Node.js bindings for libdbus. There are no dependencies on glib.
var //Get the dbus module dbus = require('dbus'), //Use the system bus with Avahi namespace bus = dbus.system('org.freedesktop.Avahi'), //Get the root object and access its server interface root = dbus.object('/').as('org.freedesktop.Avahi.Server'); //Wait till the root object is ready for operation as the DBus introspection //system will automatically populate all the methods of the root object root.on("ready", function() { //Call the serviceBrowserNew method as defined by the Avahi specification; all functions have //their first letter lowercased and one additional parameter, the callback, added. //interface, protocol, type, domain, flags root.serviceBrowserNew(-1, -1, "_ssh._tcp", "", 0, function(err, browser) { if (err) throw new Error('Unable to make service browser: '+err); //Now we have a service browser object; all objects are automatically converted into //DBUSObject behind the scenes, so we just need to specify the interface of the object //we wish to access browser ='org.freedesktop.Avahi.ServiceBrowser'); //Signals to objects are emitted as events. You do NOT need to wait on the "ready" event //to register event handlers. Event names also, likewise, have their first letter lowercased //to match JavaScript convention browser.on("itemNew", function(interface, protocol, name, type, domain, flags) { console.log("Found new service! "+name) }) }); })