Thanks for attending this seminar! This Github contains additional resources for you along with the code from today's session.
- Tidyverse (Suite of tools for data wrangling and manipulation)
- Tidymodels (Suite of tools for using ML models within the tidyverse)
- Caret (ML models)
- Psych (statistics commonly used in psychology)
- Swirl (to learn R)
There are a ton of great resources for learning tidymodeling. I highly suggest you try out the following to get you started.
- SKLearn (ML models, this package has excellent documentation as well)
- Pandas (used for data manipulation in python)
- numpy (package that contains mathematical functions needed for ML)
During the seminar, we shared coding examples and details on both R and Python. Here are some other programming languages and tools that are sometimes used for machine learning.
- Excel
- AnalyzeIt - Excel package turn Excel into SPSS
- SPSS Modeler
- Julia
- Apache
There are also several IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) that can be helpful for making your experience working with R or python smoother. For R, RStudio is the most common IDE. There are multiple options for Python including Pycharm, Spyder, and VScode. Also programs like Sublime and Notepad++ can also display formatted code.
Notebooks, such as Jupyter notebooks or R markdown are also helpful for displaying code and results and for sharing your results with others.
Another route that organizations sometimes take is using a vendor that offers drag and drop style machine learning services. These services often come with dashboards and common models pre-built and ready for use.
Common vendors include:
- Microsoft Azure
- IBM Watson
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Online Courses
- Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp
- Swirl - R package to learn R
- Codecademy - Introduction to Python
- Coursera - Andrew Ng
- AI for Everyone
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning Specialization
- Websites, podcasts, and books
- Towards Data Science (website)
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R (book)
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach - Peter Norvig (book)
- Super Data Science (podcast)
- Practical AI (podcast)
- 3Blue1Brown (youtube)
- Two Minute Papers (youtube)