A model viewer for Ty the Tasmanian Tiger.
Start the program. If a config file does not exist in program directory, one will be created. In the 'config.cfg' file, enter path to 'Data_PC.rkv' (located in the game folder) and which model to load.
A list of model names can be found here.
WASD to move camera
MIDDLE MOUSE to rotate camera
LShift speed up movement
LCTRL slow down movement
ALPHA 1 toggle grid
ALPHA 2 toggle bounds
ALPHA 3 toggle colliders
ALPHA 4 toggle bones
- OpenGL 3.3 compatible GPU
There is still a lot of stuff that I need to do.
- Implement materials.
- Implement animations.
- Allow for manipulating meshes.
- Allow loading in multiple models.
- Allow loading in levels with props.
- Support for Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 models.
- Documentation about .mdl, global.mad, and global.model files.