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Simply feedforward neural network

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Getting Started

git clone
cd sann && make all demo
wget -O- | tar xf -
./sann train -o mnist-mln.snm train-x.snd.gz train-y.snd.gz
./sann apply mnist-mln.snm test-x.snd.gz > test-out.snd
mnist/ test-y.snd.gz test-out.snd

Table of Contents


SANN is a lightweight, standalone and efficient C library as well as a command-line tool that implements multi-layer feedforward neural networks (FNN; not including CNN, though) and tied-weight autoencoders (AE). It comes with some recent techniques to improve training, such as RMSprop and dropout, and fixes a couple of theoretical flaws in tied-weight denoising AEs which may reduce the accuracy. On MNIST, SANN achieves similar performance and accuracy to an FNN implemented with Keras, better than other lightweight libraries including FANN and genann.


While we can easily implement a vanilla FNN with most deep learning libraries, we usually have to carry the heavy dependencies required by these libraries. This hurts portability and enduser experiences of our tools, when all we need is a simple FNN. The FANN library, a standalone C library for FNN, addresses this issue to a certain extent. However, this library has not implemented recent advances in the field of deep learning. On large data sets, it appears to be much slower than deep learning libraries for the same model. A portable and efficient C library for standard FNN is still missing. The SANN library aims to fill this gap.

In addition, many deep learning libraries do not provide convenient command-line interfaces (CLI). Even deploying the simplest model requires familiarity with the language and the API the library uses. SANN provides a convenient CLI for most typical use cases. Users do not need to know C to deploy a model, as long as they can convert data into the format required by SANN.


  • Efficient. Time-consuming inner loops are optimized to reduce cache misses and are vectorized with SSE. Performance comparable to FNNs implemented with sophisticated deep learning libraries.

  • Portable. Written in C only and compatible with C++ compilers. Use only standard Linux libraries.


Guide to the Command-Line Tool

The SANN Data Format (SND)

The SANN data format (SND) is a TAB-delimited text format with each row representing a sample vector. The file may optionally have a header line starting with #, which gives the name of each field. The first column of each data line is the name of the sample; the following columns give the values. Here is part of SND for the MNIST data set:

#r:n  14:7  14:8  14:9  14:10 14:11 14:12 14:13 14:14 14:15 14:16 14:17
1:5   0     0     0     0     0     0     0.317 0.941 0.992 0.992 0.466
2:0   0.776 0.992 0.745 0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
3:4   0     0     0.184 0.192 0.454 0.564 0.588 0.945 0.952 0.917 0.701
4:1   0     0     0     0     0     0.313 0.941 0.984 0.756 0.090 0
5:9   0.988 0.988 0.117 0.086 0.466 0.772 0.945 0.992 0.988 0.984 0.301

For training, the network output is in the same format. For MNIST:

#r:n    0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
1:5     0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0
2:0     1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
3:4     0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0
4:1     0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
5:9     0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1

Model training

To train an FNN, you need to provide network input and output, both in the SND format:

sann train -h50 -e.001 input.snd.gz output.snd.gz > model.snm

For training, the most important parameters are 1) -h, the number of hidden layers and the number of neurons in each hidden layers, and 2) -e, the initial learning rate. Although SANN adjusts learning rate after each batch, it may still yield low accuracy if the starting learning rate is off. Users are advised to try a few different learning rates, typically from 0.0001 to 0.1. By default, SANN uses 10% of training data for validation (option -T). It stops training if it reaches the maximum number of epochs (option -n) or when the validation accuracy stops improving after 10 rounds (option -l). After training, SANN writes the trained model to STDOUT or to a file specified with -o. It retains the input and output column names if present.

Training an AE is similar, except that SANN only needs the network input and that only one hidden layer is allowed. In particular, you may use option -r to train a denoising autoencoder.

For the time being, SANN hard codes the output activation (sigmoid) and cost function (cross-entropy). As a result, the output of FNN and the input of AE must range from 0 to 1. We may lift these constrains in future releases.

Applying a trained model

To apply a trained model:

sann apply model.snm model-input.snd.gz > output.snd

The output is also in the SND format.

Guide to the SANN Library

The SANN library only includes two structs. sann_t is the minimal representation of an FNN model. It describes the topology (number of layers, number of neurons in each layer and activation functions) and all the model parameters (weights and biases). sann_tconf_t specifies hyperparameters needed for training, such as learning rate, dropout rates, minibatch size, etc. Training takes a predefined model and training parameters; prediction uses the model only. All developer-oriented structs are defined or declared in sann.h. No other header files are needed for the primary functionality.

To train a model by calling the C APIs, you should first initialize a model with either sann_init_fnn or sann_init_ae:

int n_neurons[3] = { 784, 50, 10 };
sann_t *fnn;
fnn = sann_init_fnn(3, n_neurons);

After creating the model, you need to set the training parameters

sann_tconf_t conf;
sann_tconf_init(&conf, 0, 0);
conf.h = 0.01; // change the default learning rate

where the last two parameters of sann_tconf_init specifiy the training algorithms for each minibatch (RMSprop by default) and for each complete batch (iRprop- by default). If you don't have training data in two-dimension arrays, you may load the data from SND files:

float **input, **output;
int N, n_in, N_out;
input = sann_data_read("input.snd", &N, &n_in, 0, 0);
output = sann_data_read("output.snd", &N_out, &n_out, 0, 0);
assert(N == N_out); // check if network input matches output

and train the model:

sann_train(fnn, &conf, N, input, output);

where N is the number of training samples, input[i] is the input vector of the i-th sample and output[i] the output vector of the i-th sample. After training, you may save the model to a file:

sann_dump("myfnn.snm", fnn, 0, 0);

or apply it to a test sample:

float *in1, *out1, *hidden1;
out1 = (float*)malloc(sann_n_out(fnn) * sizeof(float));
sann_apply(fnn, in1, out1, 0);

Remeber deallocate the model with sann_destroy and free two-dimension arrays with sann_free_vectors.

demo.c gives a complete example about how to use the library.

Hackers' Guide

SANN consists of the following header and C source code files:

  • sann.h: all developer-oriented functions and structs.

  • sann_priv.h: low-level functions not intended to be exposed.

  • math.c: activation functions, two vectorized BLAS routines (sdot and saxpy), pseudo-random number generator and RMSprop. The majority of computing time is spent on functions in this file.

  • sfnn.c and sae.c: barebone backprop and parameter initialization routines for feedforward neuron networks and autoencoders, respectively. The core of backprop, with optional dropout, is implemented here.

  • sann.c: unified wrapper for FNN and AE; batch training routines.

  • io.c: SANN model I/O.

  • data.c: SND format parser

  • cli.c and cli_priv.c: command line interface

SANN also comes with the following side recipes:

  • keras/ similar SANN functionalities implemented on top of Keras, used for comparison purposes.

  • mnist/: routines to convert MNIST data to SND.


Simply feedforward neural network






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