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Releases: insin/newforms


26 Oct 16:06
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Breaking Changes

  • Now depends on React 0.14.


  • Select and SelectMultiple no longer render selected attributes on their options, which was causing a warning message. React 0.14 now handles creating these in server-generated markup via parent context.
  • Documented that when using a custom rendering component with RenderForm, the Form instance is now available via a form context variable due to React 0.14 parent context.


12 Mar 21:23
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Bug Fixes

  • Changed method of detecting if we're running in the browser to avoid false positives when browserify/webpack insert process shims into browser bundles.

    A false positive can result in an Error being thrown when validating a client-side FormSet (#75)


11 Mar 14:40
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See the Upgrade Guide for instructions on upgrading to this release from the previous version.

Breaking Changes

  • Now depends on React 0.13.


  • RenderForm no longer depends on having React.addons.cloneWithProps()
    available for custom rendering, due to new React.cloneElement() top-level


  • Removed deprecated formsetFactory().


11 Mar 04:14
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See the Upgrade Guide for instructions on upgrading to this release from the previous version.

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed BaseForm to Form, changing the top-level API - this has the same
    behaviour as the currently-exported forms.Form.
  • Renamed BaseFormSet to FormSet, changing the top-level API.
  • Replaced util.formData() with the
    get-form-data module -
    formData() has been renamed to getFormData().
  • Newforms is now published to npm as flattened, top-level modules, so
    individual modules (such as Form, FormSet, fields, widgets, React
    components, ValidationError...) can be required with
    require('newforms/<modulename>') - this makes it possible to reduce the size
    of your own browser bundles by requiring only what you use.

New Features

  • Added new core Field argument: field.widgetAttrs - this allows you to
    provide additional widget attributes without having to redefine the entire
    widget (docs) (#62)
  • Added Form.prototype.prefixFormat ('{prefix}-{name}') and
    FormSet.prototype.prefixFormat ('{prefix}-{index}') to define how prefixes
    are generated. These can be overridden when extending these components to
    customise now field names are generated when prefixes are used
    (example) (#70)


  • Added former formsetFactory() options to FormSet proper (API docs)
    • FormSet can now be constructed directly, setting all formset-specific options for the instance instead of having to extend it,
    • FormSet.extend() can now be used directly to preconfigure a FormSet
      constructor with the Form constructor to be used and any other formset
  • FormSet options can now be overridden when constructing a FormSet.
  • An error will now be thrown if a FormSet is constructed without a Form
  • FileField cleaned data is now a native File object, when the browser
    supports it (docs) (#61)
    • Added a multiple argument for FileField - cleaned data will be a list of
      File objects.
    • Filename length and empty file validation can now be performed on the client
      when a File object is available.
  • Widget attribute defaults are now always provided by numeric fields when not
    already set, regardless of the type of widget being used, to allow custom
    widgets which don't extend NumberInput to make use of them

Bug Fixes

  • DecimalField now handles all-zero inputs correctly - it was cleaning them
    to an empty string (#57)
  • Select widgets no longer generate React dev-mode warnings about unique key
    props (#68)


  • formsetFactory() is deprecated in favour of using FormSet.extend() to
    create a FormSet with defaults for the same options and any custom methods


  • Removed deprecated Form rendering methods (render(), asTable(), asDiv()
    and asUl()).
  • Removed deprecated FormSet rendering methods (render(), asTable() and


04 Jan 09:13
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Major features in 0.10 are support for asynchronous validation and new React components for default rendering.

Asynchronous validation (docs)

clean() and clean<FieldName>() methods can now use asynchronous validation - defining them with a single parameter will let newforms know they will be asynchronous: There is a bunch of new API on Forms, FormSets and BoundFields

cleanUsername: function(cb) {
   // ...

form.validate() now takes an additional callback argument which is required if a Form or FormSet has async validation.

Default rendering now includes a <progress> element on fields, forms and formsets which have pending asynchronous validation.

React components (docs)

Newforms now provides RenderForm and RenderFormSet React components for default Form and FormSet rendering:

<RenderForm form={MyForm} ref="myForm"/>

Default rendering methods on Forms and FormSets (.render(), .asTable(), .asDiv(), .asUl()) are now deprecated and will be removed in the next release.

CHANGES for 0.10.0

Breaking Changes

  • Removed formset.asUl() - it never appeared properly due to the management
  • formset.cleanedData() to no longer includes cleanedData from incomplete
    extra forms.
  • You can no longer change cleanedData by returning a value from a Form's
    clean<Name>() or clean() method.

