Some light helpers. Very simple code, but for coders new to programming, they provide useful reading fodder.
char* sanitizeStr( char* );
char* sanitizeStr2( char*, char* invalid_chars_array );
char* getstring( char* );
char* int2str( int );
int str2int( char* );
int cmp_dstr( char*,char* );
int systemEndian( void );
This helper unit includes:
A function for sanitizing cstrings as a basic safety pass (and an alternative version).
Functions for converting Integers between int format and cstring format (base10).
A function for comparing 2 cstrings representing decimal (base10) numbers, and comparing their numeric value.
Also, I've included a method for checking if the target machine is little-endian, or big-endian. There are even simpler methods, but this method engages one to think on the matter.