Project to develop Neo4j as the backing store for InterMine. Hosted at
This repository contains following two sub-projects.
intermine-neo4j contains the packages for Neo4j metadata management, PathQuery to Cypher conversion and data loaders for InterMine Neo4j database.
intermine-neo4jwebapp contains the web service API endpoint and servlets from which you can query InterMine Neo4j database.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. We use gradle wrapper for building the project.
To run the project you need to get the following prerequisites.
- JDK 8
- Neo4j Graph Database 3.2
- Neo4j APOC 3+
Place the
file to the plugins directory inside your local neo4j database directory. For example, inside/home/yourusername/neo4j-community-3.2.0/plugins
. -
Download the latest source code by cloning the git repository.
git clone
- Change the current directory to project directory.
cd neo4j
Change the current directory to project directory.
cd intermine-neo4j
Update your Neo4j Database URL, InterMine Service URL, credentials and other information in
file. -
To build the project, run
./gradlew build
To see the list of all available taks and their description, run
./gradlew tasks --all
. -
To execute a particular task, run
./gradlew <taskName>
Change the current directory to project directory.
cd intermine-neo4jwebapp
To run a local instance of the server, run
./gradlew jettyRun
For Swagger documentation of the API, visit http://localhost:8080/.
For testing PathQueryServlets, visit http://localhost:8080/servlet/.
The project wiki contains detailed documentation of the code and the available gradle tasks.