New Features

  • Added RenderForm, FormRow and RenderFormSet components for default
    • The browser build requires the react-with-addons build of React in order to
      use RenderForm's custom rendering support.
  • Custom clean() and clean<Field>() validation methods can now be
    specified with the signature (callback) if they need to perform
    asynchronous validation.
    • The callback is an errback with the signature (err, validationError).
    • clean() will not be called until other fields - or just fields it
      depends on, if configured - have been cleaned, synchronously or
  • form.validate() and formset.validate() now take a callback argument,
    which is required if the Form or Formset has custom async validation
    configured - validate() can be used as normal for Form and Formsets
    without async validation.
    • The callback is an errback with the signature (err, isValid, cleanedData).
  • New API related to async validation:
    • form.isAsync() / formset.isAsync() - true if a form/formset has custom
      async validation.
    • form.isPending() / formset.isPending() - true if a form/formset has
      pending async validation.
    • form.nonFieldPending() / formset.nonFieldPending() - true if async
      validation of a form/formset's clean(cb) method is pending.
    • boundField.isPending() - true if a field has a pending async validation.
    • isFormAsync(Form) - true if a Form constructor's prototype has async
      validation methods.
  • <progress> indicators are now displayed by default rendering methods:
    • Beside fields with pending async validation.
    • At the end of the form when cross-field validation is pending.
  • Added more conditional CSS classes which will be used if defined in a Form:
    • optionalCssClass - used for optional fields
    • pendingCssClass - used for fields with pending async validation
  • Added boundField.helpTextTag() to expose the mechanism for rendering raw
  • Added boundField.status() to get a field's status as a string
  • Added fromJSON() factory functions to ErrorList and ErrorObject
    constructors and fromJSON() instance methods. These can be used to rehydrate
    an ErrorObject on the receiving end when form.errors() is transferred as
    JSON. This assumes the structure created by these objects' toJSON() methods.
  • Added form.setErrors() to set an ErrorObject with errors from another
  • An ErrorObject can now be passed as an errors option when creating a form
    instance, to redisplay a form with errors from another source. This prevents
    the form's own validation from running if the form has input data and
    isValid() or errors() are called during rendering.


  • Form rendering methods (render(), asTable(), asDiv() and asUl()) are
    deprecated in favour of using React components for rendering - RenderForm
    now provides default rendering.
  • FormSet rendering methods (render(), asTable() and asDiv()) are
    deprecated in favour of using React components for rendering - RenderFormSet
    now provides default rendering.


  • Reverted a change from 0.9. Synchronous calls to form/formset.validate()
    will trigger a re-render, as it looks like forceUpdate() just enqueues a
    future re-render.
  • form.isComplete() is now false if there is any pending async validation,
    even if all required fields currently have cleaned data.
  • Changes to when event-based validation fires:
    • Validation now only fires if the field's data has changed since it was last
      validated. For 'auto' validation, this prevents the default onBlur
      event from re-running the same validation as the default onChange.
    • Special cases for onBlur:
      • Pending validation is triggered immediately.
      • Validation is always triggered if the field is required and empty.
  • Changed form.addError() to no longer add duplicate error messages for the
    same field. This can happen if onChange validation which runs repeatedly
    adds errors to a field other than that which triggered the validation, using
  • The default rows attribute for a Textarea changed from 10 to 3.
  • Error messages now make use of a displayName property if a Form has one.


  • The deprecated onStateChange argument to Form and FormSet constructors has
    been removed - use onChange instead.


25 Nov 10:22
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Fixed in this release:

  • The object given to Form.extend() is no longer mutated.


11 Nov 21:30
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(For an alternative view of new features/changes, see the Development Wiki)

This release brings a bunch of sanity improvements (auto validation by default, better basic validation API) and improvements to FormSets which just about make them usable on the client (see Dinner Time! for an example).

Breaking Changes

  • Form mixins must now be specified as a __mixins__ property rather than
  • Changed form.validate() to no longer call back to re-render -- this
    was convenient for single forms, but results in multiple updates when
    processing multiple forms. Re-rendering must now be triggered manually if
    onSubmit validation fails.
  • formset.cleanedData() to no longer includes cleanedData from unmodified
    extra forms.

