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Planeshifter committed Mar 25, 2022
1 parent 0f1d810 commit 92655a6
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Showing 220 changed files with 246 additions and 202 deletions.
36 changes: 35 additions & 1 deletion @isle-project/components/documentation.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1738,6 +1738,11 @@
"description": "NumberInput-prop-numbersOnly",
"defaultValue": true
"name": "placeholder",
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "0"
"name": "onBlur",
"type": "function",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3426,6 +3431,11 @@
"description": "Link-prop-windowFeatures",
"defaultValue": null
"name": "openWindow",
"type": "boolean",
"defaultValue": false
"name": "className",
"type": "string",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5339,6 +5349,12 @@
"type": "object",
"description": "FileQuestion-prop-style",
"defaultValue": {}
"name": "onChange",
"type": "function",
"description": "FileQuestion-prop-onChange",
"defaultValue": "function onChange() {}"
"description": "FileQuestion-description"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5655,6 +5671,12 @@
"description": "MatchListQuestion-prop-style",
"defaultValue": {}
"name": "onChange",
"type": "function",
"description": "MatchListQuestion-prop-onChange",
"defaultValue": "function onChange() {}"
"name": "onSubmit",
"type": "function",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5869,7 +5891,7 @@
"name": "defaultValue",
"type": "number",
"description": "NumberQuestion-prop-defaultValue",
"defaultValue": 0
"defaultValue": null
"name": "provideFeedback",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6243,6 +6265,12 @@
"description": "RangeQuestion-prop-onChangeUpper",
"defaultValue": "function onChangeUpper() {}"
"name": "onChange",
"type": "function",
"description": "RangeQuestion-prop-onChange",
"defaultValue": "function onChange() {}"
"name": "onSubmit",
"type": "function",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6362,6 +6390,12 @@
"description": "SelectQuestionMatrix-prop-style",
"defaultValue": {}
"name": "onChange",
"type": "function",
"description": "SelectQuestionMatrix-prop-onChange",
"defaultValue": "function onChange() {}"
"name": "onSubmit",
"type": "function",
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions @isle-project/locales/editor/component-docs/bg.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,7 +173,6 @@
"DataTable-prop-editable": "масив от имена на колони, които могат да се редактират",
"DataTable-prop-filterable": "контролира дали колоните могат да се филтрират.",
"DataTable-prop-filters": "масив от филтри",
"DataTable-prop-getTrProps": "функция за обратно извикване, изпълнявана за всеки ред, за да се персонализира стилът му (предадени са състояние на таблицата, информация за реда,\r\nколона и инстанцията на таблицата)",
"DataTable-prop-onClickRemove": "функция, указваща действието, което да се предприеме за редовете, премахнати от данните (по подразбиране е празна функция)",
"DataTable-prop-onColumnDelete": "функция, извикана с името на колона, когато е щракнат съответният бутон за изтриване на колона",
"DataTable-prop-onColumnDrag": "функция, задействана при плъзгане на колона до различна позиция",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1278,7 +1277,6 @@
"SliderInput-prop-style": "CSS инлайн стилове",
"SortableTree-description": "Тънка обвивка около [react-sortable-tree](, която поддържа всички свойства на посочения компонент.",
"SortableTree-prop-title": "заглавие на заглавието",
"SortableTree-prop-treeData": "масив от обекти с `title` (основен етикет на възела),\r\n`subtitle` (вторичен етикет), `expanded` (показва децата на възела, ако е зададено true) и/или\r\n`children` (масив от дъщерни възли, принадлежащи на съответния възел)",
"span-description": "Общ контейнерен елемент за вграждане.",
"span-prop-className": "име на класа",
"span-prop-style": "CSS инлайн стилове",
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions @isle-project/locales/editor/component-docs/cs.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,7 +173,6 @@
"DataTable-prop-editable": "pole názvů sloupců, které mají být editovatelné.",
"DataTable-prop-filterable": "řídí, zda je možné sloupce filtrovat",
"DataTable-prop-filters": "pole filtrů",
"DataTable-prop-getTrProps": "zpětné volání prováděné pro každý řádek za účelem přizpůsobení jeho stylu (předaný stav tabulky, informace o řádku,\r\nsloupce a instance tabulky)",
"DataTable-prop-onClickRemove": "funkce určující akci, která se má provést pro řádky odstraněné z dat (výchozí hodnota je prázdná funkce).",
