This page describes the features of the Grails Atmosphere plugin that integrates the Atmosphere framework in a Grails application.
The Grails Atmosphere plugin is installed using the Grails command install-plugin
grails install-plugin atmosphere
This command will install the latest version of the plugin, version 2.1.6, which includes a Grails runtime dependency (that can be overwritten by the application that uses the plugin) to the Atmosphere's runtime module, version 2.1.6.
The Grails Atmosphere plugin uses the Atmosphere runtime module, and includes the following features:
- the inclusion of Atmosphere framework libraries necessaries to write Atmosphere handlers
- automatic generation of Atmosphere configuration artifacts
- injection of the dynamic method getBroadcaster in Grails controllers and services (see below)
- a GSP tag to include JavaScript files coming from the Atmosphere jQuery plugin
- the plugin has been updated to be compatible with both the Resources and Asset Pipeline plugins
The Grails Atmosphere plugin offers two different ways to create a //handler// in a Grails application: the first one is to create a Java or Groovy class that implements the AtmosphereHandler
interface, and declare it in the AtmosphereConfig.groovy
file; the second one, the most easy, is to create a Grails service in the application that will be associated with an Atmosphere handler that will be automatically created.
There is a third way to proceed: by accessing the Atmosphere servlet, it is possible to create or remove Atmosphere handlers dynamically.
Creating an Atmosphere handler by the Grails command create-atmosphere-handler
in an application Grails, is realized in two steps, described below.
- Create a handler class that implements the
To add an Atmosphere handler to your application, you can use the create-atmosphere-handler
command coming with the Grails plugin:
grails create-atmosphere-handler []
If you don't enter a name for the handler, qualified or not, the command will ask for one; it has the effect of creating a new Groovy class in the directory grails-app/atmosphereHandlers
. For example, using
as name handler, the class ChatAtmosphereHandler
will be created:
package a.package
import org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereHandler
import org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereResource
import org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereResourceEvent
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse
class ChatAtmosphereHandler implements AtmosphereHandler <HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse> {
void onRequest(AtmosphereResource<HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse> event) throws IOException {
void onStateChange (AtmosphereResourceEvent<HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse> event) throws IOException {
Using the create-atmosphere-handler
is not required! Just create a Groovy or Java class that implements the AtmosphereHandler
- Next, declare the new handler in the file
Located in the grails-app/conf
directory, the configuration file AtmosphereConfig.groovy
can define parameters for integration with Atmosphere and handlers to be used in the Grails application.
For the new handler will be taken into account, add a new call atmosphere-handler
in the Closure atmosphereDotXml
So be careful to indicate clearly the class of the handler in the parameter class-name
, and the parameters of the atmosphere-handler
call are simply attributes of the XML element atmosphere-handler
coming from the Atmosphere file atmosphere.xml
. For a more detailed explanation, see the presentation of the AtmosphereConfig.groovy
file further.
Creating an Atmosphere handler through a Grails service is the easiest way to integrate Atmosphere in your application, in which case it's not necessary to declare the handler in the configuration file AtmosphereConfig.groovy
Simply add the static property atmosphere
to an existing Grails service, and the Closures onRequest
and onStateChange
, as in the example below:
class MagneticPoetryService {
static transactional = false
static atmosphere = [mapping: '/atmosphere/magneticPoetry']
def onRequest = { event ->
def onStateChange = { event ->
For the service to be associated with a handler, the static atmosphere
field must be a Map containing the key mapping and specifying the path to the servlet Atmosphere (the equivalent of what one would specify for context-root in the atmosphere.xml
When you start the web application, the plugin will create for a such service, an Atmosphere handler, responsible for invoking the onRequest
and onStateChange
Closures that correspond to the methods of the same name in the AtmosphereHandler
Note that the Grails service must be of singleton type, which is the default.
The Atmosphere servlet has an API to add or remove a handler dynamically; it is an interesting approach because you can choose at run-time the mapping URI you want to associate to a handler when creating it.
