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bluesky self-hosting tool for easy deploy in anywhere.


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this repository aims to get self-hosted bluesky env in easy with:

  • configurable hosting domain: easy to tune by environment variable (DOMAIN)
  • reproducibility: disclosure all configs and operations, including reverse proxy rules, and patches to sources.
  • simple: all bluesky components runs on one host, by docker-compose.
  • less remapping: simple rules as possible, among FQDN <=> reverse proxy <=> docker-container, for easy understanding and tunning.

at current, my latest release is 2025-02-16 based on codes 2025-02-16 of bluesky-social.

as below, most features work as expected on self-hosting environment.
unfortunately, it may not work all features, some of reasons are described in bluesky-social/atproto#2334

test results with 'asof-2024-06-02' and later:

  • ok: create account on pds (via social-app, bluesky API).
  • ok: basic usages on social-app
    • ok: sign-in, edit profilie, post/repost article, search posts/users/feeds, vote like/follow.
    • ok: receive notification when others vote like/follow
    • ok: subscribe/unsubscribe labeler in profile page.
    • ok: report to labeler for any post.
    • not yet: DM(chat) with others.
  • ok: integration with feed-generator NOTE: it has some delay, reload on social-app.
  • ok: moderation with ozone.
    • ok: sign-in and configure labels on ozone-UI.
    • ok: receive the report sent by user.
    • ok: assign label to the post/acccount on ozone UI, then events published to subscribeLabels.
    • ok: the view of post changed on social-app according to label assignments, when using workaround tool.
  • ok: subscribe events from pds/bgs(relay)/ozone by firehose/websocket.
  • ok: subscribe events from jetstream, since 2024-10-19r1
  • not yet: others.

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below, it assumes self-hosting domain is (defined in Makefile).
you can change the domain name by environment variable as below:

# 1) set domain name for self-hosting bluesky

# 2) set asof date, to distinguish docker images / its sources.
#    2025-02-16(for latest prebuild, in %Y-%m-%d), or latest (following docker image naming manner in lazy).
export asof=2025-02-16

# 3) set email addresses.

# 3-1) EMAIL4CERTS:  to lets encrypt for signing certificates.
export EMAIL4CERTS=your@mail.address
# for self-signed certificates, use below(`internal` is reserved keyword).
# It is recommended to use `internal` for avoid meeting rate limits, until you are sure it ready to self-hosting.
export EMAIL4CERTS=internal

# 3-2) PDS_EMAIL_SMTP_URL: for PDS,  like smtps://
export PDS_EMAIL_SMTP_URL=smtps://

# 3-3) FEEDGEN_EMAIL: for feed-generator account in bluesky

## install tools, if you don't have yet.
apt install -y make pwgen
(cd ops-helper/apiImpl ; npm install)
(sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/websocat -L; sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/websocat)

# 4) check your configuration, from the point of view of ops.
make echo

# 5) generate secrets for bluesky containers, and check those value:
make genSecrets
  1. make DNS A-Records in your self-hosting network.

at least, following two A-Records are required.
refer appendix for sample DNS server(bind9) configuration.

     -    ${DOMAIN}
     -  *.${DOMAIN}
  1. generate and install CA certificate (usecases for private/closed network, and others using self-signed certificates).
    • after generation, copy crt and key as ./certs/root.{crt,key}
    • note: don't forget to install root.crt to your host machine and browser.

the easiest way to get self-signed CA certificates is below.

# get and store self-signed CA certificate into ./certs/root.{crt,key}, by using caddy.
make getCAcert
# install CA cert on host machine.
make installCAcert

# don't forget to install certificate to browser.
# check DNS server responses for your self-host domain
dig  ${DOMAIN}
dig  any.${DOMAIN}

# start containers for test
make    docker-start f=./docker-compose-debug-caddy.yaml services=

# test HTTPS and WSS with your docker environment
curl -L https://test-wss.${DOMAIN}/
websocat wss://test-wss.${DOMAIN}/ws

# test reverse proxy mapping if it works as expected for bluesky
#  those should be redirect to PDS
curl -L https://pds.${DOMAIN}/xrpc/any-request | jq
curl -L https://some-hostname.pds.${DOMAIN}/xrpc/any-request | jq

#  those should be redirect to social-app
curl -L https://pds.${DOMAIN}/others | jq
curl -L https://some-hostname.pds.${DOMAIN}/others | jq

# stop test containers, without persisting data
make    docker-stop-with-clean f=./docker-compose-debug-caddy.yaml

=> if testOK then go ahead, otherwise check your environment.

first, describes deploying bluesky with prebuild images.
later describes how to build images from sources by yourself.

