F#Interactive + canopy( web test framework ) = smart test coding
日本語のREADME <- README.ja.md
Note: You will need to rewrite the chrome driver version to match your environment.
in canopy-befor-use-fs5.fsx
#r "nuget: Selenium.WebDriver"
#r "nuget: canopy"
//this version number.
#r "nuget: Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver, 85.0.4183.8700"
open canopy
open canopy.runner.classic
open canopy.configuration
open canopy.classic
open canopy.reporters
open System
let driverDir = match System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform with
// this version number //
| System.PlatformID.Win32NT -> System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile) + "\\.nuget\\packages\\selenium.webDriver.chromedriver\\85.0.4183.8700\\driver\\win32"
| System.PlatformID.Unix -> System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile) + "/.nuget/packages/selenium.webDriver.chromedriver/85.0.4183.8700/driver/mac64"
canopy.configuration.chromeDir <- driverDir
reporter <- new JUnitReporter("./TestResults.xml")
start chrome
I am looking for a good fix, but haven't found one yet.
Note: Scoop is package manager for windows.
When using Scoop, the dependency dotnet cli will be resolved by Scoop.
> scoop install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iranika/collie/main/collie.json
> collie
You need install dotnet cli.
> git clone https://github.com/iranika/collie.git
> cd collie
> ./collie.ps1