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Neatly-Sorted is a Shell-written EXIF-based media file processor with sort, deduplication and other features


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Note! Neatly-Sorted morphed into Neatly project Neatly-Sorted code is stable, however this repo is no longer maintained.

Neatly-Sorted Readme

Neatly-Sorted is a Shell-written EXIF-based media file processor with sort and deduplication features.


What if your NAS/JBOD has a pile of photos and videos made with a variety of cameras and dumped to various folders with no or limited structure around sorting, naming convention, etc. Or maybe you just have a folder with a bunch of pictures collected over the years that you'd like to organize a bit better.

Your collection might contain files with name dupliates (i.e. if a camera uses non-date-based filename format, like "DSC_XXXXXX") as well as files with content duplicates (i.e. files that have been renamed by someone for convenience or by a system during file replication where "(01)" suffix is added).

Neatly-Sorted might be a solution you're looking for. The script is intended to run in manual as well as automated way.
Neatly-sorted has been tested and used on various systems, however it is designed with "older systems" in mind, i.e. ARM-based QNAP NAS TS-210


The script processes media files (i.e. jpg, jpeg, mp4, mpg and mov) and it uses EXIFTOOL to extract "SubSecCreateDate", "CreateDate" and "Model" metadata. The extracted metadata is then used to form a filename in "DATE-SECONDS-SUBSECONDS.EXTENSION" format, where MODEL can be optionally added. Depending on the selected options, the processed files are transferred to "Destination" location with a chosen directory sturucture, i.e.
/my-destination/{Directory Structure}/20200613-125351-184775-ONEPLUSA5000.jpg
/my-destination/{Directory Structure}/ONEPLUSA5000-20200613-125351-184775.jpg
/my-destination/{Directory Structure}/20200613-125351-184775.jpg

Directory structure options:

  • YEAR/MONTH/DAY, i.e. /2021/05/10/picture.jpg
  • YEAR/MONTH, i.e. /2021/05/picture.jpg
  • Y (default) = YEAR, i.e. /2021/picture.jpg
  • All (no sort), i.e. Destination/All/picture.jpg

If "Model" metadata is not available, the MODEL element is replaced with the word "CAMERA".

In case the Destination already contains a file with the same name, i.e. a duplicate (verified with sha512 hash), the file is moved to the "Duplicates" folder with appending the filename with DUPXXX suffix, i.e.

Duplicate search is also performed in the Duplicates folder to avoid overwriting the "original" duplicate. This is done to allow duplicates' review and prevent unsolicited changes/replacements.
Duplicates folder example:
├── my-destination/Duplicates/
│   ├── 20211205-001132-000000-DUP000.jpg
│   ├── 20211205-001132-000000-DUP001.jpg
│   ├── 20200613-125351-184775-DUP000.jpg
│   └── 20200613-125351-184775-DUP001.jpg

If EXIF attempts fail to read metadata, then the less reliable file attributes get extracted by swithing on the appropriate option.

In case file attribute extaction fails, the source filename gets amended by adding 'unverified' suffix in "UVRFDXXX" format, i.e. my-picture-UVRFD000.jpg.
The unverified files are placed in "Unverified" folder within "Destination" path, i.e. /my-destination/Unverified/my-picture-UVRFD000.jpg


BASH: v4+
CentOS/RHEL: v7, v8
Ubuntu: 18.04 LTS, 20.04.3 LTS
QNAP (Entware): 4.2.6, opkg version 1bf042dd06751b693a8544d2317e5b969d666b69 (2021-06-13)
WSL (Windows Linux Subsystem): Ubuntu (18.04 LTS, 20.04.3 LTS)

Filename format

The "Model", "SubSecCreateDate" and "CreateDate" metadata is used to form a filename in "DATE-SECONDS-SUBSECONDS.EXTENSION" format, where MODEL can be optionally added.
Example: 20200613-125351-184775-DMCFZ8.jpg
Example: DMCFZ8-20200613-125351-184775.jpg
Example: 20200613-125351-184775.jpg