# 0) pull prebuild docker images from, to enforce skip building images.
make docker-pull

# 1) deploy required containers (database, caddy etc).
make docker-start

# wait until log message becomes silent.

# 2) deploy bluesky containers(plc, bgs, appview, pds, ozone, ...)
make docker-start-bsky

# below ops is no more needed by patching/152-indigo-newpds-dayper-limit.diff
# 3) set bgs parameter for perDayLimit via REST API.
# ~~~ make api_setPerDayLimit ~~~
# 1) check if social-app is ready to serve.
curl -L https://social-app.${DOMAIN}/

# 2) create account for feed-generator
make api_CreateAccount_feedgen

# 3) start bluesky feed-generator
make docker-start-bsky-feedgen  FEEDGEN_PUBLISHER_DID=did:plc:...

# 4) announce existence of feed ( by scripts/publishFeedGen.ts on feed-generator).
make publishFeed
# 1) create account for ozone service/admin
#  you need to use valid email address since ozone/PDS sends email for confirmation code.
make api_CreateAccount_ozone           handle=...

# 2) start ozone
# ozone uses the same DID for  OZONE_SERVER_DID and OZONE_ADMIN_DIDS, at [](
make docker-start-bsky-ozone  OZONE_SERVER_DID=did:plc:  OZONE_ADMIN_DIDS=did:plc:

# 3) start workaround tool to index label assignments into appview DB via subscribeLabels.
# ./ops-helper/apiImpl/subscribeLabels2BskyDB.ts --help

# 4) [required in occasional] update DidDoc before sign-in to ozone (required since asof-2024-07-05)
#    first, request and get PLC sign by email
make api_ozone_reqPlcSign                       handle=... password=...
#    update didDoc with above sign
make api_ozone_updateDidDoc   plcSignToken=     handle=...  ozoneURL=...

# 5) [optional] add member to the ozone team (i.e: add role to user):
#    valid roles are: | |
make api_ozone_member_add   role=  did=did:plc:
make docker-start-bsky-jetstream

on your browser, access https://social-app.${DOMAIN}/ such as

refer screenshots, for UI operations to create/sign-in account on your self-hosting bluesky.

# subscribe almost all collections from jetstream
websocat "wss://jetstream.${DOMAIN}/subscribe?"

on your browser, access https://ozone.${DOMAIN}/configure such as

# choice1) shutdown containers but keep data alive.
make docker-stop

# choice2) shutdown containers and clean those data
make docker-stop-with-clean

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export u=foo
make api_CreateAccount handle=${u}.pds.${DOMAIN} password=${u} email=${u} resp=./data/accounts/${u}.secrets

#then, to make another accounts, just re-assign $u and call the above ops, like below.
export u=bar

export u=baz

after configuring params and optional env, operate as below:

# get sources from all repositories
make    cloneAll

# create work branches and keep staying on them for all repositories (repos/*; optional but recommended for safe.)
make    createWorkBranch

then build docker images as below:

# 0) apply mimimum patch to build images, regardless self-hosting.
#      as described in for feed-generator/Dockerfile etc.
# NOTE: this ops checkout new branch before applying patch, and keep staying new branch
make patch-dockerbuild

# 1) build images with original
make build DOMAIN= f=./docker-compose-builder.yaml

# below ops is now obsoleted and unsupported bacause of fragile(high cost and low return). also below patch has no effect on PDS scaling out(multiple PDS domains).
# ~~ 2) apply optional patch for self-hosting, and re-build image ~~
# ~~  'optional' means, applying this patch is not mandatory to get self-hosting environment. ~~
# ~~ NOTE: this ops checkout new branch before applying patch, and keep staying new branch ~~
# ~~ make _patch-selfhost-even-not-mandatory ~~
# ~~ make build services=social-app f=./docker-compose-builder.yaml ~~

