- Chair: Robin
- Notes: Gabriela
- Attending: Melissa
- no new members in attendance
1-page documentation tip sheet *Draft available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Daxss3yk8LREdh2_h2LsbSm12qcsoPJ0cTe9yAr0bU4/edit#
- Suggestions of info to include
- when to use screenshots
- give some examples of code, note boxes, warning boxes
- when to link to github
- create e few template pages in the wiki documentation (eg for modules)
- Suggestions of info to include
Report to Islandora Roadmap Committee
- the report was revised and it is available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EoJv6Kue2q09GTXuaJEnschyiE8koh3DteM5HruMQfw/edit#
Representative on committers' calls
DevOps documentation
- Robin will try to attend the next meeting
- Doodle poll: http://doodle.com/poll/vhwizkt6s5gcv9r8
- Robin will send it out
- Chair: Gabriela
- Notes: Robin
- Gabriela to revise the 1-page documentation tip sheet
- Robin to send out the Doodle poll for the next meeting