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TypingMania NEO

TypingMania is a song lyric typing game. You can also think of it like Karaoke, but typing version.

You can play at

You can also contact me at typingmania (at) stdlib (dot) xyz.

Highlighted features

  • YouTube playback ability
  • Japanese lyric lines are more natural (Kanji & Furigana)
  • Typing sound feedback
  • Can load local song files


  • Visual editor for song

Table of Content

How to Play

This game is controlled purely by a keyboard (because it is a typing game). There is no mouse interaction available.

Selecting song

TypingMania NEO Menu

Top-Left is the master volume control. Use the PageUp and PageDown keys to change the volume level. Note that for YouTube, the volume is only approximated.

Right part of the screen is the song list. It shows the artist and song title. The square shows the song language, while the color denotes the media type:

  • Red (shown in the picture) means YouTube media.
  • Green means a video file.
  • Blue means audio-only.

Left part shows song detail. It includes artist, song title, song subtitle, current high score, the song length. It also shows the character-per-minute of the song, at 90 percentile and the maximum. This can be used to gauge the difficulty of the song.

To navigate the menu, use Up Arrow and Down Arrow. To enter a collection or select a song to play, use Enter. To exit collection, use Backspace.

Using local file

You can drag and drop a valid .typingmania file to the game to load. In this case, the high score is keyed by the file name.

Automatic song selection

If you want the game to load and go straight to a specific song skipping the menu, please pass the query string song={file_url} to the game, where file_url is the relative path to the .typingmania file to load. The game will immediately load the song provided.


TypingMania NEO Typing

Basically, just type what is on the screen. You can press Esc at any time to finish the song early.

You can use the Tab button to skip any line. Note that if you skipped a lyric that you have not finished typing yet, it will be counted as skipped.

The Total progress bar shows the progress within the song. The Line progress bar shows the current progress within the line.

For the Japanese line, even though the shown Romaji might be different, the system supports almost every possible keypress sequence that will result in that Kana. For example, にゃ can be input as nya, nixya, and nilya. いっしょ can be input as issho, ixtsusho, ixtushixyo, etc.


TypingMania NEO Score Screen

After the song ended (or Esc was pressed), the score summary screen will be shown with the following number:

  • Score/Class: Refer to Score calculation section.
  • Max Combo: maximum number of consecutive correct keypresses.
  • Correct: number of correct keypresses.
  • Missed: number of incorrect keypresses.
  • Completed Line: number of lines completed.
  • Skipped Line number of lines that were not completed (unable to finish typing within the time)
  • Skipped Char: number of characters unable to finish within the time.
  • Accuracy: your accuracy.
  • Typing Accuracy: typing accuracy if the skipped char is counted as missed.

Game modes

Game mode is a hidden feature. You can cycle game mode in the menu screen using F9 key. It will cycle between these modes:

  • Normal Normal game mode. Default. No indications.
  • Easy In easy mode, if you have not finished typing the line when the time is up, the line will repeat itself until you finish typing.
  • Tempo Just push any key, it will be considered as a correct key.
  • Auto Automatic typing. Sit and watch. Note that this does not block the input, so you can still mess up the score by also trying to type in this mode.
  • Blind Only the next character to type is visible. The lyrics line and other typing characters are not visible.
  • Blank Similar to blind, but furthermore, the next character to type is also invisible. Line interval are also not provided. Score information, including the number of correct line and skipped character, is visible. Sound feedback is also not changed.

NOTE: Playing any game mode other than Normal will not save the high score for that play.

Creating New Song

Before you begins

Prepare the following:

  • Song media. Can be audio, video, or YouTube video. For raw audio/video, the guaranteed format is mp4 (H.264/AAC) for video, and mp4 (AAC) or mp3 for audio. For YouTube video, it is recommended to also download the video anyway (using a program like youtube-dl) to facilitate lyric timing.
  • Song lyric. For English, just the lyric itself is usually okay. Make sure to check for any non-typeable characters and remove them beforehand. For Japanese, see below.
  • Song image. This image is used as a preview image, and also background image during loading/score screen. Can be in any major format.

Preparation of Japanese song

Japanese song lyrics required some preparation. Reading is required for all Kanji in the lyrics.

The system will recognize hiragana/katakana characters and punctuations, but will require reading for Kanji.

Punctuations like 「」【】 will be removed automatically from typing. 。、… etc. will become . , ... respectively. For Kanji, use [] to specify the reading. For example,

強くなれる理由を知った 明日へ

should become:

強[つよ]くなれる理[り]由[ゆう]を知[し]った 明日[あした]へ

Half-width space will require spacebar input during typing, but full-width space will be skipped automatically. Moreover, putting | character will create a little spacing in the typing romaji line to ease readability.

If you want to specify reading for hiragana/kanataka directly, use << >> for example:


You can also use <<text>>[] to make some part of lyrics non-typable.

Using the visual editor

Visual editor is currently in development

Using command line

You will need nodejs, Aegisub (or other programs that can edit .ass file), a text editor, and a basic understanding of the command line to create a song this way. You also need ffmpeg somewhere in your path.

