messager is a component used to manage local messages, with the purpose of saving address messages, managing message status, and controlling the frequency of push messages.
Use Venus Issues for reporting issues about this repository.
- ✅ Remote wallet support: One messenger support multiple wallets to manage their keys separately
- ✅ Message pool for multiple miners: As a service, Messenger provides API for miners to put messages on chain
- ✅ Supports sqlite local storage and mysql remote storage for more secure and stable storage
- ✅ Scan the address of the miner's wallet, monitor the actor status of address on the chain, maintain the address's nonce information,
- ✅ Fill on fly: gas related parameters and nonce are to be filled out when sending a message on chain according to gas policy, to make sure the gas-estimation and other seeting are valid
- ✅ Maintain message status, including whether the message is chained and replaced. Save the results of the execution.
- ✅ Global Gas estimate paraters, address push quantity configuration.
- ✅ Message-delivery assuring: Auto replace parameters and resend messages whenever there is a failure
- ✅ Multi-point message delivery through daemon program
- ✅ broadcast message through libp2p
- ✅ Enhanced API Security
- 🔲 Rich and flexible message sorting options
build binary
git clone
The default path is ~/.sophon-messager.
./sophon-messager --repo=path_to_repo run
./sophon-messager run \
--node-url=/ip4/ \
--gateway-url=/ip4/ \
--auth-url= \
--auth-token=<auth-token> \
We will find three files in ~/.sophon-messager
- message.db
- message.db-shm
- message.db-wal
./sophon-messager run \
--node-url=/ip4/ \
--gateway-url=/ip4/ \
--auth-url= \
--auth-token=<auth-token> \
--db-type=mysql \
The configuration file is saved in ~/.sophon-messager/config.toml
Address = "/ip4/"
# support sqlite and mysql
type = "sqlite"
connMaxLifeTime = "1m0s"
connectionString = ""
debug = false
maxIdleConn = 10
maxOpenConn = 10
debug = false
file = ""
# gateway token, generate by auth server
token = ""
# gateway url
url = "/ip4/"
RequestQueueSize = 30
RequestTimeout = "5m0s"
# auth server url, not connect when empty
authURL = ""
# JWT token, generate by secret
secret = ""
# hex JWT secret, randam generate first init
token = ""
# default log level
level = "info"
# log output file
path = "messager.log"
# skip process head
skipProcessHead = false
# skip push message
skipPushMessage = false
# file used to store tipset
tipsetFilePath = "./tipset.json"
CleanupInterval = 86400
DefaultExpiration = 259200
backTime = 86400
# node token, generate by auth server
token = ""
# node url
url = "/ip4/"
redis = "" # eg.
JaegerEndpoint = "" # eg. 1270.0.0.1:6831
# enable trace
JaegerTracingEnabled = false
ProbabilitySampler = 1.0
ServerName = "sophon-messenger"