In case the files are produced by a camera that does not create "SubSecCreateDate" field in metadata, the expected filename format: MODEL-DATE-SECONDS-000000.EXTENSION
Example: 20211205-001132-000000.jpg


Use the commands below to install exiftool
CentOS/RHEL: sudo dnf update && sudo dnf install perl-Image-ExifTool
Ubuntu: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install libimage-exiftool-perl
Mac: brew install exiftool
QNAP (Entware): opkg install perl-image-exiftool

File Processing Overview

Step 1. Confirm read-write access and create directories

Notification file at Source: /SourceDirectory/
Work-In-Progress (WIP) folder at Source: /SourceDirectory/WIP-YYYYMMDD-HHmmss
Duplicates folder at Destination: /DestinationDirectory/Duplicates
Unverified folder at Destination: /DestinationDirectory/Unverified
Log file at Destination: /DestinationDirectory/neatly-sorted-YYYYMMDD.log

Step 2. Search media files (i.e. jpg, jpeg, mp4, mpg and mov) in Source Directory, include subfolders (3 levels deep) if Crawl is enabled.

Note! Hidden files and folders (prefixed with '.') are excluded from the search scope. Example: /my-location/.my-hidden-image.jpg
├── subfolder01/
│   └──
├── subfolder02/
│   └──
├── file01.jpg
├── file02.jpeg
├── file04.jpeg

Step 3. Move/copy the found files to temporary Work-In-Progress (WIP) directory in subfolders with names matching the Source's name and it's subfolders

├── subfolder01/
│   └──
├── subfolder02/
│   └──
└── SourceDirectoryName/
      ├── file01.jpg
      ├── file02.jpeg
      ├── file04.jpeg

Step 4. Create directories at Destination location

  directory for duplicate files where "DUPXXX" suffix is added to the filenames, i.e.

  directory for the files for which metadata could not be retrieved where the filenames get amended by adding 'unverified' suffix in "UVRFDXXX" format, i.e.

Step 5. Prepare (create) log file


Step 6. Prepare and move the WIP files to Destination location with the chosen folder structure

Destination files sort-by options:
  --YMD = /YEAR/MONTH/DAY/picture.jpg, i.e. /DestinationDirectory/2021/05/10/picture.jpg
  --YM = /YEAR/MONTH/picture.jpg, i.e. /DestinationDirectory/2021/05/picture.jpg
  --Y (default) = /YEAR, i.e. /DestinationDirectory/2021/picture.jpg   --NOSORT = /All, i.e. Destination/All/picture.jpg

An example with YM (/YEAR/MONTH/) folder structure /DestinationDirectory/
├── 2020/
│   └── 05/
│   └──
├── 2021/
│   └── 11/
│   └── 20211104-001437-000000.jpeg
├── Duplicates/
│   ├── 20211205-001132-000000-DUP000.jpg
│   ├── 20211205-001132-000000-DUP001.jpg
│   ├── 20200613-125351-184775-DUP000.jpg
│   └── 20200613-125351-184775-DUP001.jpg
├── Unverified/
│   ├── my_image-UVRFD000.jpg
│   └── my_image-UVRFD001.jpg
└── neatly-sorted-20210513.log

Step 7. WIP directory cleanup

WIP subfolder removal: deleting all empty subfolders location in Work-In-Progress directory if Crawl is enabled
WIP folder removal: deleting empty Work-In-Progress directory

Step 8. Ending of programme

Pre-exit maintenance: reverting global parameters and variables back to the original state, like Internal Field Separator (IFS)
Logging and exiting: writing the processing results (state) to the log file and exiting

Help menu

Help: for more parameters use '/bin/bash <-h|--help>'

Usage: '/bin/bash <source-path|.> <destination-path|.> <--Ext|--EXT|--ext> <--FSAttribute|--NoFSAttribute> <--YMD|--YM|--Y|--NOSORT> <--copy|--move> <--timerON|--timerOFF> <--crawlON|--crawlOFF> <--DateModel|--ModelDate|--NoModel>

