Humidifier allows you to build AWS CloudFormation templates programmatically. Stacks and resources are represented as C# objects with accessors for all their supported properties.
The code is automatically generated by parsing the official Cloudformation specification.
- Humidifier (Ruby)
- GoFormation (Go)
To get up and running with Humidifier quickly, we've included a production ready template for deploying and managing your AWS Cloudformation/Serverless projects. The template is installed using the dotnet new
cli command. Your can view the code here.
- Cross platform deploy tool (Windows/Mac OSX/Linux) built using dotnet core.
- Cloudformation stacks are defined in strongly typed C# using Humidifer of course.
- A README that has a quickstart with commands generated for you to get up and running quickly.
- Includes a simple Lambda function that can be deployed in seconds, configured with Serilog and Cloudwatch metrics.
- Includes code for invoking the Lambda function, tailing the log and viewing the response.
- Config using .env files and environment variables for CI/CD.
- Secrets management using .aes files (encrypt/decrypt) and sync to parameter store.
- Unit test project
Step 1: Install the template
dotnet new -i Humidifier.Templates::*
This will download the template from and install it into the dotnet cli template cache.
Step 2: Check to see the template is installed
dotnet new --list
You should see output similar to this:
Templates | Short Name | Language | Tags |
Humidifier Solution Template | humidifier.sln | [C#] | AWS/Lambda/Serverless |
Console Application | console | [C#], F#, VB | Common/Console |
Class library | classlib | [C#], F#, VB | Common/Library |
Unit Test Project | mstest | [C#], F#, VB | Test/MSTest |
xUnit Test Project | xunit | [C#], F#, VB | Test/xUnit |
global.json file | globaljson | Config | |
NuGet Config | nugetconfig | Config | |
Web Config | webconfig | Config | |
Solution File | sln | Solution |
Step 3: Create your project
dotnet new humidifier.sln --name Example --output Example --env test --region us-west-2 --stack example --profile default
This will generate the solution in the --output
folder. The --profile
flag is your AWS credential profile. To setup a AWS profile, follow the docs on how to configure the AWS Cli here.
Step 3: Read the generated README.
The template generates a README that has a quickstart with all the commands for building, testing, deploying and destroying your stacks. If your reading this on Github, browse to the template README to see what's included.
dotnet add package Humidifier
dotnet add package Humidifier.Json
Stacks are represented by the Humidifier.Stack class. Resources are represented by an exact mapping from AWS resource names to Humidifier resources names (e.g. AWS::EC2::Instance becomes Humidifier.EC2.Instance). Resources have properties for each JSON attribute.
There's also a demo application which creates a template and writes it out to a file using JSON.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Humidifier.Json;
namespace Humidifier.ConsoleTest
public static class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Stack stack = BuildStack();
var serializer = new JsonStackSerializer();
var template = serializer.Serialize(stack);
File.WriteAllText("cloudformation.template", template);
private static Stack BuildStack()
var stack = new Stack
AWSTemplateFormatVersion = "2010-09-09",
Description = "Description"
stack.Add("Environment", new Parameter
Type = "String",
Description = "Deployment environment",
MinLength = 3,
MaxLength = 4,
AllowedValues = new List<string> { "test", "uat", "prod" },
ConstraintDescription = "Allowed values: [test, uat, prod]"
stack.Add("AutomationStack", new Parameter
Type = "String",
Description = "Automation stack name",
MinLength = 1,
MaxLength = 255,
AllowedPattern = "^[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*$",
ConstraintDescription = "Must be a valid Cloudformation Stack name"
stack.Add("CodeS3Key", new Parameter
Type = "String",
MinLength = 3
stack.Add("VPC", new EC2.VPC
CidrBlock = "",
EnableDnsSupport = false,
EnableDnsHostnames = false,
InstanceTenancy = "dedicated",
Tags = new List<Tag>
new Tag { Key = "foo", Value = "bar" }
stack.Add("Subnet", new EC2.Subnet
VpcId = Fn.Ref("VPC"),
CidrBlock = "",
AvailabilityZone = Fn.Select("0", Fn.GetAZs(Fn.Ref("AWS::Region")))