You access to the Atmosphere servlet (an instance of the class com.odelia.grails.plugins.atmosphere.StratosphereServlet
that extends org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereServlet
) from a Grails controller with code like this:
def servlet = servletContext[com.odelia.grails.plugins.atmosphere.StratosphereServlet.ATMOSPHERE_PLUGIN_ATMOSPHERE_SERVLET]
So, using the reference, you can call methods like addAtmosphereHandler
or removeAtmosphereHandler
The Grails Atmosphere plugin injects a dynamic method, getBroadcaster
, in all Grails controllers and all services with the static atmosphere
field described above.
This method returns a map whose entries consist of pairs //mapping/broadcaster//, ie from an Atmosphere mapping, you get the default object Broadcaster
associated with it in order to broadcast messages.
In a Grails controller or service with the method getBroadcaster
, you can post a message like this:
broadcaster['/atmosphere/magneticPoetry'].broadcast('Hello world!')
Since its 0.3.1, the Grails Atmosphere plugin defines the GSP tag atmosphere:resources
; this tag permits to include JavaScript files coming from the Atmosphere jQuery plugin, in a GSP page.
So, in a .gsp view you can use it like this:
<atmosphere:resources />
If for some raison, you don't want include the jQuery library used by the Atmosphere jQuery plugin, and just include the jquery.atmosphere.js
file, you can do it with:
<g:javascript plugin="atmosphere" src="jquery.atmosphere.js" />
Currently, the Grails Atmosphere plugin does not take into account the modification of a Grails service during the execution of the application (in development mode): if you edit a such service, it is advisable to stop and then restart the web application.
During installation, the plugin creates the Atmosphere configuration file AtmosphereConfig.groovy
in the conf
directory of your Grails application. Of the same nature as the configuration file Config.groovy
, AtmosphereConfig.groovy
file contains all the Atmosphere configuration information: the definition of Atmosphere handlers, and some general configuration settings.
Here is the original contents of this file:
atmospherePlugin {
servlet {
// Servlet initialization parameters
// Example: initParams = ['org.atmosphere.useNative': 'true', 'org.atmosphere.useStream': 'false']
initParams = []
urlPattern = '/atmosphere/*'
handlers {
// This closure is used to generate the atmosphere.xml in META-INF folder, using a MarkupBuilder instance
atmosphereDotXml = {
//'atmosphere-handler'('context-root': '/atmosphere/chat', 'class-name': 'com.odelia.grails.plugins.atmosphere.ChatAtmosphereHandler')
The Closure atmosphereDotXml
defines Atmosphere handlers used in your Grails application, in addition to those defined through Grails services: this is used when compiling the application to generate the atmosphere.xml
file with element document atmosphere-handlers
; to build the XML subelements atmosphere-handler
, the plugin assigns the execution of the Closure atmosphereDotXml
to an instance of the Groovy class MarkupBuilder
, and can generate the document atmosphere.xml
Thus the document atmosphere.xml
, corresponding to the original configuration AtmosphereConfig.groovy
, and having uncommented the call 'atmosphere-handler'()
, will include:
<atmosphere-handler context-root='/atmosphere/chat' class-name='com.odelia.grails.plugins.atmosphere.ChatAtmosphereHandler' />
The other configuration elements found in atmospherePlugin.servlet
are used to define the parameters of the AtmosphereServlet
servlet (actually a derived class), when the plugin participate to the building of the web.xml
file: we find the definition of initialization parameters of the servlet and its URL mapping.
The context.xml
file with this content:
<Loader delegate="true"/>
is created in the WEB-INF
The Grails Atmosphere plugin generates or regenerates the atmosphere.xml
file in the META-INF
folder, according Atmosphere handlers defined in the configuration file AtmosphereConfig.groovy
A file with the name atmosphere-decorators.xml
is created in the WEB-INF
directory of the Grails application, and the Grails application file sitemesh.xml
located in this directory is modified to take account of the created file.
The atmosphere-decorators.xml
file contains something like:
where the value of the pattern
element is replaced by one defined in the Groovy configuration file AtmosphereConfig.groovy
for atmospherePlugin.servlet.urlPattern
The sitemesh.xml
file is changed by adding this XML element:
<excludes file="/WEB-INF/atmosphere-decorators.xml"/>
This change solves the errors that can occur with the use of the Jetty web container.