  Mandatory parameters: source-path, destination-path

Source absolute path is required with leading '/'. Alternatively use '.' for current directory.
Example: '/home/username/pictures/'

Destination absolute path is required with leading '/'. Alternatively, use '.' for current directory.
Example: '/mystorage/sorted-pictures/'

Extension case switch options:
  --ExT = unchanged, i.e. JPEG > JPEG, jpeg > jpeg
  --EXT = uppercase, i.e. jpeg > JPEG
  --ext = lowercase (recommended), i.e. JPEG > jpeg

File system attribute extraction is somewhat unreliable and can be used as the last resort.
  --FSAttribute, can cause conflicts and affect file sorting
  --NoFSAttribute (default) is the recommended option

Destination files sort-by options:
  --YMD = YEAR/MONTH/DAY/picture.jpg, i.e. /2021/05/10/picture.jpg
  --YM = YEAR/MONTH/picture.jpg, i.e. /2021/05/picture.jpg
  --Y (default) = YEAR, i.e. /2021/picture.jpg
  --NOSORT = All, i.e. Destination/All/picture.jpg

Source to Work-In-Progress (WIP) file transfer mode:
  --copy = copy files
  --move = move files (default)

Operations timer (monitoring, debug):
  --timerON = display and log operation timings
  --timerOFF = do not display and log operation timings (default)

Crawl parameters:
  --crawlON = process Source and its subfolders 3 levels deep (default)
  --crawlOFF = process Source directory only, i.e. Source files at root with no subfolders

Date-Model Order parameters   --DateModel = filename is formed by placeing Date and then Model (default), example: 20100417-201226-000000-DMCFZ8.jpg   --ModelDate = filename is formed by placeing Model and then Date, example: DMCFZ8-20100417-201226-000000.jpg   --NoModel = filename is formed by placeing Date without Model, example: 20100417-201226-000000.jpg

Usage and examples

The command below will search for files at Source Media Location including subfolders (3 levels deep) and move files from "upload" to Destination Media Location keeping all files under "archive" with sorting by Year. File renaming will be done using EXIF metadata only. File extension case will be changed to lowercase:
/bin/bash /Script-Location/ /Source-Media-Location/upload/ /Destination-Media-Location/archive/
  It would be equivalent to the command below:
/bin/bash /Script-Location/ /Source-Media-Location/upload/ /Destination-Media-Location/archive/ --ext --NoFSAttribute --Y --move --timerOFF --crawlON

The command below will search for files in the root of Source Media Location only, i.e. no subfolders, and copy files from "upload" to Destination Media Location keeping all files under "archive" with no sorting by Year or Month or Day. File renaming will be done using EXIF metadata only. File extension case will be UnChanged:
/bin/bash /Script-Location/ /Source-Media-Location/upload/ /Destination-Media-Location/archive/ --ExT --NoFSAttribute --NOSORT --copy --crawlOFF

The command below will search for files in the root of Source Media Location only, i.e. no subfolders, and copy files from "upload" to Destination Media Location keeping all files under "archive" with sorting by Year and Month. File renaming will be done using EXIF metadata and File System attributes. File extension case will be changed to UPPERCASE:
/bin/bash /Script-Location/ /Source-Media-Location/upload/ /Destination-Media-Location/archive/ --EXT --YM --copy --FSAttribute --crawlOFF

The command below will search for files at Source Media Location including subfolders (3 levels deep) and move files from "upload" to Destination Media Location keeping all files under "archive/all" with no file sorting, i.e. the result will be a pile of deduplicated files in the "all" folder. File renaming will be done using EXIF metadata only. File extension case will be changed to lowercase:
/bin/bash /Script-Location/ /Source-Media-Location/upload/ /Destination-Media-Location/archive/ --NOSORT
  It would be equivalent to the command below:
/bin/bash /Script-Location/ /Source-Media-Location/upload/ /Destination-Media-Location/archive/ --ext --NoFSAttribute --NOSORT --move --timerOFF

