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	Installation of the FITSUTIL external package

[1] The package is distributed as a compressed tar archive.

	% ftp
	login: anonymous
	password: [your last name]
	ftp> cd iraf/extern
	ftp> get fitsutil.readme
	ftp> binary
	ftp> get fitsutil.tar.Z
	ftp> quit

	% uncompress fitsutil.tar

    The readme.fitsutil file contains these instructions.

[2] Create a directory to contain the FITSUTIL external package files.  This
    directory should be outside the IRAF directory tree and must be owned
    by the IRAF account.  In the following examples, this root directory
    is named usr1:[fitsutil] (VMS) or  /local/fitsutil/ (UNIX).  Make the 
    appropriate file name substitutions for your site.

[3] Log in as IRAF and edit the extern.pkg file in the hlib directory to
    define the package to the CL.  From the IRAF account, outside the CL,
    you can move to this directory with the commands:

	$ set def irafhlib			# VMS example
	% cd $hlib				# UNIX example

    Define the environment variable fitsutil to be the pathname to the fitsutil
    root directory.  The '$' character must be escaped in the VMS pathname;
    UNIX pathnames must be terminated with a '/'.  Edit extern.pkg to include:

	reset fitsutil      = usr\$1:[fitsutil] # VMS example
	reset fitsutil      = /local/fitsutil/	# UNIX example

	task  fitsutil.pkg = fitsutil$

    Near the end of the hlib$extern.pkg file, update the definition of helpdb
    so it includes the fitsutil help database, copying the syntax already used
    in the string.  Add this line before the line containing a closing quote:

[4] Log into the CL from the IRAF account and unpack the archive file.  Change
    directories to the FITSUTIL root directory created above and use 'rtar':

	cl> cd fitsutil
	cl> softools
	cl> rtar -xrf <archive>  where <archive> is the host name of the
				 archive file or the IRAF tape
				 device for tape distributions.

   On VMS systems, an error message will appear ("Copy 'bin.generic' to
   './bin fails") which can be ignored.  Also on VMS systems, the four
   bin.'mach' directories created by rtar under [newimred.bin] can be
   deleted.  UNIX sites should leave the symbolic link 'bin' in the FITSUTIL
   root directory pointing to 'bin.generic' but can delete any of the 
   bin.`mach' directories that won't be used.  The archive file can be
   deleted once the package has been successfully installed.

[5] When the archive has been unpacked, build the FITSUTIL package executable.  
    The compilation and linking of the FITSUTIL package is done using the 
    following command:

	cl> mkpkg -p fitsutil update >& fitsutil.spool &

    NOTE: On systems that concurrently support different architectures
    (e.g., Suns, Convex), you must configure the system for the desired
    architecture before issuing the above command.  SUN/IRAF sites must
    execute a pair of 'mkpkg' commands for each supported architecture type.
    The Unix environment variable IRAFARCH must be set as well before
    compiling.  For example:

	# Assuming IRAFARCH is set to ffpa
	cl> mkpkg -p fitsutil ffpa
	cl> mkpkg -p fitsutil update >& fitsutil.ffpa &
	cl> mkpkg -p fitsutil f68881
	# Now reset IRAFARCH to f68881 before continuing
	cl> mkpkg -p fitsutil update >& fitsutil.f68881 &

    The spool file(s) should be reviewed upon completion to make sure there
    were no errors.