This is my base setup for Clojure/ClojureScript projects, the way I like it.
This library provides default integrant components and config for developing web apps.
Syksy has plenty of opinions, if you have different opinions then this library is probably not for you.
Most notably, following choices have been made:
- Logging is (logback)[] via (slf4j)[]
- Web server is (immutant)[] (uses (undertow)[])
- Components are (integrant)[] components
- Workflow is done in
namespace, and it's included in the lib - main function for überjar is also included in lib
- HTTP content negotiation and data formatting is done by (metosin/muuntaja)[]
- JSON formatting is done by (metosin/jsonista)[]
- Resources are served in handler provided by the lib
- Caching headers
Syksy is pretty much (omakase)[], most of the common decisions and bootstrapping is done for you.
... todo ...
- proper documentation
- all those mysterious
security headers - frontend setup
- lein template
- integrate with eines
- dev mode cache headers, in index etc
Copyright © 2018 Jarppe
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.