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when you set fork_repo_prefix variable before cloneAll, this ops registers your remote fork repository with git remote add fork .... then you have additional easy ops against multiple repositores, as below.


make cloneAll

# manage(push and pull) branches and tags for all repos by single operation against your remote fork repositories.
make exec under=./repos/* cmd='git push fork branch'
make exec under=./repos/* cmd='git tag -a "asof-XXXX-XX-XX" '
make exec under=./repos/* cmd='git push fork --tags'

# push something on justOneRepo to your fork repository.
make exec under=./repos/justOneRepo cmd='git push fork something'

# refer Makefile for details and samples.

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  1. get all env vars in docker-compose
# names and those values
_yqpath='.services[].environment, .services[].build.args'

# lists of var=val
cat ./docker-compose-builder.yaml | yq -y "${_yqpath}" \
  | grep -v '^---' | sed 's/^- //' | sort -u -f

# output in yaml
cat ./docker-compose-builder.yaml | yq -y "${_yqpath}" \
  | grep -v '^---' | sed 's/^- //' | sort -u -f  \
  | awk -F= -v col=":" -v q="'" -v sp="  " -v list="-" '{print   sp list sp q $1 q col sp q $2 q}' \
  | sed '1i defs:' | yq -y

# list of names
cat ./docker-compose-builder.yaml | yq -y "${_yqpath}" \
  | grep -v '^---' | sed 's/^- //' | sort -u -f \
  | awk -F= '{print $1}' | sort -u -f
  1. env vars regarding {URL | DID | DOMAIN} == mapping rules in docker-compose
# get {name=value} of env vars regarding { URL | DID | DOMAIN }
cat ./docker-compose-builder.yaml | yq -y .services[].environment \
 | grep -v '^---' | sed 's/^- //' | sort -u -f \
 | grep -e :// -e did: -e {DOMAIN}

# get names of env vars regarding { URL | DID | DOMAIN }
cat ./docker-compose-builder.yaml | yq -y .services[].environment \
 | grep -v '^---' | sed 's/^- //' | sort -u -f \
 | grep -e :// -e did: -e {DOMAIN} \
 | awk -F= '{print $1}' | sort -u -f \
 | tee /tmp/url-or-did.txt
  1. get mapping rules in reverse proxy (caddy )
# dump rules, no idea to convert into  easy readable format...
cat config/caddy/Caddyfile

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  1. files related env vars in sources
# files named *env*
find repos -type f | grep -v -e /.git/  | grep -i env \
  | grep -v -e .jpg$ -e .ts$  -e .json$ -e .png$ -e .js$

# files containing 'export'
find repos -type f | grep -v /.git/  | xargs grep -l export \
  | grep -v -e .js$ -e .jsx$  -e .ts$ -e .tsx$ -e .go$ -e go.sum$ -e go.mod$ -e .po$ -e .json$ -e .patch$ -e .lock$ -e .snap$
  1. get all env vars from source code
#in easy
#ensure files to search  envs
_files=`find repos -type f | grep -v -e '/.git' -e /__  -e /tests/ -e _test.go -e /interop-test-files  -e /testdata/ -e /testing/ -e /jest/ -e /node_modules/ -e /dist/ | sort -u -f`

# for javascripts families from process.env.ENVNAME
grep -R process.env ${_files} \
  | cut -d : -f 2- | sed 's/.*process\.//' | grep '^env\.' | sed 's/^env\.//' \
  | sed -r 's/(^[A-Za-z_0-9\-]+).*/\1/' | sort -u -f \
  | tee /tmp/vars-js1.txt

# for javascripts families from envXXX('MORE_ENVNAME'), refer atproto/packages/common/src/env.ts for envXXX
grep -R -e envStr -e envInt -e envBool -e envList ${_files} \
  | cut -d : -f 2- \
  | grep -v -e ^import -e ^export -e ^function  \
  | sed "s/\"/'/g" \
  | grep \' | awk -F\' '{print $2}' | sort -u -f \
  | tee /tmp/vars-js2.txt

