This project started as a beginners exploration into Javascript, and has blossomed my passion for small, efficient, quality programs.
The end goal of this project is a workout timer app that just works. And to be small. And to be portable. And to be vanilla. By doing these things, our code can then be used on any website that wants to provide a plug and use workout timer. It can also be used as a solid base for something more specific.
The final core product will be able to be used in any iterative timer app.
I am very busy with school, and thus haven't developed this project much in 2017, but it is still very much a project I will finish. I love the idea and I learned much just getting to where I am. Much of the code needs to be refactored and multiple core features are not implemented.
Allow caching of information so users reload the same settings between uses.
Set up editable workout names.
Set up editable rest timer.
Set up editable number of sets and number of workouts.