This patch will implement CAS authentication redirection as the current implementation does not work properly.
In order for this patch to work properly you must first have a working installation.
I strongly recommend creating a backup of the current Ulteo-OVD CAS module implementation. You can do so from a command line like so.
%> tar zxvf ~/ulteo-backup.tgz /usr/share/ulteo
Next you will need to completely remove the current CAS folder from the session manager like so.
%> rm -frv /usr/share/ulteo/sessionmanager/PEAR/CAS*
Now download the latest patch from here.
git clone
To apply the patch you must be in the ulteo directory, this command will perform everything you need for the patch to work.
%> cd /usr/share && patch -p0 < ulteo-latest-cas.patch
Now you will need to configure Ulteo using the administrative panel to use CAS as an authentication module.
In order for CAS to work you will need a dynamic group added to the current publication of allowed software as well. Once this is done CAS authentication should work without problems.
Please let me know if you run into problems as this patch was somewhat rushed at the time of this writing.