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top logger per-minute

Service that keeps top logs every minute, per month, in /var/log/toplogger/, protected by AppArmor

Create the simple Linux install package for toplogger

This is a guide to create an installer package for the toplogger service on:

  1. Arch (Manjaro, Black Arch, et al)
  2. Debian (Ubuntu, Kali, Mint, et al)
  3. RPM (OpenSUSE, RedHat/CentOS, Fedora, et al)

Working examples for each already resides in this repository

Create and install the toplogger package directly from this repo

| Arch :$ (& Manjaro, Black Arch)

git clone
cd toplogger/arch
makepkg -si

sudo systemctl enable toplogger
sudo systemctl start toplogger

| Debian :$ (& Ubuntu, Kali, Mint)

git clone
cd toplogger/deb
dpkg-deb --build toplogger
sudo dpkg -i toplogger.deb

| RedHat/CentOS :$ (& Fedora)

git clone
sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install rpm-build rpmdevtools
cp -rf toplogger/rpm/rpmbuild ~/
rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/toplogger.spec
ls ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/
sudo rpm -i ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/toplogger-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm  # Change filename if needed
rm -rf ~/rpmbuild

| OpenSUSE :$ (& Tumbleweed)

git clone
cd toplogger/rpm
sudo zypper update
sudo zypper install rpm-build rpmdevtools
cp -r rpmbuild ~/
rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/toplogger.spec
ls ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/
sudo rpm -i ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/toplogger-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm  # Change filename if needed
rm -rf ~/rpmbuild

Service Breakdown

  • The top command will record one iteration every minute in a month-based directory in /var/log/toplogger/...
  • The two files, plus two optional configs, and the AppArmor profile, are the same for every architecture's installer package
    • The .service file goes in /usr/systemd/system/, not /etc/systemd/system/ because this is part of a package
    • The .sh script is not intended to be executed from the command line, so it goes somewhere in /usr/lib/
      • /lib/ is a symlink to /usr/lib/ across most architectures, so we use /usr/lib/ directly
    • The configs at /etc/toplogger/conf & /etc/toplogger/logdir, if broken, have default contingencies in the .sh script
      • If changed, they will be removed on a purge, but not a simple remove
      • If they are not changed, then the package manager will recognize them from the files that shipped and remove them when the package is removed
    • AppArmor profiles are stored in /etc/apparmor.d/
      • The profile files are usually named after the primary executable file's location they govern
        • (for /usr/lib/toplogger/
  • The dependency is systemd since we are using systemd structure, not SysVinit or Upstart

Directory sctructure of files in place:

└─ /
   ├─ usr/
   │ └─ lib/
   │     ├─ systemd/
   │     │  └─ system/
   │     │     └─ toplogger.service
   │     └─ toplogger/
   │        └─
   ├─ etc/
   │  ├─ apparmor.d/
   │  │  └─
   │  └─ toplogger/
   │     ├─ conf
   │     └─ logdir
   └─ var/
      └─ log/
         └─ toplogger/

| : (/usr/lib/toplogger/ - 755)


# Get conf setting if there
if [ -f "/etc/toplogger/conf" ]; then
  interval=$(grep interval_seconds /etc/toplogger/conf | awk '{print $2}')

  # Wrong conf setting defaults to 60
  if [ $interval -gt 3600 ] || [ $interval -lt 30 ]; then

  # No conf defaults to 60

# Get directory setting if there
if [ -f "/etc/toplogger/logdir" ]; then
  logdir=$(cat /etc/toplogger/logdir | awk '{print $1}')

  # No conf defaults to /var/log/toplogger

# The interval setting is done before the loop starts, so the script will need to be re-started before an config changes take effect; this means using `systemctl restart toplogger`