"DataTable-prop-onColumnDelete": "funkce vyvolaná s názvem sloupce po kliknutí na příslušné tlačítko pro odstranění sloupce.",
"DataTable-prop-onColumnDrag": "funkce vyvolaná při přetažení sloupce na jinou pozici",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1278,7 +1277,6 @@
"SliderInput-prop-style": "Řádkové styly CSS",
"SortableTree-description": "Tenký obal kolem komponenty [react-sortable-tree](, který podporuje všechny vlastnosti uvedené komponenty.",
"SortableTree-prop-title": "název záhlaví",
"SortableTree-prop-treeData": "pole objektů s `title` (primární označení uzlu),\r\n`subtitle` (sekundární popisek), `expanded` (zobrazí děti uzlu, pokud je nastaveno na true) a/nebo\r\n`children` (pole podřízených uzlů patřících k příslušnému uzlu).",
"span-description": "Obecný inline kontejnerový prvek.",
"span-prop-className": "název třídy",
"span-prop-style": "Řádkové styly CSS",
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions @isle-project/locales/editor/component-docs/da.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,7 +173,6 @@
"DataTable-prop-editable": "array af navne på kolonner, der skal kunne redigeres",
"DataTable-prop-filterable": "styrer, om kolonnerne kan filtreres",
"DataTable-prop-filters": "array af filtre",
"DataTable-prop-getTrProps": "callback-funktion, der udføres for hver række for at tilpasse dens styling (overført tabelstatus, oplysninger om rækken,\r\nkolonne og bordinstansen)",
"DataTable-prop-onClickRemove": "funktion, der angiver en handling, der skal udføres for rækker, der fjernes fra dataene (standard er en tom funktion)",
"DataTable-prop-onColumnDelete": "funktion, der påkaldes med navnet på en kolonne, når der klikkes på den respektive sletteknap for en kolonne",
"DataTable-prop-onColumnDrag": "funktion, der påberåbes, når en kolonne er blevet trukket til en anden position",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1278,7 +1277,6 @@
"SliderInput-prop-style": "CSS inline-stilarter",
"SortableTree-description": "En tynd indpakning omkring [react-sortable-tree](, der understøtter alle egenskaberne for den pågældende komponent.",
"SortableTree-prop-title": "overskrift titel",
"SortableTree-prop-treeData": "array af objekter med `title` (den primære betegnelse for noden),\r\n`subtitle` (sekundær betegnelse), `expanded` (viser nodens børn, hvis den er sat til true) og/eller\r\n`children` (array af underknuder, der hører til den pågældende knude)",
"span-description": "Generisk inline containerelement.",
"span-prop-className": "klassens navn",
"span-prop-style": "CSS inline-stilarter",
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions @isle-project/locales/editor/component-docs/de.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,7 +173,6 @@
"DataTable-prop-editable": "Array von Namen für Spalten, die editierbar sein sollen",
"DataTable-prop-filterable": "steuert, ob Spalten filterbar sind",
"DataTable-prop-filters": "Reihe von Filtern",
"DataTable-prop-getTrProps": "Callback-Funktion, die für jede Zeile ausgeführt wird, um ihr Styling anzupassen (übergebener Tabellenstatus, Zeileninfo,\r\nSpalte, und die Tabelleninstanz)",
"DataTable-prop-onClickRemove": "Funktion, die eine Aktion für Zeilen angibt, die aus den Daten entfernt werden (Standardwert ist eine leere Funktion)",
"DataTable-prop-onColumnDelete": "Funktion, die mit dem Namen einer Spalte aufgerufen wird, wenn die entsprechende Löschschaltfläche für eine Spalte angeklickt wird",
"DataTable-prop-onColumnDrag": "Funktion, die aufgerufen wird, wenn eine Spalte an eine andere Position gezogen wurde",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1278,7 +1277,6 @@
"SliderInput-prop-style": "CSS-Inline-Stile",
"SortableTree-description": "Ein dünner Wrapper um [react-sortable-tree](, der alle Eigenschaften der genannten Komponente unterstützt.",
"SortableTree-prop-title": "Kopfzeilen-Titel",
"SortableTree-prop-treeData": "Array von Objekten mit `title` (primäre Bezeichnung für den Knoten),\r\n`subtitle` (sekundäre Bezeichnung), `expanded` (zeigt die Kinder des Knotens an wenn auf true gesetzt), und/oder\r\n`children` (Array von Kindknoten, die zu dem jeweiligen Knoten gehören)",
"span-description": "Generisches Inline-Container-Element.",
"span-prop-className": "Klassenname",
"span-prop-style": "CSS-Inline-Stile",
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions @isle-project/locales/editor/component-docs/el.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,7 +173,6 @@
"DataTable-prop-editable": "πίνακας ονομάτων για τις στήλες που πρέπει να είναι επεξεργάσιμες",
