = Scan.Token.source token |> Hmc.Source.Slice.to_string in
Set.insert binding bindings
) t

module Params = struct
@@ -53,32 +95,28 @@ module T = struct
formatter |> (Array.pp Param.pp) t

let init io params =
Array.fold ~init:(Set.empty (module String))
~f:(fun bindings Param.{binding; prod_param; _} ->
match binding with
| None -> bindings
| Some binding -> begin
match Set.mem binding bindings with
| true -> begin
match prod_param with
| Some ProdParamBinding {
ident=((IdentUident {uident=Uident {uident=binding_token}}) |
(IdentCident {cident=Cident {cident=binding_token}})); _} -> begin
let io =
|> Fmt.fmt "hocc: At "
|> Hmc.Source.Slice.pp (Scan.Token.source binding_token)
|> Fmt.fmt ": Duplicate parameter binding: "
|> Fmt.fmt (Hmc.Source.Slice.to_string (Scan.Token.source binding_token))
|> Fmt.fmt "\n"
|> Io.with_err io
Io.fatal io
| _ -> not_reached ()
| false -> Set.insert binding bindings
let merge_binding io token bindings = begin
let token_source = Scan.Token.source token in
let binding = token_source |> Hmc.Source.Slice.to_string in
match Set.mem binding bindings with
| true -> begin
let io =
|> Fmt.fmt "hocc: At "
|> Hmc.Source.Slice.pp token_source
|> Fmt.fmt ": Duplicate parameter binding: "
|> Fmt.fmt binding
|> Fmt.fmt "\n"
|> Io.with_err io
Io.fatal io
| false -> io, Set.insert binding bindings
end in
Array.fold ~init:(io, Set.empty (module String))
~f:(fun (io, bindings) param ->
Param.fold_bindings ~init:(io, bindings) ~f:(fun (io, bindings) binding ->
merge_binding io binding bindings) param
) params |> ignore;
io, params

@@ -110,13 +148,18 @@ module T = struct
let range = Array.range
let get = Array.get
let map =

let bindings t =
Array.fold ~init:(Set.empty (module String)) ~f:(fun bindings param ->
Set.union (Param.bindings param) bindings
) t

module Index = Uns
type t = {
index: Index.t;
lhs_name: string;
lhs_qtype: QualifiedType.t;
lhs_stype: SymbolType.t;
rhs: Params.t;
code: Parse.nonterm_code option;
@@ -127,20 +170,20 @@ module T = struct
let cmp {index=index0; _} {index=index1; _} =
Index.cmp index0 index1

let pp {index; lhs_name; lhs_qtype; rhs; code} formatter =
let pp {index; lhs_name; lhs_stype; rhs; code} formatter =
|> Fmt.fmt "{index=" |> Index.pp index
|> Fmt.fmt "; lhs_name=" |> String.pp lhs_name
|> Fmt.fmt "; lhs_qtype=" |> QualifiedType.pp lhs_qtype
|> Fmt.fmt "; lhs_stype=" |> SymbolType.pp lhs_stype
|> Fmt.fmt "; rhs=" |> Params.pp rhs
|> Fmt.fmt "; code=" |> (Option.pp Parse.fmt_code) code
|> Fmt.fmt "}"
include T
include Identifiable.Make(T)

let init ~index ~lhs_name ~lhs_qtype ~rhs ~code =
{index; lhs_name; lhs_qtype; rhs; code}
let init ~index ~lhs_name ~lhs_stype ~rhs ~code =
{index; lhs_name; lhs_stype; rhs; code}

let is_epsilon {rhs; _} =
Params.is_empty rhs
21 changes: 12 additions & 9 deletions bootstrap/bin/hocc/callback.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,23 +8,23 @@ open Basis.Rudiments
(** Reduction callback parameter. *)
module Param : sig
type t = {
binding: string option;
(** Optional binding name for reduction callback code. Generated code must specify a binding for
each RHS symbol it needs to access. *)
pattern: string option;
(** Optional binding pattern for reduction callback code. Generated code must specify a binding
for each RHS symbol it needs to access. *)

symbol_name: string;
(** Symbol name corresponding to a [start]/[nonterm] or [token] declaration. *)

qtype: QualifiedType.t;
(** Qualified type of parameter, e.g. [explicit_opt=Some {module_:"SomeToken"; type_:"t"}]. *)
stype: SymbolType.t;
(** Symbol type of parameter. *)

prod_param: Parse.nonterm_prod_param option;
(** Declaration AST. *)

include IdentifiableIntf.S with type t := t

val init: binding:string option -> symbol_name:string -> qtype:QualifiedType.t
val init: pattern:string option -> symbol_name:string -> stype:SymbolType.t
-> prod_param:Parse.nonterm_prod_param option -> t

@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ module Params : sig
val range: t -> range
val get: uns -> t -> Param.t
val map: f:(Param.t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a array

val bindings: t -> (string, String.cmper_witness) Set.t
(** [bindings t] returns the set of binding identifier names it [t]. *)

module Index = Uns
@@ -52,8 +55,8 @@ type t = {
lhs_name: string;
(** Name of enclosing nonterm. *)

lhs_qtype: QualifiedType.t;
(** Qualified type of LHS. *)
lhs_stype: SymbolType.t;
(** Symbol type of LHS. *)

rhs: Params.t;
(** RHS parameters. *)
@@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ type t = {

include IdentifiableIntf.S with type t := t

val init: index:Index.t -> lhs_name:string -> lhs_qtype:QualifiedType.t -> rhs:Params.t
val init: index:Index.t -> lhs_name:string -> lhs_stype:SymbolType.t -> rhs:Params.t
-> code:Parse.nonterm_code option -> t
(** Used only by [Callbacks.init]. *)

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions bootstrap/bin/hocc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ let empty = Ordmap.empty (module Callback.Index)

let length = Ordmap.length

let insert ~lhs:Symbols.{name; qtype; _} ~rhs ~code t =
let insert ~lhs:Symbols.{name; stype; _} ~rhs ~code t =
let index = length t in
let callback = Callback.init ~index ~lhs_name:name ~lhs_qtype:qtype ~rhs ~code in
let callback = Callback.init ~index ~lhs_name:name ~lhs_stype:stype ~rhs ~code in
callback, Ordmap.insert_hlt ~k:index ~v:callback t

let fold ~init ~f t =

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