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Izzy's Personal Website ✨

Always a work in progress™️


Built with Jekyll & Github Pages.

  1. Clone the repo: git clone
  2. Install local pre-commit hooks: pre-commit install
    • This assumes pre-commit is installed; can install via pip, but I prefer a brew install.
  3. Run local server & view at localhost:4000: jekyll s
  4. To test on mobile with ngrok using a static URL (inspo):
ngrok http 4000 --oauth google --oauth-allow-email {MY_GMAIL}
# access via


This repo uses pre-commit to automatically format & lint files before they are committed. The formatting is powered by prettier, with support for Liquid Jekyll templates using the @shopify/prettier-plugin-liquid plugin. See .pre-commit-config.yaml & prettier.config.js for configuration notes & details.

Setup pre-commit per install instructions above. If at any point you'd like to run pre-commit against all files, run:

pre-commit run --all-files --verbose

To skip pre-commit checks for a single commit:

git commit -n/--no-verify

To clean out cached pre-commit files:

pre-commit clean

Note that package.json is included in order to power GitHub Actions workflows (TODO implement), but it is not necessary for local development.


  • Add "quotes" section to footer
    • see _data/quotes.yml & docs here
    • consider adding quotes from old Wordpress site
  • Cleanup subdir's here & either delete them or link to them in some capacity on landing page.
  • Add some explanation of directory layout here in README.
  • Add a section to this README (or possibly blog post?) detailing how this website & email server is setup (mailgun, namecheap, github pages, cloudflare, etc).
  • Re-engineer redirects/. Specifically, change it so that it's just r/, & make it so that each new endpoint created doesn't require a whole new folder to be created. i.e. I'd like to be able to easily add a new line in some file like new_endpoint: "" & should automatically work.
  • Implement Github Actions to mirror local auto formatting.
  • Consider migrating as much of site as possible to markdown files, so that it's easier to edit. Don't know if this is quite true, but anything outside _includes/ & _layouts/ seems fair game.
  • Books:
    • Finish writing books/
    • Consider linking from front page.
    • Finish importing old book reviews from Goodreads.
      • Maybe edit reviews where I motivate the "star" rating based on a "real" out-of-ten score, since that's specific to Goodreads & I'm no longer bound by that.
      • Make sure that HTML content from Goodreads review is converted to markdown when publishing here.
      • Optional: create script to automatically copy generated HTML from markdown files here to upload to Goodreads (if I choose to continue using that platform).
    • Consider using the last modified plugin on book reviews to show when review has been updated.
    • Consider engineering a "b/" shortlink for books.



Personal website. ✨







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