Running your own Plex Cloud with rclone, amazon cloud drive with either unionfs or overlayfs. I've also complied a custom kernel with fuse changes
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
* Ubuntu / Debian - For custom kernel to work
* Fully setup plex / rclone latest beta version
* Mount points for your local data / acd-crypt
* Ubunut 14.X requires overlayroot package (apt-get install overlayroot)
You have have a few options available to you, I have provided scripts for both UnionFS / OverlayFS (requires kernel 3.18+), I've also compiled a custom kernel from source with fuse tuning.
To install you need to pull this git repo, you then can choose between UnionFS or OverlayFS If you want OverlayFS you need kernel 3.18+, you can follow my kernel install below prior to running any scripts.
cd /tmp
git clone plexacd/
cd /tmp/plexacd
cp /tmp/plexacd/unionfs or overlayfs to /opt/plexacd/
cd /opt/plexacd
chmod +x *.sh
Amend plexacd.conf with your relevant paths
Copy sysctl.conf to /etc/sysctl.conf - Please ensure you verify no existing parameters exist, if this is a fresh install there won't be
Once you have the scripts locally update crontab.
@reboot /opt/plexacd/
You have two options for uploading to acd
Option 1 - Upload files to cloud based on local filesystem free space
*/5 * * * * /opt/plexacd/
Option 2 - Upload files every 6 hours
0 */6 * * * /opt/plexacd/
Optional - Run mount-check every 5 minutes to verify mount is still online Not needed as rclone mount is fairly stable
*/5 * * * * /opt/plexacd/
This kernel has been complied from source and includes overlayfs and tuning changes to fuse, you can view more here
Once you have git pulled the repo, you can install the custom kernel either version 3.18.48 or 4.4.52
cd kernel
cd 4.4.52
dpkg -i linux-*.deb
uname -a # Verify new kernel