The .ass file to be converted requires the following in Actor field:

  • Title Song title. {native_script} // {latin_script}. Note that the Latin script is currently not used. If the native script is already in Latin, omitted the //.
  • Subtitle Same format.
  • Artist Same format.
  • Image File name of song image. Must be in the same folder as the subtitle file.
  • Audio or Video or YouTube Audio/Video file, or YouTube Video ID.
  • Language Lyric language. 2-letter, e.g. EN, JP, etc.
  • Lyrics These are typing lines.

Other than the lyrics line where the timing information is used, the other lines can be at any time. For Aegisub timing guide, see Note that lead-in, lead-out, scene-bleed, etc. do not apply here.

Finally, run:

node /path/to/build-all-songs.js

This will convert all .ass files in the current working directory, as long as any in the sub-folder, to .typingmania files, ready to be played.

If the program returned an error, you likely missed some Kanji reading in the lyrics.

The example data also includes the original .ass file.

Building song index

If you are playing by yourself, you do not need to build the index. Refer to Using local file section to play your song locally.

You can also send the resulting .typingmania file to other people to play without needing a song index too.

For setting up your own TypingMania instance, you need to build a song index, typically songs.json, for the game to know what songs are available.

The easiest way to do this is to create the structure inside data/ folder to the structure you wanted. Then, do:

npm run build-index

This will automatically create an index file songs.json with the same structure as data/ folder.

To have more control over a collection name, you can create info.txt inside the folder. The first line of the file will be used as a collection name, and the rest will be the collection description.

Refers to File format section for specific format of songs.json index file.

Score Calculation

Each character in the song lyrics contains a concept of scoring characters. For Latin characters, the scoring character is always 1. For Japanese, however, this is different. For example, ち may be typed as ti and chi, but the scoring character is always 2. It is always the number of the shortest possible sequence of keypresses to input that character.

All keypresses up to the scoring character are used for score calculation. All further keypress will also be used to calculate typing speed, but cannot generate any positive score.

For each correct keypress, the score is calculated as 1000 + CPM Bonus + Combo Bonus. CPM Bonus is calculated as Current Average CPM * 0.25, and Combo Bonus is just the current combo chain.

For each incorrect key press, a penalty of 500 points is applied. Note that this only applies where a lyrics line is active. Extra keypress while waiting will not generate penalties.

Furthermore, there is also a line bonus. If you can finish a lyrics line, then you get 10% of the score you gained during that line. If you can finish the line without any mistake, you gain another 15%.

Score Class

Classes are award based on the score relative to the base score. The base score is calculated by: number_of_char × 1250, where number_of_char refers to the scoring character, or the minimum number of characters required to complete the song.

Score ratio for each class
Percent Class
> 125% SSS
> 110% SS
> 105% S+
> 100% S
> 95% A+
> 90% A
> 85% B+
> 80% B
> 75% C+
> 70% C
> 60% D+
> 50% D
> 40% E+
> 30% E
> 20% F+
< 20% F
REFERENCE: TypingMania ODYSSEY Score Calculation

The original SightSeeker Studio's TypingMania ODYSSEY score calculation is very simple. The maximum score is 200,000, and each correct keypress gain you 200,000 ÷ scoring character. Each incorrect keypress loss you half of the gain (-0.5 * (200,000 ÷ scoring character)).

Possibly due to a bug in character count calculation, it is possible to get more than 200,000 points by always typing the longest romaji of each character.

The combo does not affect the score at all.

Supported Browsers

  • The latest version of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
  • Untested on Microsoft Edge, but should work.
  • Safari has a delay between the actual and reported media time, resulting in a slight (but noticeable) delay of the lyrics line.


Back in 2013, I made a TypingMania Odyssey clone in JavaScript, which is available in the master branch.

That version of TypingMania was almost a direct clone of TypingMania ODYSSEY, except for the score calculation system which I did not reverse-engineer at that time.

I have been trying to rewrite this project since 2016, but this attempt in 2020/2021 is the first successful attempt. This comes after a lot of advancements in HTML5 technologies, including Web Audio API, HTML5 Video, and ES6 module.

The current TypingMania NEO is a pure HTML5 and JavaScript program. No external libraries were used. The editor, however, uses the Preact library.

The Japanese Kana input system is extensively tested using unit tests.

Different from TypingMania ODYSSEY

  • It is written in HTML5 (HTML+JS), so it runs in 2021 after Adobe dropped Flash support in December 2020.
  • Revamp UI, including changes to correct terminology: Solve -> Skipped, Corrected Percent -> Accuracy, etc. Also include split progress bar for song total time.
  • New score calculation algorithm (see Score calculation)
  • Maybe better Japanese handling. This version accepts almost all Romaji sequences that result in the same sentence.
  • No longer differentiate between lyrics and typing line. Furigana must be added to Kanji lyrics. Most other symbols are converted automatically to typable text.
  • Add sound effect for typing/missed/skipped line.
  • Can skip line using Tab key.
  • Can load a local file.
  • Can load the video directly from YouTube

Different from original TypingMania

  • Different score calculation.
  • No auto-play mode.
  • Better performance. This is much faster than the older version.
  • Since the original TypingMania was an ODYSSEY clone, all ODYSSEY differences also apply.

