movievis is a python cli tool, to create still visualizations of movies (displaying color/time evolution) dimension and multi-color abstractions from images.
I tried to optimize for performance a little using multiprocessing pools, but there's plenty of room for optimization. The k-means is pretty hungry, the rest is up to the image generation done by ffmpeg.
Receive the options by calling --help
movievis [-t TYPE] [--force] imagefile|imagedir
movievis [-t TYPE] [--framecount=400] [--keep] moviefile
blockwidth, blockheight, and tilewidth are additional options for the according type of visualization
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TYPE, --type=TYPE Type of the visualization - blocks (default), pie,
tiles (only moviefiles)
Block height (default: 150)
Block width (default: 1)
Tile width (default: 1)
Number of frames extracted from moviefile (default:
-f, --force Force new calculation of colors for target (obsolete
for type=tiles)
-k, --keep Keep generated thumbs
movievis uses
- ffmpeg to grab frames from video files, supported codecs depend on ffmpeg of course
- some python libs: matplotlib, PIL, multiprocessing, cPickle (make sure these are installed)
- k-means clustering to identify key colors. The k-means implementation for images is taken from Ze'ev Gilovitz blog post and on github. (included)
- an ffmpeg wrapper by Senko Rasic found here (included)