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Language server for redscript


  • error and warning diagnostics
  • autocompletion for methods and fields
  • hover for function definitions and types
  • go-to-definition
    • bonus: limited support for redmod (scripted functions)
  • workspace symbols
  • formatting (beta)
  • debugger (requires redscript-dap)
  • hooks for external tools



The language server will attempt to load a TOML file named .redscript from every workspace folder. This file can contain the following configuration options:

  • source_roots allows you to specify source directories where the compiler should look for REDscript files, defaults to ["."]
  • format block allows you to configure the formatter, you can find the available options here

Here's an example .redscript file:

source_roots = [".", "../red4ext/plugins"]

indent = 2
max_width = 80


  • VS Code

    Use the Redscript IDE extension from the marketplace.

  • Zed

    • Install the REDscript extension from the marketplace.
    • Configure the required lsp.redscript-ide.initialization_options.game_dir setting in Zed's settings.json:
        "lsp": {
          "redscript-ide": {
            "initialization_options": {
              "game_dir": "D:\\Games\\Cyberpunk 2077"
    • Ensure that you downloaded the redscript-ide executable and it is in your PATH.
      • You can set it by searching for 'Edit the system environment variables' on Windows, clicking on 'Environment Variables', and adding the path to the redscript-ide executable to the Path variable.
  • IntelliJ

    Use the (work in progress) Redscript-IntelliJ Plugin.

  • Neovim

    Add the snippet below to your init.lua and replace /path/to/redscript-ide with the path to a redscript-ide executable downloaded from here and /path/to/cyberpunk2077 with the path to the root of your Cyberpunk 2077 installation directory:

    local configs = require 'lspconfig.configs'
    local util = require 'lspconfig.util'
    local lsp = require 'lspconfig'
    -- define the redscript filetype
    vim.cmd [[
        augroup RedscriptFile
            autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.reds set filetype=reds | set syntax=swift
        augroup END
    -- configure the redscript language server
    configs.redscript_ide = {
        default_config = {
            cmd = { '/path/to/redscript-ide' },
            filetypes = 'reds',
            init_options = {
                game_dir = '/path/to/cyberpunk2077',
            root_dir = function(fname)
                return util.root_pattern('.git')(fname) or util.path.dirname(fname)
            single_file_support = true
    -- invoke the lsp-config setup
    lsp.redscript_ide.setup {}
  • Helix

    Add the snippet below to your languages.toml and replace the paths, similarly to the Neovim setup:

    command = "/path/to/redscript-ide"
    config = { game_dir = "/path/to/cyberpunk2077" }
    name = "redscript"
    scope = "source.reds"
    file-types = ["reds"]
    # you have to have a .redscript file for workspace to be detected (it can be empty)
    roots = [".redscript"]
    auto-format = true
    comment-tokens = "//"
    block-comment-tokens = { start = "/*", end = "*/" }
    indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = "  " }
    language-servers = ["redscript-ide"]
    '(' = ')'
    '{' = '}'
    '[' = ']'
    '"' = '"'
    name = "redscript"
    source = { git = "", rev = "master" }

    To get the syntax highlighting to work, you also need to rebuild the grammars and populate the queries folder:

    # build the grammars
    helix --grammar fetch
    helix --grammar build
    # populate the queries
    # on Linux run:
    # git clone -b queries --single-branch "$HOME/.config/helix/runtime/queries/redscript"
    # on Windows run:
    # git clone -b queries --single-branch "$env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Roaming\helix\runtime\queries\redscript"