Use cases

Automated file processing with an out-of-support (EOL) NAS QNAP TS-210 or TS-212


Let's assume there is a NAS QNAP TS-210 where all the media files are stored. There are two main folders: "Media Upload" and "Media Archive", however the media files can be scattered around.
Since QNAP NAS is a Linux-based platform, we want to utilise its capabilities to process files in an automated way, i.e. once the media files are uploaded by a user or other process to the "Media Upload" folder, an automated processor will move the files to the "Media Archive" folder and sort them out to the appropriate subfolders. We also want to utilise the processor to run occasional jobs manually against some other locations with media files.
QNAP used to officially support Optware (ipkg) and other 3rd-party package managers via the App Center, however they stopped it sometime in 2016. On top of limited 3rd-party package manager support, QNAP TS-210/TS-212 is out of support as of 27 March 2021.
The tutorial below describes how to prepare QNAP TS-210 to run the script in an automated way via task scheduler.

QNAP TS-210 prerequisites

The script utilizes exiftool, sha512sum and other packages that are not available in QNAP OS by default. In order to install the necessary tools, a 3rd-party package manager is required. For this use case we're going to use Entware.

Important! In order to use Entware, remove all the other package managers like Optware (ipkg), Qnapware, etc. Restart of QNAP NAS is required once all the package managers removed.

Step 1. 3rd-party package manager removal

Web GUI > App Center > My Apps > remove obsolete 3rd-party managers like Optware (ipkg) v0.99, Qnapware, etc.

Step 2. Entware package manager installation

Download Entware Qpkg: or
Deploy Entware Qpkg: Web GUI > App Center > Settings > Install Manually > Browse > Select the downloaded Entware_1.03std.qpkg (Entware_1.03alt.qpkg) > Install
Entware Qpkg deployment confirmation: Web GUI > App Center > My Apps > Entware-std (Entware-alt) should be available

Step 3. QNAP NAS restart

Web GUI > Homepage > Click on the dropdown with username > Select "Restart" > Select "Yes" when "Are you sure you want to restart the server"

Step 4. Opkg confirmation

Once NAS is restarted, log in to CLI via SSH, "opkg" command should be available. Default Opkg location is /opt/.
Command: # opkg --version Expected outcome (sample): opkg version 1bf042dd06751b693a8544d2317e5b969d666b69 (2021-06-13)

Step 5. Package maintenance

Update and upgrade the apps (just in case):

# opkg list-installed
# opkg update
# opkg upgrade
Step 6. Requirement installation

Deploy the required packages:

# opkg install perl-image-exiftool
# opkg install coreutils-sha512sum
# opkg install bash
Step 7. Script deployment

Create directory (do not use /opt, it is reserved for package managers and other QNAP-specific stuff): # mkdir /apps && cd /apps
Download the script: # wget --no-check-certificate
Unpack the archive: # unzip && mv neatly-sorted-master/ neatly-sorted
Change permissions: # chmod +x /apps/neatly-sorted/
Script manual run: # /opt/bin/bash /apps/neatly-sorted/ /share/Media\ Upload/ /share/Media\ Archive/ --copy

Step 8. Script automation

The script run can be event-driven or scheduled. Due to TS-210/TS-212 platform hardware limitations, running a container for the event-driven approach does not sound reasonable. For simplicity the script will be scheduled to run daily at 23:23 via Cron.

Important! Due to the way the QNAP firmware updates crontab, do not use "crontab -e" as it will be overwritten on the next reboot. Use "vi /etc/config/crontab" instead.
Open crontab for editing: # vi /etc/config/crontab
Add crontab task: 23 23 * * * /opt/bin/bash /apps/neatly-sorted/ /share/Media\ Upload/ /share/Media\ Archive/
Apply new crontab: # crontab /etc/config/crontab && /etc/init.d/ restart
Verify crontab: # crontab -l Expected outcome: 23 23 * * * /opt/bin/bash /apps/neatly-sorted/ /share/Media\ Upload/ /share/Media\ Archive/

Credits, tips and source of inspiration

Photo processing
QNAP Crontab


Neatly-Sorted is a Shell-written EXIF-based media file processor with sort, deduplication and other features







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