"DataTable-prop-filterable": "ελέγχει αν οι στήλες μπορούν να φιλτραριστούν",
"DataTable-prop-filters": "πίνακας φίλτρων",
"DataTable-prop-getTrProps": "συνάρτηση επανάκλησης που εκτελείται για κάθε γραμμή για την προσαρμογή του στυλ της (περνάει κατάσταση πίνακα, πληροφορίες γραμμής,\r\nστήλη και η περίπτωση του πίνακα)",
"DataTable-prop-onClickRemove": "συνάρτηση που καθορίζει μια ενέργεια που πρέπει να γίνει για τις γραμμές που αφαιρούνται από τα δεδομένα (προεπιλογή σε κενή συνάρτηση)",
"DataTable-prop-onColumnDelete": "συνάρτηση που καλείται με το όνομα μιας στήλης όταν πατηθεί το αντίστοιχο κουμπί διαγραφής για μια στήλη",
"DataTable-prop-onColumnDrag": "συνάρτηση που καλείται όταν μια στήλη έχει μεταφερθεί σε διαφορετική θέση",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1278,7 +1277,6 @@
"SliderInput-prop-style": "Στυλ γραμμής CSS",
"SortableTree-description": "Ένα λεπτό περιτύλιγμα γύρω από το [react-sortable-tree]( που υποστηρίζει όλες τις ιδιότητες του εν λόγω συστατικού.",
"SortableTree-prop-title": "τίτλος κεφαλίδας",
"SortableTree-prop-treeData": "πίνακας αντικειμένων με \"τίτλο\" (κύρια ετικέτα για τον κόμβο),\r\n`subtitle` (δευτερεύουσα ετικέτα), `expanded` (εμφανίζει τα παιδιά του κόμβου αν έχει οριστεί σε true), ή/και\r\n`children` (πίνακας των κόμβων-παιδιών που ανήκουν στον αντίστοιχο κόμβο)",
"span-description": "Γενικό inline στοιχείο δοχείου.",
"span-prop-className": "όνομα κλάσης",
"span-prop-style": "Στυλ γραμμής CSS",
Expand Down
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions @isle-project/locales/editor/component-docs/en.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
"DataTable-prop-editable": "array of names for columns that shall be editable",
"DataTable-prop-filterable": "controls whether columns are filterable",
"DataTable-prop-filters": "array of filters",
"DataTable-prop-getTrProps": "callback function executed for each row to customize its styling (passed table state, row info,\r\ncolumn, and the table instance)",
"DataTable-prop-getTrProps": "callback function executed for each row to customize its styling (passed table state, row info,\ncolumn, and the table instance)",
"DataTable-prop-onClickRemove": "function specifying an action to take for rows removed from the data (defaults to an empty function)",
"DataTable-prop-onColumnDelete": "function invoked with the name of a column when the respective delete button for a column is clicked",
"DataTable-prop-onColumnDrag": "function invoked when a column has been dragged to a different position",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,6 +255,7 @@
"FileQuestion-prop-feedback": "controls whether to display feedback buttons",
"FileQuestion-prop-hintPlacement": "placement of the hints (either `top`, `left`, `right`, or `bottom`)",
"FileQuestion-prop-hints": "hints providing guidance on how to answer the question",
"FileQuestion-prop-onChange": "callback to invoke upon receiving a file",
"FileQuestion-prop-points": "maximum number of points awarded in grading",
"FileQuestion-prop-question": "the question displayed at the top of the file question component",
"FileQuestion-prop-style": "CSS inline styles",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -665,6 +666,7 @@
"MatchListQuestion-prop-feedback": "controls whether to display feedback buttons",
"MatchListQuestion-prop-hintPlacement": "placement of the hints (either `top`, `left`, `right`, or `bottom`)",
"MatchListQuestion-prop-hints": "hints providing guidance on how to answer the question",
"MatchListQuestion-prop-onChange": "callback invoked when students changes an answer",
"MatchListQuestion-prop-onSubmit": "callback invoked when students submits an answer",
"MatchListQuestion-prop-points": "maximum number of points awarded in grading",
"MatchListQuestion-prop-provideFeedback": "indicates whether the solution should be accessible after learners submit their answers",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -787,6 +789,7 @@
"NumberInput-prop-legend": "string indicating the text displayed next to the number input",
"NumberInput-prop-max": "number indicating the maximum value that may be inserted",
"NumberInput-prop-min": "number indicating the smallest possible value that may be inserted",
"NumberInput-prop-null": "} placeholder - string indicating the text displayed when the input is empty (requires `defaultValue` to be set to `null` or `undefined`)",
"NumberInput-prop-numbersOnly": "controls whether only numbers are accepted",
"NumberInput-prop-onBlur": "callback function to be invoked when using a blur method",
