These benchmarks were created on a GCE dedicated instance of type n1-standard-2 (2 vCPUs, 7.5 GB memory), Intel Haswell, running Debian 9 (stretch).
All benchmarks were run using the command go test -run=NONE -bench=. ./...
To compare the benchmarks do:
$ go get
$ benchcmp go1.10.linux-amd64-bench.txt go1.11.linux-amd64-bench.txt
To vizualize the comparison do:
$ go get
$ benchcmp go1.10.linux-amd64-bench.txt go1.11.linux-amd64-bench.txt | benchviz > 1.10-1.11.svg
DISCLAIMER: These benchmarks are not authoritative, and may not be accurate. They were all created on the same GCE instance, and no other user tasks were run during the creation of them, but variations in the load on the machine may have been caused by Linux sub-systems, scheduled tasks, full moons and gremlins. If you find obvious problems with the results please file a PR and I will attempt to work out what the cause may have been.