- Chair: Robin
- Notes: Kelli
- Melissa, Jaime
- Regrets: Lingling, Gabriela, Janice
- Becky sent an email to the group with the updated DuraSpace wiki page, but separate changes were made to the contribute page in the 7.x-1.6 version of the wiki, so the changes need to be merged.
- Becky feedback: "The draft page at https://wiki.duraspace.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=69833971 was more what we were shooting for since this page was supposed to be a landing page to direct folks to other parts of the documentation, including dev docs, instead of trying to repeat information. Would it be possible to switch over the draft to the new 1.6 release page?". https://groups.google.com/d/msg/islandora-docs/4e-6tQ9OgyY/N-jGL_0AEAAJ
- Update Contribute page with content on Becky's page that is missing - https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/ISLANDORA/Contribute? Who can take this on?
- Robin will update https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/ISLANDORA/Contribute with some of Becky's updates
- Revieiw the Drupal style guide (in development) for Drupal-related questions.
- DIG will focus on making a 1-page "documentation tip sheet" that covers some common formatting questions.
- Robin will email Gabriela to see if she is making the 1-page "documentation tip sheet"
- Review draft updated terms of reference
- Approved, Robin will post updated terms to Github.
- Agreed this is fine - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/islandora-docs/k3PSVnSMrpA - and that we don't need categories for now. (see: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/islandora-docs/k3PSVnSMrpA)
- Need to appoint new DIG rep - Kelli stepping down. Kelli will send a call to the list (also ask for additional volunteers) and will try to find someone for January.
- Discussion about the Dev Ops Group documentation - Robin will attend and discuss with them
- Robin will send a Doodle Poll
- Try to keep 3rd Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. EST on hold, just in case