This is a platform built by students of IIT Kanpur for buying,selling and renting various products and commodities in the campus. The platform was created in 2022 as a project in the course CS253 in the semester 2021-2022-II.
The website requires the user to first register by making an account. After making an account and logging in, the user can sell some products, buy some products put up for sale by other users as well as rent them. They can search for products on the homepage. The prospective buyer and seller also have an option to chat using an inbuilt chatbox. All the products uploaded by the user shall be shown on the homepage and the seller has an option to update details of the items uploaded.
For getting this project setup, you can clone the repository to create a local copy on your system
git clone
Then, open a terminal and change into the cs253 folder using the following command:
cd cs253
Now you can open the webiste on your own system with this command:
python runserver
After this navigate to or click the same link that will be shown in the terminal