A Service to store double hashed indexed records with their corresponding encrypted values backed by Pebble key-value store according to the IPNI Reader Privacy specification.
The service exposes a HTTP API that allows clients to PUT
or GET
encrypted index value keys and encrypted IPNI metadata.
The repository provides a CLI command to start up the dhstore
service, with following usage:
$ dhstore -h
Usage of ./dhstore:
-blockCacheSize string
Size of pebble block cache. Can be set in Mi or Gi. (default "1Gi")
Weather to disable WAL in Pebble dhstore.
-experimentalCompactionDebtConcurrency string
CompactionDebtConcurrency controls the threshold of compaction debt at which additional compaction concurrency slots are added. For every multiple of this value in compaction debt bytes, an additional concurrent compaction is added. This works "on top" of L0CompactionConcurrency, so the higher of the count of compaction concurrency slots as determined by the two options is chosen. Can be set in Mi or Gi. (default "1Gi")
-experimentalL0CompactionConcurrency int
The threshold of L0 read-amplification at which compaction concurrency is enabled (if CompactionDebtConcurrency was not already exceeded). Every multiple of this value enables another concurrent compaction up to MaxConcurrentCompactions. (default 10)
-l0CompactionFileThreshold int
The count of L0 files necessary to trigger an L0 compaction. (default 500)
-l0CompactionThreshold int
The amount of L0 read-amplification necessary to trigger an L0 compaction. (default 2)
-l0StopWritesThreshold int
Hard limit on Pebble L0 read-amplification. Writes are stopped when this threshold is reached. (default 12)
-listenAddr string
The dhstore HTTP server listen address. (default "")
-logLevel string
The logging level. Only applied if GOLOG_LOG_LEVEL environment variable is unset. (default "info")
-maxConcurrentCompactions int
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent Pebble compactions. As a rule of thumb set it to the number of the CPU cores. (default 10)
-metricsAddr string
The dhstore metrics HTTP server listen address. (default "")
-providersURL value
Providers URL to enable dhfind. Multiple OK
-storePath string
The path at which the dhstore data persisted. (default "./dhstore/store")
-storeType pebble
The store type to use. only pebble and `fdb` is supported. Defaults to `pebble`. When `fdb` is selected, all `fdb*` args must be set. (default "pebble")
Show version information,
To run the server locally, execute:
$ go run cmd/dhstore/main.go
The above command starts the HTTP API exposed on default listen address: http://localhost:40080
For more information
To install dhstore
CLI directly via Golang, run:
$ go install github.com/ipni/dhstore/cmd/dhstore@latest
To install dhstore
with FDB support, run:
$ go install -tags fdb github.com/ipni/dhstore/cmd/dhstore@latest