A simple asset database and loader. Is simple and super customizable, allowing you to change the loading screen style.
It can load audio files, images and video recursivly
Basic usage
function love.load(args)
-- importing the library --
andromeda = require 'andromeda'
-- initialize a new database --
assetdb = andromeda.newDB()
-- queue the search --
-- begin with the importing and displaying the loading screen --
function love.draw()
love.graphics.print("All assets loaded", 90, 90)
To add a new loading screen, the external file must follow this template:
return {
create = function(path)
-- this function is used to define variables that will be used during the loading screen display --
-- like images --
-- the "path" parameter is used internally to get the current path of the library --
-- it can be ignore by the final user --
present = function(progress, max)
-- this function is used to actually draw the loading content in the screen --
-- all the images defined by the create function can be used here --
-- the "progress" parameter is used to track the current item count --
-- the "max" parameter always will return the total item count --
-- it can be used to create custom progress bars, progress percentage, etc. --
after creating the file, now you can import it to the loader
function love.load(args)
andromeda = require 'andromeda'
assetdb = andromeda.newDB()
-- all loading stuff --
Check the demo main.lua file to see the actual use.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.