This handbook has been created as a community sourced hub of information for new Polkadot builders in the Polkadot ecosystem and a great reference point to keep on hand as you progress through your journey.
This information is open source and accepting new pages, updates and changes at
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Pull Requests are welcome.
🔐 Element chat (why we use it/ how to use it)
⛓️ Polkadot Decoded - Ecosystem Focus
- Square 1 - Ecosystem direction and a customized support route across Polkadot SDK resources for new and early-stage builders
- Builders Program - White-glove solutions and dedicated support team for visionary teams using Substrate.
🎓 Where to learn about the ecosystem
🦛 Testnets
🛳️ Parachain leases & acquiring a lease
💰How to direct bid for a Parachain slot
🔀 Migrating from Kusama to Polkadot
🎙️ What social channels are there / should you join → Dudley
✨ Getting integrated into wallets
✍️ How to submit a Polkadot OpenGov Referendum
👪 Best practises for community feedback
💸 Web3 Foundation Grants - Funding Software Development and Research Efforts related to Polkadot
- Unlocking your chain
- Producing your first blocks → Dudley
- How to complete a para ID swap
- The path to decentralisation → Dudley
- What’s important to the community →
- Chain recovery → Dudley
- Bis-Dev: Working on integrations?
- XCM help
- resources
- XCM help
- How to create a crowdloan
- Setting up your community
- Discord set up
- Custom bot set up
- Feed set up
- Fun Discord bots
- Ambassador Programmes
- Quest apps
- Setting up / funding an ambassador programme
- Best practices