Tweet Display Back is a module for Joomla! sites which allows users to display a user or list feed on their site.
The current release of Tweet Display Back is compatible with Joomla! 2.5 and newer. Older versions of the module are available for download at
Tweet Display Back has no external requirements; everything necessary is included in the core Joomla! distribution.
- Documentation for Tweet Display Back is available on my website at
- If you've found a bug, please report it to the Issue Tracker at
- If you have made a checkout of the repository, you can build installation packages using Phing by running 'phing dev_head' from your interface.
The master branch will at all times remain stable. Development for new features will occur in branches and when ready, will be pulled into the master branch.
In the event features have already been merged for the next release series and an issue arises that warrants a fix on the current release series, the developer will create a branch based off the tag created from the previous release, make the necessary changes, package a new release, and tag the new release. If necessary, the commits made in the temporary branch will be merged into master.