# for golang  from EnvVar(s): []string{"ENVNAME", "MORE_ENVNAME"}
grep -R EnvVar ${_files} \
  | cut -d : -f 3- | sed -e 's/.*string//' -e 's/[,"{}]//g' \
  | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -v ^$ | sort -u -f \
  | tee /tmp/vars-go.txt

# for docker-compose from services[].environment
echo {$_files} \
  | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -v ^$ | grep -e .yaml$ -e .yml$ | grep compose \
  | xargs yq -y .services[].environment | grep -v ^--- | sed 's/^- //' \
  | sed 's/: /=/' | sed "s/'//g" \
  | sort -u -f \
  | awk -F= '{print $1}' | sort -u -f \
  | tee /tmp/vars-compose.txt

# get unique lists
cat /tmp/vars-js1.txt /tmp/vars-js2.txt /tmp/vars-go.txt /tmp/vars-compose.txt | sort -u -f > /tmp/envs.txt

# pick env vars related to mapping {URL, ENDPOINT, DID, HOST, PORT, ADDRESS}
cat /tmp/envs.txt  | grep -e URL -e ENDPOINT -e DID -e HOST -e PORT -e ADDRESS
  1. find {URL | DID | bsky } near env names in sources
find repos -type f | grep -v -e /.git  -e __ -e .json$ \
  | xargs grep -R -n -A3 -B3 -f /tmp/envs.txt \
  | grep -A2 -B2 -e :// -e did: -e bsky
  1. find bsky.{social,app,network} in sources ( to check hard-coded domain/FQDN )
find repos -type f | grep -v -e /.git -e /tests/ -e /__ -e Makefile -e .yaml$ -e .md$  -e .sh$ -e .json$ -e .txt$ -e _test.go$ \
  | xargs grep -n -e -e -e  -e

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this hask uses the result(/tmp/envs.txt) of the above as input.

# create table showing { env x container => value } with ops-helper script.
cat ./docker-compose-builder.yaml | ./ops-helper/compose2envtable/ -l /tmp/envs.txt -o ./docs/env-container-val.xlsx

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this self-hosting env tried to use self-signed certificates as usual trusted certificate by installing certificates into containers. The expected behavior is: by sharing /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt amang all containers, containers distinguish those in ca-certificates.crt are trusted.

unfortunately, this approach works just in some containers but not all. It seems depending on distribution(debian/alpine/...) and language(java/nodejs/golang). the rule cannot be found in actual behaviors. then, all of below methods are involved for safe, when it uses self-signed certificates.

  • host deploys /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crts to containers by volume mount.
  • define env vars for self-signed certificates, such as GOINSECURE, NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED for each language.

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create account sign-in
components url (origin)

other dependencies:

components url (origin)
reverse proxy (official docker image of caddy:2)
DNS server bind9 or others, such as

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description of test network:

DOMAIN for self-hosting:

  - docker host for selfhost:
  - DNS server:     
  - DNS forwarders:  (upper level DNS server;

DNS A-Records:
  -  :
  - *  :

the above would be described in bind9 configuration file as below:

include "/etc/bind/rndc.key";
controls {
        inet allow {; } keys { "rndc-key"; };
options {
        directory         "/etc/bind";
        // UDP 53, from any
        listen-on         { any; };
        // HTTP 80, from any
        listen-on  port 80  tls none http default  { any; };
        listen-on-v6      { none; };
        forwarders        { ; };  # dns.gogle.
        allow-recursion   { any; };
        allow-query       { any; };
        allow-query-cache { any; };
        allow-transfer    { any; };
zone "" { type master; file ""; allow-query {; }; allow-update {; }; allow-transfer {; }; };
$TTL 259200	; 3 days		IN SOA (
				2024022809 ; serial
				3600       ; refresh (1 hour)
				900        ; retry (15 minutes)
				86400      ; expire (1 day)
				3600       ; minimum (1 hour)
$TTL 3600	; 1 hour
mysky		A
*			A

cf. the most simple way to use the above DNS server( in temporal,
add it in /etc/resolv.conf as below on all testing machines (docker host, client machines for browser)


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special thanks to prior works on self-hosting.

hacks in bluesky:

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