Abstarct Things into a model with properties and behavior. Things can be conneted just like any real world entites Things can have behavior Things can propage events to conneted things. We can create complex graph to simulate real world entities
Propogation logic should be just based on 1 hop - We should not propogate till end of tree.
Behavior function - ThingBehavior car1StearingWobbling = new ThingBehavior("StearingWobbling", Arrays.asList("LowTyrePressure","LowTyrePressure"), "LOGICALANDEVENTS","CALLSERVICECENTER"); car1.addBehavior(car1StearingWobbling); We should able to define smart behavior functions It should be nestable. It should able to support Math / Logical expression It should able to work with objects <GENERICS) Use JAVA 8 Functions / BiFunctions Make it as abstract as Possible Define interface of Data type. Once Functions are define we should develope a high level language to develop it in simple language which shoud able to parsed into correspoding functions
- , -, *, / mod %
= < <= == <>
not and or
AggegateByFunction ( MIN / MAX / AVE / SUM ) - Mostly for Events
compare(expr, ">", Op.GT), compare(expr, ">=", Op.GE), compare(expr, "<", Op.LT), compare(expr, "<=", Op.LE), compare(expr, "=", Op.EQ), compare(expr, "<>", Op.NE),
Prerequisite: Install Java 8
Run & Build mvn spring-boot:run
Get http://localhost:8080/api/testWot/ --- this is to test Launcher API for WoT platfom
We have create a Car Things and ServiceCenter Things.
We are simulating some problem events in Car things which automatically propagated to ServiceCenter for ServiceRequest.