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C Library and code generator that declaratively transforms data between JSON and C.

The jstruct preprocessor generates C code that transforms data between C structures and JSON strings. It reads annotated comments from the structure declarations in your header, and creates c data structures that allow it to efficiently and automatically import/export JSON data.

After calling jstruct_import() the caller must call array_list_free(result.allocated) once they are finished with the imported struct or suffer memory leakage. The imported data may contain pointers to the json_object Those pointers shouldn't be accessed once all references have been removed (EG: with json_object_put())

Development Roadmap

  • M1 Export structs containing primitive types and arrays to same. (char*, int, bool, uint64_t etc)
  • M2 Mechanical parsing of annotated header files to produce augmented struct declarations and data tables used by the export process.
  • M3 Export structs containing other structures and arrays (struct* and struct[])
  • M4 Import structs containing primitive types and arrays
  • M5 Import nested structs and arrays of structs (feature complete)
  • M6 ~~Import foreign (un-annotated) structs in a binary compatible way. ~~
    • Annotate a whole struct with a single json object literal
    • Guarantee that json_struct_value = foreign_struct_value is always valid (generate assertions checking that all property sizes and offsets match)
  • Planned features
    • Automatically free pointers in nested structs which were allocated by jstruct_array_malloc
    • Hybrid export/import. Handle c structs with json_object members automatically


main_jstruct.jstruct.h (generates main_jstruct.h and main_jstruct.init.h)

struct my_json_data {
    @schema {
        "title": "ID",
        "description": "unique object id",
        "type": "int"
    uint64_t id;

    /* don't include in json */
    int _id;

    bool active;

    /* add the ability to null this field even though it's not a pointer */
    double ratio;
    char *name;

    /* automatically parsed as an array atm */
    char **tags;

struct my_json_container {
    struct my_json_data main_data;

    /* static arrays are automatic */
    struct my_json_data array_data[5];
    /* as are struct arrays atm*/
    struct my_json_data *alloc_array_data;

// After M6

struct foreign_struct {
    uint64_t id;
    unsigned long long id;
    int _id;
    enum jstruct_error err;

    bool active;
    double ratio_double;
    char *name;
    unsigned long long ull;
    char **tags;  
/* @json {
    "_id": "@private",
    "ratio_double": {
        "@nullable": true,
        "@name": "ratio"
    "@name": "other_name"
} */
struct my_json_foreign_struct {
    // place all members of a struct 'inline' inside this struct 
    // @inline
    struct foreign_struct fs;


#include "main_jstruct.h"
// Initializers must be in a separate file annd included only in one c file
#include "main_jstruct.init.h"

#include <json-c/json_object.h>

int main() {
    char *data_tags[] = {"main", "data", "sample"};
    struct my_json_container container={
    /* malloc macro (automatically sets container.array_data__length__ = 2) */
    jstruct_array_malloc(container, alloc_array_data, struct my_json_data, 2)

    struct json_object *obj = jstruct_export(&container, my_json_container);
    if (obj) {
        printf("%s", json_object_to_json_string(obj));

    // After M6
    struct foreign_struct foreign_data = {
    struct my_json_foreign_struct jforeign_data = foreign_data;

    struct json_object *fobj = jstruct_export(&jforeign_data, my_json_foreign_struct);

Build and Install

From git

Required Packages: autoconf,libtool,libjson-c-dev v0.10+, python-pycparser v2.11+

  • install check: (needed for autoreconf) or git clone && cd check and follow the instructions in README
  • git clone repo
  • libtoolize
  • autoreconf --install
  • ./configure
  • make && sudo make install

From release tarball

Requires libjson-c-dev with headers at ${INCLUDE_DIR}/json-c/* >= v0.10 (probably)

  • tar -zxf jstruct.tar.gz
  • cd jstruct
  • ./configure && make && sudo make install


C check Tests

Requires check

  • make check - checks the functionality of the runtime library

Python unittest2 Tests

Requires python-unittest2 package

  • tests/ - checks the functionality of the jstruct annotation parser