Ship winston logs to datadog without breaking a sweat
$ npm install --save datadog-winston
$ yarn add datadog-winston
- apiKey: Your datadog api key [required]
- hostname: The machine/server hostname
- service: The name of the application or service generating the logs
- ddsource: The technology from which the logs originated
- ddtags: Metadata assoicated with the logs
- intakeRegion: The datadog intake to use. set to
to force logs to be sent to the EU specific intake
var winston = require('winston')
var DatadogWinston = require('datadog-winston')
var logger = winston.createLogger({
// Whatever options you need
// Refer
new DatadogWinston({
apiKey: 'super_secret_datadog_api_key',
hostname: 'my_machine',
service: 'super_service',
ddsource: 'nodejs',
ddtags: 'foo:bar,boo:baz'