Addons Forge
- Fork - once per person
- Clone - once per computer
- Create new branch - once per addon (or set of addons). For managers only, because push access is needed.
- Get branch from upstream - once per addon
- PR to addons-dev - as much as needed.
- Merge PR to addons-dev - as much as needed. For managers only.
- Final PR to target repo - once per addon
- After accepting Final PR, addon is published at apps store automatically with a delay of up to 24 hours
- Further updates - PRs are sent directly to target repo.
Click Fork button at top right hand corner
Clone your fork to your machine:
git clone [email protected]:USERNAME/addons-dev.git
Add remotes
cd addons-dev git remote add upstream [email protected]:it-projects-llc/addons-dev.git git remote add misc-addons git remote add pos-addons git remote add mail-addons git remote add access-addons git remote add website-addons git remote add l10n-addons
# specify target, repo and branch:
export REPO=misc-addons BRANCH=12.0 FEATURE=some_feature
# fetch remote
git fetch ${REPO}
# create new branch
git checkout -b ${REPO}-${BRANCH}-${FEATURE} ${REPO}/${BRANCH}
# push to upstream
git push upstream ${REPO}-${BRANCH}-${FEATURE}
# done
# get branch from upstream
git fetch upstream misc-addons-12.0-some_feature
git checkout -b misc-addons-12.0-some_feature upstream/misc-addons-12.0-some_feature
# work and make commits
git commit ...
# push to origin
git push origin misc-addons-11.0-some_feature
# create pull request via github interface to it-projects-llc/addons-dev repo
# example for misc-addons
cd /path/to/misc-addons
# add remote if it doesn't exist yet
git remote add addons-dev
# fetch remote
git fetch addons-dev misc-addons-12.0-some_feature
# create branch
git checkout -b 12.0-some-feature addons-dev/misc-addons-12.0-some_feature
# Sync with upstream
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/12.0
# push to your fork of target repo
git push origin 12.0-some-feature
# create PR to target repo