AWS Lambda Layer for Hugo from
It is intended to be functional in all runtimes. It has been tested in go1.x
and python3.8
so far.
Make certain you have the
Docker image needed to build the layer.$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE lambci/lambda build-go1.x 051f7de811cf 11 days ago 2.2GB
- If you do not have the images, just pull them with a
docker pull
- If you do not have the images, just pull them with a
Confirm the build directory is clean.
$ ls -1 LICENSE
Then execute the dockerlambci/lambda:build-go1.x
image to run the build script.docker run --rm -it -v
pwd:/tmp/repo --entrypoint /bin/bash lambci/lambda:build-go1.x /tmp/repo/
Using the
image, run the build script (can't uselamci/lambda
anymore due to golang version requirement):docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:tmp/repo --entrypoint /bin/bash golang:1.17.1-alpine3.14 /tmp/repo/
Once the layer zip file is created, you can deploy it to your AWS account with the following command:
aws lambda publish-layer-version --layer-name "hugo-VERSION" --description "Hugo VERSION for All Runtimes" --license-info "Apache 2.0" --zip-file "fileb://"