A simple bash script for searching Troy Hunt's pwnedpasswords API.
This is a simple bash script for searching Troy Hunt's pwnedpassword API using the k-anonymity algorithm
./pwnedpasswords.sh [options] PASSWORD
-h, --help Shows this message
PASSWORD Provide the password as the first argument or leave blank to provide via STDINT or prompt
This is a very simple script that allows you to check if a password has been pwned. You can provide the password via one of the following options.
- Provide a password as an argument:
$ /pwnedpasswords.sh "P@ssw0rd"
- Provide a password via stdin:
$ echo "P@ssw0rd" | ./pwnedpasswords.sh
- Provide a password via explicit prompt:
$ ./pwnedpasswords.sh Enter password: This password has appeared 47205 times in data breaches.