stack.Add("Ec2Instance", new EC2.Instance
ImageId = Fn.FindInMap("RegionMap", Fn.Ref("AWS::Region"), "64"),
InstanceType = "m1.small",
UserData = Fn.Base64(
@"#!/bin/bash -e
dpkg -i chef_11.6.2-1.ubuntu.12.04_amd64.deb"
stack.Add("AutomationServiceRole", new IAM.Role
AssumeRolePolicyDocument = new PolicyDocument
Statement = new List<Statement>
new Statement
Effect = "Allow",
Principal = new { Service = "" },
Action = "sts:AssumeRole"
stack.Add("DeploymentBucket", new S3.Bucket { BucketName = Fn.Ref("AWS::StackName") });
stack.Add("DeploymentBucketPolicy", new S3.BucketPolicy
Bucket = Fn.Ref("DeploymentBucket"),
PolicyDocument = new PolicyDocument
Version = "2012-10-17",
Statement = new List<Statement>
new Statement
Effect = "Allow",
Principal = new
AWS = Fn.GetAtt("AutomationServiceRole", IAM.Role.Attributes.Arn)
Action = "s3:*",
Resource = new[]
Fn.Join("", "arn:aws:s3:::", Fn.Ref("DeploymentBucket")),
Fn.Join("", "arn:aws:s3:::", Fn.Ref("DeploymentBucket"), "/*")
stack.Add("LambdaFunction", new Lambda.Function
Timeout = 30,
FunctionName = new { Ref = "AWS::StackName" },
Runtime = "dotnetcore1.0",
Description = "",
Handler = "SomeProject::SomeProject.SomeFunction::FunctionHandler",
MemorySize = 256,
Code = new Code
S3Bucket = Fn.ImportValue(Fn.Sub("${AutomationStack}-DeploymentBucket")),
S3Key = new { Ref = "CodeS3Key" },
Environment = new Environment
Variables = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>
["EnvironmentName"] = Fn.Ref("Environment")
stack.Add("MonitoringSnsTopic", new SNS.Topic
DisplayName = Fn.Ref("AWS::StackName"),
Subscription = new List<SNS.Subscription>
new SNS.Subscription { Endpoint = "[email protected]", Protocol = "email" }
stack.Add("KmsKey", new KMS.Key
Description = "A Key",
KeyPolicy = new PolicyDocument
Id = "key-default-1",
Version = "2012-10-17",
Statement = new List<Statement>
new Statement
Sid = "Allow the administration of the key",
Effect = "Allows",
Principal = new {AWS = "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Alice"},
Action = new[]
Resource = "*"
var regionMap = new Mapping
["us-east-1"] = new Dictionary<string, string> { ["32"] = "ami-6411e20d", ["64"] = "ami-7a11e213" },
["us-west-1"] = new Dictionary<string, string> { ["32"] = "ami-c9c7978c", ["64"] = "ami-cfc7978a" },
["ue-west-1"] = new Dictionary<string, string> { ["32"] = "ami-37c2f643", ["64"] = "ami-31c2f645" },
["ap-southeast-1"] = new Dictionary<string, string> { ["32"] = "ami-66f28c34", ["64"] = "ami-60f28c32" },
["ap-northeast-1"] = new Dictionary<string, string> { ["32"] = "ami-9c03a89d", ["64"] = "ami-a003a8a1" }
stack.Mappings.Add("RegionMap", regionMap);
return stack;
You can use CFN intrinsic functions and references using Fn.[name]. Those will build appropriate structures that know how to be dumped to CFN syntax appropriately.
Fn.FindInMap("RegionMap", Fn.Ref("AWS::Region"), "64");
Fn.GetAtt("MyElb", ElasticLoadBalancing.LoadBalancer.Attributes.DNSName);
Fn.Join("", "arn:aws:s3:::", Fn.Ref("DeployBucket"), "/*");
Fn.Select("1", new[] { "a", "b", "c" });
Fn.Split("|", "a|b|c");
Fn.Select("1", Fn.Split("|", "a|b|c"));
NOTE: Because JSON doesn't allow newlines, there's a known hack where you can join multiple lines together using Fn::Join
"#!/bin/bash -e\n",
"dpkg -i chef_11.6.2-1.ubuntu.12.04_amd64.deb\n"
But that's gross and unreadable when outputted as JSON. Instead use a multiline C# string, and let the library take care of encoding it for you:
- Whitespace on the start of the line is trimmed, which means you can indent your code nicely (Like you can in YAML).
- Newlines are encoded as
automatically by NewtonSoft.Json.
@"#!/bin/bash -e
dpkg -i chef_11.6.2-1.ubuntu.12.04_amd64.deb"
stack.Add("CreateProdResources", new Condition(Fn.Equals(Fn.Ref("Environment"), "prod")));
stack.Add("CreateDevResources", new Condition(Fn.Equals(Fn.Ref("Environment"), "dev")));
stack.Add("NotCondition", new Condition(Fn.Not(Fn.Equals(Fn.Ref("Environment"), "prod"))));
new Condition(
Fn.Equals("sg-mysqgroup", Fn.Ref("SecurityGroup")),
new { Condition = "NotCondition" }
new Condition(
Fn.Equals("sg-mysqgroup", Fn.Ref("SecurityGroup")),
new { Condition = "NotCondition" }
To specify a condition on a resource use the overload to stack.Add
and pass in the condition
stack.Add("Volume", new EC2.Volume
Size = 100,
AvailabilityZone = Fn.GetAtt("Ec2Instance", EC2.Instance.Attributes.AvailabilityZone)
condition: "CreateProdResources");