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My dotfiles - Emacs centric OSX Big Sur

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PRs Welcome zsh

“ We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us. ”

  • distorted from original quote, by Marshall McLuhan

This is my dotfiles. Feel free to open an issue if you need clarification to my configs.

What languages has been tested?

  • LaTex
  • React/Typescript with LSP
  • Jsx support with rjsx-mode
  • Haskell with LSP
  • Python with pyright and poetry
  • Elixir
  • Clojure (WIP)

What's in the box?

Still prefer VsCode?

See here:

Ask me anything

Send me a PR to let me know what issues you find. I am hoping to turn this into a reproducible bundle, but I might overlooked some hardcoded variables.


git clone
cd dotfiles


For first time access, run the following commands in order:



I use Zinit as ZSH's plugin manager. My .zshrc is here. $ZDOTDIR is set in $HOME/.zshenv, so that zsh configs are self-contained.

  • Sensitive environment variables should not be version controlled, they are placed in $ZDOTDIR/secrets.zsh.
  • Add additional zsh scripts to the bottom of $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc

Install Emacs

Pick any distro that you like.

  1. Emacs Mac Port
  2. Emacs Plus
  3. Emacs OSX

Install doom emacs

git clone --depth 1 ~/.emacs.d
~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install

after installation, run doom doctor to determine missing packages

Install tiling window manager (Yabai and Skhd)

Follow the following steps to install it, require reboots and messing with csrutil

  1. Enable Displays have separate Spaces under System Preferences -> Mission Control
  2. Follow the instruction to disable SIP here
  3. Install Yabai
  4. Install Skhd
  5. yabai and skhd should be running in brew services list
  6. if it doesn't work, check the error by running tail -f /usr/local/var/log/yabai/yabai.err.log

Install additional packages

basicPackages includes a number of packages, refer .config/nixpkgs/config.nix

Find packages at

  • nix-env -iA nixpkgs.<package-name> installs a package with exact match
  • nix-env -q shows installed packages
  • nix-env --uninstall <installed-package> uninstalls package


# Essential libraries with brew
brew install cliclick starship yabai shkd gh coreutils fontconfig ranger
brew install vale # modern proselint

# Fzf history search
brew install fzf
$(brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install

# Install emacs 28
brew install emacs-head@28 --with-cocoa --with-native-comp --with-native-full-aot --with-modern-icon-doom-cacodemon

# install Nix and cachix, follow the instructions
curl -L | sh

nix-channel --update

# install nix packages
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.basicPackages

# rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

# haskell
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

# golang
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.go
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u

# python and pips
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.python38 # or python39
curl | python
pip install black pyflakes isort nose pytest pipenv pipx
pipx install grip # for markdown preview

# others via yarn
yarn global add marked
yarn global add stylelint prettier js-beautify
yarn global add pyright

# required by org +roam
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.sqlite # it is required for org-roam to work properly

# LATEX and some fonts (See latex keybindings at the bottom of this doc)
brew install --cask mactex
brew install --cask skim # preview app
brew install latexindent
brew install --cask font-gentium-plus
brew install --cask font-tex-gyre-pagella
brew install --cask font-tex-gyre-pagella-math

# Cabal setup (I don't use stack)
cabal install implicit-hie # gen-hie > hie.yaml (required for haskell-language-server)
cabal install cabal-fmt
cabal install stylish-haskell
cabal install hoogle


Emacs Font Smoothing

# default = -int 1
defaults write org.gnu.Emacs AppleFontSmoothing -int 0


Tmux + Nvim, in Alacritty

Cmd + H: Move to left tmux tab
Cmd + L: Move to right tmux tab
Cmd + K: Clear buffer
Cmd + n: New tab
Cmd + w: Kill tab
Cmd + e: Rename tab
Cmd + s: Rename session
Cmd + Enter: Toggle Full Screen

` + o: View all open tmux windows
` + \: Split tmux pane to the right
` + -: Split tmux pane to the bottom

Ctrl + HJKL: Move between panes (even across neovim/tmux)

For more, refer:


# `i` to enter vim mode
# ESC to quit vim mode

bindkey -v
bindkey '^R' fzf-history-widget # ctrl+r to search history with fzf

# emacs style 0
bindkey '^A' beginning-of-line
bindkey '^E' end-of-line
bindkey '^K' kill-line
bindkey '^W' backward-kill-word

# open a fzf-found file
bindkey -s '^o' 'nvim $(fzf)\n'


(map! :nv "S" #'save-buffer
      :nv "F" #'avy-goto-char-timer
      :nv "f" #'avy-goto-char-in-line
      :nv "J" #'evil-scroll-down
      :nv "K" #'evil-scroll-up
      :nv "gx" #'browse-url
      :nv "rr" #'evil-ex-nohighlight
      :nv "rb" #'revert-bufferm
      :nv "rc" #'lsp-workspace-restart)

;; Easier navigation
(map! :ne "C-h"   #'evil-window-left
      :ne "C-l"   #'evil-window-right
      :ne "C-j"   #'evil-window-down
      :ne "C-k"   #'evil-window-up
      :ne "s-h"   #'+workspace/switch-left
      :ne "s-l"   #'+workspace/switch-right
      :ne "s-n"   #'+workspace/new
      :ne "s-w"   #'+workspace/close-window-or-workspace
      :ne "s-r"   #'+workspace/rename)

;; Easier window split
(map! :leader
      "\\" #'evil-window-vsplit
      "-" #'evil-window-split)

;; Ace window
(map! :leader "w w" #'ace-window)

More here


# simple glucose
nnoremap <silent> rr :noh<cr>
nnoremap <silent> re :e!<cr>
nnoremap <silent> rw <C-w>=
nnoremap <silent> rf :set foldmethod=manual<CR> zE
inoremap <silent> jj <Esc>
nnoremap j gj
nnoremap k gk
vnoremap B ^
vnoremap E $
nnoremap B ^
nnoremap E $
nmap f <Plug>(easymotion-sl)
nmap F <Plug>(easymotion-s2)

# split screen
nnoremap <silent> ss :sp<CR>
nnoremap <silent> vv :vsp<CR>
nnoremap <silent> qq <C-w>q

# toggle embedded LazyGit
nnoremap <silent> <space>lg :<C-u>call ToggleLazyGit()<CR>

# quick scroll
nnoremap <silent> K :call ScrollQuarter('up')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> J :call ScrollQuarter('down')<CR>

More here

LaTex workflow

To compile the document, C-c C-c and select LaTex in the menu. To preview LaTex while editing, C-c C-v. I use "" for previewing

Some Reference and Reading Materials