This project is based on the preview.html from the MDI webfont hosted here I have kept all the files from the original webfont and added the following:
- home-assistant-mdi.html: renders the index
- HA_MDI_JSON.xlsx: my tool to create the JSON used by JS in home-assistant-mdi.html
- Updated the readme
The following was tested with HA running in Docker on Ubuntu. I am currently running with no SSL/TLS, so not tested with HTTPS.
- Edit your HA configuration.yaml file to add an iframe using rawgit direct URL to my repo:
title: MDI Icon Index
icon: mdi:vector-square
- Restart Home Assistant to pick up the new panel_iframe, which will add a MDI icon on the panel
- cd to HL local www folder - typically this is located (or needs to be created) in the same directory as your HA config files
- Clone the repo into the HA local www folder: git clone
- Edit your HA configuration.yaml file to add an iframe pointing to local file home-assistant-mdi html:
title: MDI Icon Index
icon: mdi:vector-square
url: http://localhost:8123/local/home-assistant-mdi/home-assistant-mdi.html
- Restart Home Assistant to pick up the new panel_iframe, which will add a MDI icon on the panel
You should see this:
- Click on the MDI icon on HA panel to open the index
- Browse to find an appropriate icon for your sensor/device/room etc
- Click the icon or mdi:name to copy the icon name (with mdi: prefix) ready to paste into config yaml etc
- Fully list weather icons
- Fully list battery icons
- Fix non-printing icos (if possible)