# Start an infinite loop with `while :`
while :; do
  # Always ensure the directory exists
  /usr/bin/mkdir -p $logdir
  if [ -d "$logdir" ]; then
    # Set some important dates with command substitutes inside command substitutes
    this_month=`/usr/bin/date -d "$(/usr/bin/date +%Y-%m-1) 0 month" +%B`
    last_month=`/usr/bin/date -d "$(/usr/bin/date +%Y-%m-1) -1 month" +%B`
    last_last_month=`/usr/bin/date -d "$(/usr/bin/date +%Y-%m-1) -2 month" +%B`
    time_stamp="$(/usr/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S)"
    /usr/bin/mkdir -p $logdir/${this_month}
    # Remove logs older than one month
    if [ ! -d "$logdir/${this_month}" ] && [ -d "$logdir/${last_month}" ]; then
      /usr/bin/rm -rf $logdir/${last_last_month}
    # Make the log from one, single `top` iteration
    if [ -d "$logdir" ]; then
      top -b -n 1 > $logdir/${this_month}/${time_stamp}
  # Wait 60 seconds before looping again
  sleep $interval

| toplogger.service : (/usr/lib/systemd/system/toplogger.service - 644)

Description=top logger per-minute

ExecStart=/usr/lib/toplogger/  # The script

[Install]  # Start looping as soon as the network starts, don't wait for multi-user
  • This third file is used as a config in /etc/
    • If it does not exist, the script will default to 60
    • It is included in the package and copied into place

| conf : (/etc/toplogger/conf - 644)

# This is a config file for toplogger
interval_seconds 60  # Must be an integer within 30 to 3600
  • This fourth file is used as a config in /etc/
    • If it does not exist, the script will default to /var/log/toplogger
    • It is not included in the package, but is created using echo

| logdir : (/etc/toplogger/logdir - 644)

/var/log/toplogger  # Directory where logs are sorted and kept

| : (AppArmor profile at /etc/apparmor.d/ - 644)

#include <tunables/global>

/usr/lib/toplogger/ {
    # Include necessary abstractions
    #include <abstractions/base>
    # Allow read access to configuration files
    /etc/toplogger/** r,

    # Allow read & write access to log files
    /var/log/toplogger/** rw,
    # Allow execution of the script
    /usr/lib/toplogger/ ix,
    # Allow read access to the service file
    /usr/lib/systemd/system/toplogger.service r,
    # Deny everything else by default
    deny /etc/** w,
    deny /usr/** w,
    deny /var/** w,

Detailed instructions per architecture

Instructions explain each in detail to create these packages from scratch...

Note and toplogger.service contain comments in the above instructions and in the root of this erpo, so their sha256sum reflects that in the instructions below; those scripts inside the arch/, deb/ & rpm/ directories do not have those comments, so their sha256sum values are different

I. Arch Linux Package (toplogger-1.0.0-1-any.pkg.tar.zst)

Arch package directory structure:

| arch/ :

├─ conf
├─ cleanup.install
├─ toplogger.service
  • Create directory: arch
  • In arch/ create file: PKGBUILD

| arch/PKGBUILD :

# Maintainer: Ink Is A Verb <>
pkgdesc="top logs per-minute"
# Run the extra script as chroot
# Preserve when uninstalled, delete when purged

package() {

  install -Dm755 "$srcdir/$" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/$"
  install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgname.service" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/$pkgname.service"
  install -Dm644 "$srcdir/conf" "$pkgdir/etc/$pkgname/conf"
  install -Dm644 "$srcdir/usr.lib.$pkgname.$" "$pkgdir/etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.$pkgname.$"

  echo "/var/log/$pkgname  # Directory where logs are sorted and kept" > "$pkgdir/etc/$pkgname/logdir"

  • In arch/ create file: cleanup.install

| arch/cleanup.install : (minimal file contents; included repo file uses full prototype demo)

post_remove() {
	rm -rf /var/log/toplogger
  • Place files conf,, toplogger.service & in the same directory as PKGBUILD
  • Build package:
    • Navigate to directory arch/
    • Run this, then the package will be built, then installed with pacman:

| Build & install Arch package :$ (in one command)

makepkg -i
  • Use this to build and install in two steps:

| Build, then install Arch package :$ (first line produces the .pkg.tar.zst file for repos or manual install)

