xmonad-config is the xmonad configuration used by me. It is based on the config of Vic Fryzel, copied without shame and modified to my liking.
- xmonad 0.9.1 or 0.9.2
- xmonad-contrib 0.9.1 or 0.9.2
- xmobar 0.11.1 or 0.13
- trayer 1.0
- dmenu 4.0
- scrot 0.8
Installing requirements on Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S xmonad xmonad-contrib xmobar trayer dmenu scrot
Installing xmonad-config is a matter of backing up any xmonad configuration you may already have, cloning the git repository, and updating your PATH.
mv .xmonad .xmonad.orig
git clone https://github.com/vicfryzel/xmonad-config.git .xmonad
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:~/.cabal/bin:~/.xmonad/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
After starting xmonad, use the following keyboard shortcuts to function in your new window manager. I recommend you print these out so that you don't get stranded once you logout and back in.
- WINDOWS+Shift+Return: Start a terminal
- WINDOWS+Ctrl+l: Lock screen
- WINDOWS+p: Start dmenu. Once it comes up, type the name of a program and enter
- WINDOWS+Shift+p: Take screenshot in select mode. Click or click and drag to select
- WINDOWS+Ctrl+Shift+p: Take fullscreen screenshot. Supports multiple monitors
- WINDOWS+Shift+c: Close focused window
- WINDOWS+Space: Change workspace layout
- WINDOWS+Shift+Space: Change back to default workspace layout
- WINDOWS+n: Resize viewed windows to the correct size
- WINDOWS+Tab: Focus next window
- WINDOWS+j: Focus next window
- WINDOWS+k: Focus previous window
- WINDOWS+m: Focus master window
- WINDOWS+Return: Swap focused window with master window
- WINDOWS+Shift+j: Swap focused window with next window
- WINDOWS+Shift+k: Swap focused window with previous window
- WINDOWS+h: Shrink master window area
- WINDOWS+l: Expand master window area
- WINDOWS+t: Push floating window back into tiling
- WINDOWS+,: Increment number of windows in master window area
- WINDOWS+.: Decrement number of windows in master window area
- WINDOWS+q: Restart xmonad. This reloads xmonad configuration, does not logout
- WINDOWS+Shift+q: Quit xmonad and logout
- WINDOWS+[1-9]: Switch to workspace 1-9, depending on which number was pressed
- WINDOWS+Shift+[1-9]: Send focused window to workspace 1-9
- WINDOWS+w: Focus left-most monitor (Xinerama screen 1)
- WINDOWS+e: Focus center-most monitor (Xinerama screen 2)
- WINDOWS+r: Focus right-most monitor (Xinerama screen 3)
- WINDOWS+Shift+w: Send focused window to workspace on left-most monitor
- WINDOWS+Shift+e: Send focused window to workspace on center-most monitor
- WINDOWS+Shift+r: Send focused window to workspace on right-most monitor
- WINDOWS+Left Mouse Drag: Drag focused window out of tiling
- WINDOWS+Right Mouse Drag: Resize focused window, bring out of tiling if needed
Once cloned, xmonad-config is laid out as follows.
All xmonad configuration is in ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs. This includes things like key bindings, colors, layouts, etc. You may need to have some basic understanding of Haskell in order to modify this file, but most people have no problems.
Most of the xmobar configuration is in ~/.xmonad/xmobar.hs.
All scripts are in ~/.xmonad/bin/. Scripts are provided to do things like take screenshots, start the system tray or fix your multi-head layout after a fullscreen application may have turned off one of the screens.