New Features

  • Passing onChange to a Form or FormSet now implies validation: 'auto'.
  • Added form.notEmpty() to determine when required fields in an extra
    FormSet form become truly required.
  • Added formset.validate([form]) -- equivalent to the Form version, use to
    set a formset's data from a <form> or to force full validation of its
    current input data.
  • Added formset.removeForm(index) to remove extra forms from a FormSet. It
    will also call back to trigger a re-render when possible.
  • Added errorlist#first() for conveniently getting just the first validation
    error message.
  • Added formset.addError() for adding non-form errors outside of clean().
  • Changed form.validate([form]) so the argument is optional - it can now be
    used to force full validation of a form with its current input data.
  • Form clean() functions can now specify which fields they make use of for
    cross-field validation: clean: ['field1', 'field2', function() {}]. When
    provided, clean() will only be called during partial form updates (e.g.
    onChange handling) if one of the specified fields is affected.


  • The onStateChange argument to Form and FormSet constructors -- use
    onChange instead. onStateChange will be removed in the next version.


  • onChange handlers are now always attached to widgets to update input data,
    regardless of controlled/validation config.
  • formset.addAnother() will now call back to trigger a re-render if
  • Changed partial form validation to remove any validation errors if an extra
    FormSet form is unchanged from its initial values.

v0.8.0 - React 0.12

29 Oct 20:51
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  • Updated to React 0.12 -- using new React.createElement() and React.createFactory() API for ReactElement creation.

v0.7.0 - Locales

27 Jul 20:52
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  • Updated to React 0.11 -- there are no library dependencies on new 0.11 features, but unit tests depend on improvements made to its static HTML generation.

New Features

  • Added locale support.

v0.6.0 - Interactive Forms

07 May 19:38
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The main features for this release are the addition of interactive validation and toggleable creation of controlled components, documentation and examples here:

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed form.isBound to form.isInitialRender, which more accurately
    reflects usage of this property (it was always being used in Forms as
  • Changed form.setData() to no longer accept prefixed data by default.
    Added a prefixed option argument which controls this and a new
    setFormData() method which replicates the old behaviour. This makes
    setData() more user-friendly for use with controlled forms.

New Features

  • Added per-field validation as the user makes changes to the form, configured
    by passing a validation option when constructing a Form, Field or FormSet.
  • Added toggling of creation of controlled React components, configured by
    passing a controlled option when constructing a Form or FormSet. When
    using controlled components, form widgets reflect the state of,
    so you can change what's displayed in the form by updating its data.
  • Added calling of aonStateChange() callback when provided -- passed as an
    option when constructing a Form or FormSet -- any time validation state may
    have changed as a result of updating user input from controlled components, or
    as a result of validation triggered by user interaction. This option becomes
    required when using validation or controlled options.
  • Added support for partial updating (form.updateData(partialData)) and
    cleaning (form.partialClean(fieldNames)) of data.
  • Added form.reset(newInitial) to reset a form back to its initial state,
    optionally providing new initial data in the process.
  • Added a validate option to form.setData() to support setting incomplete
    data in a controlled form without triggering required field validation errors.
  • Added form.validate(<form>) as a convenience method for retrieving and
    validating input data from a <form> -- this removes a common step when
    hooking up full-form onSubmit validation.
  • Added form.isComplete() to determine if all required fields have valid
    input data when validation is being performed interactively.
  • Added .errorMessage() and .errorMessages() to BoundField as a
    convenience for accessing error message strings, instead of having to go
    through .errors() and use the ErrorList API.
  • Added generation of a validCssClass in default rendering or when using
    BoundField#cssClasses() directly, if present on a form or its prototype.
  • Added a top-level validateAll utility method equivalent to
    form.validate() but for multiple Forms and/or FormSets.
  • Added Widget.prototype.needsInitialValue to allow Widgets to always
    receive the initial value of a field in addition to user input to be rendered.


  • Changed default widget attributes to always have a key property, to prevent
    fields being recreated when content around them changes (e.g. new validation
    errors being displayed), which makes them lose focus.
  • Form and FormSet cleanedData is now always defined regardless of whether
    or not any validation has been performed yet -- this makes it safe to check
    for data at any time, particularly in cross-field validation.
  • Updated to React 0.10 -- there are no library dependencies on new 0.10 features,
    but unit tests now make use of its enhanced support for rendering to static

Bug Fixes

  • FormSet sub-forms are no longer created from scratch every time they're
    accessed when running in the browser -- this was throwing away form state,
    which effectively broke FormSets.