Project Structure

  • assets/raw folder contains the actual assets file used.
  • assets/assets.dat is a packed assets file. This can be generated with npm run build-assets
  • data/songs.json is the main song index file. I suggest putting all songs file (.typingmania) under this folder, but it is not required.
  • docs contains documentation-related material.
  • latin-table is a folder containing transliterating table for the game. Check README in that folder for more detail.
  • scripts contains nodejs scripts for processing game media, etc.
  • src is the main source code folder.

Installation & Building

Note that this game can runs directly from the source code folder. The index.html file in the project root is a full game by itself. However, it might not be suitable for production releases because it loads multiple javascript files.

To get a production-ready file, either download from the GitHub releases page not available yet or build from the source code below.

In the index.html file there are two configurable parameters: assets_url and songs_url. assets_url refers to the path to the assets.dat file, and the songs_url refers to the song index file, both relative to the index.html.

The recommendation is to create a data/ folder and put the index file songs.json along with other .typingmania files there, but it is not required, and you can put it however you want. Noted that URLs inside songs.json are also relative to index.html.

This game can be hosted on any web server capable of serving static files.

Building from source

To build the game, run:

npm run build-game

This will create a dist/ folder containing files suitable for distribution.

If you make a change to the assets file, you can rebuild the assets.dat by:

npm run build-assets

Note that the build-game command does not rebuild assets. Run build-assets before build-game to build a redistributable file with new assets.

File Format

.typingmania file format

.typingmania is a binary file in a RIFF format. It is basically a very simple archive. It contains 2 chunks: LIST and FILE.

.typingmania RIFF

Byte range Type Description
0-3 4CC 'TPMN' file signature
4-7 u32le Total file length - 8
8-11 4CC 'LIST'
12-15 u32le Number of file in the archive
16+ <<file_entry>>
bin File contents


Byte range Type Description
0 u8 Length of file name
1-(n+1) str File name (UTF-8)
(n+1)-(n+4) u32le Offset to the start of this file in the archive
(n+5)-(n+8) u32le File length

song.json file format

This is a standard JSON file encoded in UTF-8. It contains the following fields:

  • title: Title in song native language
  • latin_title: Title in Latin alphabet (currently not used)
  • subtitle: Subtitle in song native language
  • latin_subtitle: Subtitle in Latin alphabet (currently not used)
  • artist: Artist in song native language
  • latin_artist: Artist in Latin alphabet (currently not used)
  • language: Lyrics language. 2 letter format. (e.g. EN, JP, etc.)
  • cpm: Character per minute of the lyric line, 90 percentile
  • max_cpm: Character per minute of the lyric lines, maximum
  • duration: Song duration, in second
  • image: Image file name in the same .typingmania archive
  • Media file specification. Must have one of the below:
    • audio: Audio file name in the same .typingmania archive
    • video: Video file name in the same .typingmania archive
    • youtube: YouTube Video ID

lyrics.csv file format

This is a CSV file containing lyrics and timing information. The line format is {start_time},{end_time},{lyric}. The file must be encoded in UTF-8.

  • start_time is the line start time, in millisecond.
  • end_time is the line end time, in millisecond.
  • lyric is the lyric (typing).

The line must be sorted, by start_time and there must not be any overlap between each line.

songs.json file format

This is a standard JSON file encoded in UTF-8. It contains an array of songs or song collections.

song object

Basically the same as song.json format, except also has the url property to specify the URL to the .typingmania file (relative to index.html).

song collection object

  • type: Must be "collection"
  • name: Collection name
  • desciption: Collection description
  • contents: Array of songs or song collections.

License & Copyright

The code and assets are copyrighted under the term of the Apache 2.0 license.

This game uses Dustyroom Casual Game Sound - One Shot SFX Pack.

This game also uses the Iosevka Etoile, Noto Sans CJK JP, and Open Sans fonts. Iosevka font family is licensed under SIL Open Font License. Noto Sans and Open Sans font families are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

When creating a song to use with the game, make sure you have the proper right to the video/audio used. TypingMania NEO and its developer does not take responsibility for managing the copyright of any content used by the user.


TypingMania NEOは歌の歌詞に合わせてタイピングするタイピングソフトです。元々のTypingMania ODYSSEYはSightSeeker Studioによる開発し、残念ながら2009年に開発中止しまいました。SightSeeker StudioのTypingManiaはAdobe Flashで開発しました。

2013年に、私はHTML5によるTypingManiaのパクリのソフトを開発し、2021年にこのTypingMania NEOを完成しました。HTML5でどんなブラウザにもプレイをでき、YouTubeの音源としても利用できるようにしました。2020年をもってAdobe Flashサポート終了を伴い、TypingMania ODYSSEYはプレイできなくなり、TypingMania NEOを誕生しました。


  • 最新型のGoogle Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
  • Safariの音声はちょっと遅れて、歌詞のタイミングが合わない場合が多い。