You can now modify chat length in ChatModifications
EntityDesync now works as intended
Speed now works in all directions
Major autocrystalrewrite improvements
Waypoints system (Logoutspots, CoordTPExploit, normal waypoints created with console, per server, and per dimension (nether coords/overworld coords work in both dimensions with dividing by 8 or multiplying by 8)
AutoTunnel - Ability to automatically mine, 1x2 tunnels, 2x2, 2x3, and 3x3, this also has ability to pause autowalk while mining.
Stair option added to autobuilder
StashLogger now logs dimension name
AutoTrap now has a toggleMode (by @!seen popbob )
Damage is now visualized in AutoCrystalRewrite
Probably fix NoRotate fucking shit up
Possibly fix terrain issuses
AntiBots (for harsh anticheats, note: untested)
AAC mode added to step
Fix some crash issues
AutoSign (working on 2b2t)
RPC is now in it's own mod named "DiscordRPC"
Changed version to 2.05