Tomahawk's Android Music Player
Nightly builds are available here:
- First of all you have to properly setup your Android SDK/NDK:
- Download and install the Android SDK
- Make sure you have updated and installed the following in your Android SDK Manager:
- "/Tools"
- the newest Android SDK Platform folder (e.g. "/Android 4.4 (API 19)")
- "/Extras/Android Support Repository" and "/Extras/Android Support Library"
- Download and install the Android NDK
- Make sure you setup your environment variables correctly:
- $ANDROID_HOME should point to your Android SDK root
(e.g. /home/maffen/android-sdk/)
- $ANDROID_NDK_HOME should point to your Android NDK root
(e.g. /home/maffen/android-ndk-r8e/)
Build it on the commandline with gradle:
- Simply run "./gradlew assembleDebug" for the debug build or "./gradlew assembleRelease" for
the release build in your tomahawk-android checkout directory. The built apk will be put into
Setup using Android Studio and gradle (highly recommended):
- Open Android Studio and go to "File"->"Import Project"
- Browse to your tomahawk-android checkout and click "OK".
- Make sure that the radio-button "Use default gradle wrapper (recommended)" is selected.
- Click "next" and that's it :) tomahawk-android should compile right away
Setup using other IDEs without gradle:
- Import tomahawk-android into the IDE of your choice
- tomahawk-android depends on the following jar libraries:
- acra-4.5.0.jar (
- In addition tomahawk-android uses these library projects:
- Android Support v7 appcompat library
- StickyListHeaders (
- Make sure you setup the support libraries correctly
- Add all dependencies to your tomahawk-android project
- Since libspotify is only available as a c-library, we have to use the NDK
in order to connect the native c/c++ stuff with our Java/Android code:
- Run the ndk-build script inside the tomahawk-android project folder before every new build
The desired outcome shows these two lines in its console output:
- Install : => libs/armeabi/
- Install : => libs/armeabi/
- tomahawk-android should now compile successfully.
If you have any further problems, feel free to join the irc channel on
Here's the to-do list :)
In order to keep everything clean and cozy, please use the official Android code style format preset: - (use the IntelliJ preset, if you're using Android Studio)
For a larger overview you should read the official Android "Code Style Guidelines for Contributors": -
Since there are some glitches/bugs and performance issues with Eclipse, the new Android Studio IDE (which is based on IntelliJ) is a great alternative.