Gopherjs Bindings for Youtube's Iframe API documented @
Test and example page can be accessed by gopherjs serve.
Usage: Sample code is in the example package
const playerID = "playerID"
func main() {
// 1. Add the Youtube script to your header
// 2. Place the player container as a div in your html with a predefined id
var app = &App{playerID: playerID}
// 3. Initialize the player when the Youtube API's done loading
js.Global.Set("onYouTubeIframeAPIReady", func() {
// Create and set the initial properties of the player (check the document
// for the specific fields)
var props = youtube.NewProperties()
props.Width = 640
props.Height = 390
props.VideoID = "dQw4w9WgXcQ"
props.PlayerVars.EnableJsAPI = 1
props.Events.OnReady = func(e *youtube.Event) {
// Create and cache the created player
app.player = youtube.NewPlayer(playerID, props)
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