An access log processor which produces a CSV file of key performance metrics for URIs. It's reasonably quick - parsing 1M lines in ~7 seconds. Now reworked to use the java.util.function.Consumer interface, so can deal with very large files - as it no longer reads the whole file into memory.
Populate with the path to your logfile:
logPath = /path/to/tomcat_access_sample.log
csvFile = /path/to/yourreport.csv
##Compile Instructions
- Google Guava >=15.0
- JDK8
JDK target is set to 1.8, as using Streams. Under OSX at least need to provide path to JDK8 as a result. e.g
JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -version 1.8) mvn clean test
Compile with:
JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -version 1.8) mvn compile
allow override of paths using a run time argument.
- e.g. -DlogPath="/var/log/tomcat/tomcat_access.log" -DcsvPath="/var/tmp/logStats.csv"
- this could be with system.getProperty("logPath)" or similar
enable LogParser to work with any typical access log format -perhaps to understand the grammar of an access log pattern
and thus make this portable to different access log formats.
pattern='"%{True-Client-IP}i" "%{X-Forwarded-For}i" %h %t "%r" %s %b %D "%{User-Agent}i" "%{SOAPAction}i" "%{Host}i" "%{Accept-Encoding}i" %p
possibly use antlr or similar? maybe that's overkill
Add more Stats functions
- produce histograms of response Code etc.