"NumberInput-prop-onChange": "callback function to be invoked when number input is changed",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1014,6 +1017,7 @@
"RangeQuestion-prop-labels": "two-element array of custom labels other than \"Lower\" and \"Upper\"",
"RangeQuestion-prop-max": "maximum input value",
"RangeQuestion-prop-min": "minimum input value",
"RangeQuestion-prop-onChange": "callback triggered after a bound is changed by the user (with lower and upper bound as arguments)",
"RangeQuestion-prop-onChangeLower": "callback triggered after the lower bound is changed by the user",
"RangeQuestion-prop-onChangeUpper": "callback triggered after the upper bound is changed by the user",
"RangeQuestion-prop-onSubmit": "callback invoked when answer is submitted; has as first parameter a `boolean` indicating whether the answer was correctly answered (if applicable, `null` otherwise) and the supplied answer as the second parameter",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1172,6 +1176,7 @@
"SelectQuestionMatrix-prop-hintPlacement": "placement of the hints (either `top`, `left`, `right`, or `bottom`)",
"SelectQuestionMatrix-prop-hints": "hints providing guidance on how to answer the question",
"SelectQuestionMatrix-prop-nTries": "after how many tries no further answers are accepted (if `provideFeedback` is not `none`)",
"SelectQuestionMatrix-prop-onChange": "callback function invoked upon changing the answers",
"SelectQuestionMatrix-prop-onSubmit": "callback function invoked upon submission with the answers as a first and a boolean indicating correctness as second parameter",
"SelectQuestionMatrix-prop-options": "object with key-value pairs with keys having the form `row:col`, e.g. `0:0`, `0:1`, `1:0` etc., and their corresponding values being arrays of the possible answer choices for the individual select questions",
"SelectQuestionMatrix-prop-panelProps": "additional properties to be passed to the outer <Panel /> component",
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"SliderInput-prop-style": "CSS inline styles",
"SortableTree-description": "A thin wrapper around [react-sortable-tree]( that supports all properties of said component.",
"SortableTree-prop-title": "header title",
"SortableTree-prop-treeData": "array of objects with `title` (primary label for the node),\r\n`subtitle` (secondary label), `expanded` (display the children of the node if set to true), and/or\r\n`children` (array of child nodes belonging to the respective node)",
"SortableTree-prop-treeData": "array of objects with `title` (primary label for the node),\n`subtitle` (secondary label), `expanded` (display the children of the node if set to true), and/or\n`children` (array of child nodes belonging to the respective node)",
"span-description": "Generic inline container element.",
"span-prop-className": "class name",
"span-prop-style": "CSS inline styles",
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions @isle-project/locales/editor/component-docs/es.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,7 +173,6 @@
"DataTable-prop-editable": "una serie de nombres para las columnas que serán editables",
"DataTable-prop-filterable": "controla si las columnas son filtrables",
"DataTable-prop-filters": "matriz de filtros",
"DataTable-prop-getTrProps": "función de devolución de llamada ejecutada para cada fila para personalizar su estilo (estado de la tabla pasado, información de la fila\r\ncolumna y la instancia de la tabla)",
"DataTable-prop-onClickRemove": "función que especifica una acción a tomar para las filas eliminadas de los datos (por defecto una función vacía)",
"DataTable-prop-onColumnDelete": "función que se invoca con el nombre de una columna cuando se hace clic en el respectivo botón de eliminación de una columna",
"DataTable-prop-onColumnDrag": "función invocada cuando una columna ha sido arrastrada a una posición diferente",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1278,7 +1277,6 @@
"SliderInput-prop-style": "Estilos en línea CSS",
"SortableTree-description": "Un fino envoltorio alrededor del [árbol reactivo-ordenable] ( que soporta todas las propiedades de dicho componente.",
"SortableTree-prop-title": "título del encabezado",
"SortableTree-prop-treeData": "array de objetos con `title` (etiqueta principal del nodo),\r\n`subtítulo` (etiqueta secundaria), `expanded` (muestra los hijos del nodo si se establece en true), y/o\r\n`children` (matriz de nodos hijos que pertenecen al nodo respectivo)",
"span-description": "Elemento de contenedor en línea genérico.",
"span-prop-className": "nombre de la clase",
"span-prop-style": "Estilos en línea CSS",
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