Full-Stack Developer 🤖
info!("Another developer working on Open Source software.");
I have a personal website which also acts as a portfolio for my past projects. You can view it using the link below:
jacobtread.com (https://jacobtread.com)
My website contains a more indepth about section and information about my specialties and knowledge
If you would like to get in touch with me you can do so at one of the following contact methods.
Discord : jacobtread
Email : [email protected]
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacobtread/
Below are some statistics about my Github profile
info!("Rust is starting to top my most used langauges!");
Below is my current tech stack preferences that im using the most
- Frontend Framework: React (reactjs.org), Svelte (svelte.dev)
- Backend Framework: Axum (https://crates.io/crates/axum)
- Frontend Languages: HTML, SCSS (sass-lang.com), Typescript (https://www.typescriptlang.org/)
- Backend Languages: Rust (www.rust-lang.org)
- Editor: Visual Studio Code (code.visualstudio.com)
use tokio::time::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;
/// The wonderful world of Rust development
async fn main() {
let url: &str = "https://www.rust-lang.org/";
println!("I have been really enjoying the Rust programming language: {url}");
// Please wait patiently for me to write some code
panic!("Hey! I wasn't done writing this program yet. >_<");
Obsidian Timekeep: I've been actively working on this Obsidian plugin while dogfooding it to myself. I use this plugin to track my working hours as well as exporting them as PDFs to easily share.
OGuard: I recently purchased a UPS for my computer, the software it came with was quite outdated, clunky, and wasteful with resource usage. With this project I am creating my own custom monitoring and control software for the UPS.
Pocket Relay: My Mass Effect 3 private server emulator named "Pocket Relay" this is a game server for the Mass Effect 3 game which lets you host your own servers thus allowing the game to be played over LAN and fixes issues that players have run into on the normal servers.
I've sunken in a lot of time for this project and it spans across many repositories that all come together to make it work.
info!("0_0 I even wrote my own SSLv3 implementation to work with the game");
Quizler: I have remade my old Quizler real-time quiz app. I have been remaking this project using Rust for the backend and Svelte for the frontend. This remake has greatly improved performance and functionality of the server with much more customization and things like filtering names for profanity
Pocket Ark: My private server emulator for Mass Effect Andromeda, its in very early stages but is already showing promise with much of the functionality of the official server being implemented. This project has been put on hol
Thats all the information available in this README file. From here you can procceed over to my Website or check out my repositories.
debug!("You've reached the end of the stack.");