sudo pacman -U toplogger-1.0.0-1-any.pkg.tar.zst
  • Special notes about Arch:
    • systemctl cannot enable, start, stop, or disable the service from the package installation
      • This is an old problem part of an old discussion
      • This is because of the way that pacman uses chroot to install the package
        • This makes similar database management issues with the 501webapp package
      • The service will need to be enabled, started, stopped, disabled and removed manually after the installation or removal
        • systemctl enable toplogger, systemctl start toplogger, systemctl stop toplogger, systemctl disable toplogger
      • This could be partially overcome by creating the systemctl enable symlink manually, eg the Nginx installer outputs:
        • Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/' -> '/usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service'.
        • We won't do this for this simple example here because this requires an advanced understanding of systemd services before manually creating such a service symlink inside a package manager
      • The same goes for AppArmor without rebooting
        • This assumes that AppArmor is even working, which it is not by default on Arch
        • apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/, aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/, aa-disable /etc/apparmor.d/
      • This relates to the nature for Arch Linux to be minimalist, part of its appeal to some developers
        • There may be a work-around that includes a "post install" script and "install hook", but it must also disable the service on package removal, making it very complex to have the package manager handle systemctl service status changes
        • This is why many Arch Linux system administrators handle both packages and services separately
      • If we must start the loop, we can start it directly:
        • The .service file's line ExecStart= uses the command to start the service directly :# /usr/lib/toplogger/
        • This is still not as robust as having a .service monitor it, such as for Restart=always
        • We could do this with other services as well, but the SysAdmin using systemctl directly is probably the best workflow
    • Files in the backup= array (in PKGBUILD) are handled in a special way on package removal or package upgrade
      • This only affects files that have been changed from those shipped
      • backup= files are copied to .pacsave files in the same directory on removal
      • backup= files are ignored on a package upgrade
      • This is different from Debian, which will merely ignore the files, not move altered files to backups
        • This relates to the nature for Arch Linux to be minimalist, part of its appeal to some developers
    • post_remove() in cleanup.install will always remove the /var/log/toplogger/ directorywill remove on any pacman -R removal
      • To prevent this, remove or comment the line install='cleanup.install' in PKGBUILD
        • This would leave it to the SysAdmin to remove log files in /var/log/toplogger/
    • We don't need to use the -s flag with makepkg this time because of the singular dependency issue
      • The .service structure needs systemd
      • If systemd was not already in use, then it could be SysVinit or Upstart, which systemd should conflict with
    • The name of the directory containing the package files does not matter
    • PKGBUILD is the instruction file, not a directory as might be expected with other package builders
    • makepkg must be run from the same directory containing PKGBUILD
    • The .pkg.tar.zst file will appear inside the containing directory

| Enable & start services :$

sudo systemctl enable toplogger
sudo systemctl start toplogger
sudo apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/
sudo aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/

| Disable & stop services :$

sudo systemctl stop toplogger
sudo systemctl disable toplogger
sudo aa-disable /etc/apparmor.d/

| Remove Arch package :$ (optional)

sudo pacman -R toplogger

| Purge Arch package :$ (optional)

sudo pacman -Rsn toplogger

II. Debian Package (toplogger.deb)

Debian package directory structure:

| deb/ :

└─ toplogger/
   ├─ DEBIAN/
   │  ├─ conffiles
   │  ├─ control
   │  ├─ postinst
   │  ├─ postrm
   │  └─ prerm
   ├─ usr/
   │ └─ lib/
   │     ├─ systemd/
   │     │  └─ system/
   │     │     └─ toplogger.service
   │     └─ toplogger/
   │        └─
   └─ etc/
      ├─ apparmor.d/
      │  └─
      └─ toplogger/
         └─ conf
  • Create directories: deb/toplogger/DEBIAN
  • In DEBIAN/ create file: control

| deb/toplogger/DEBIAN/control :

Package: toplogger
Version: 1.0.0
Section: utils
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Maintainer: Ink Is A Verb <>
Depends: systemd
Description: top logs per-minute

  • In DEBIAN/ create file: conffiles
    • This file technically isn't needed because all files in etc/ are automatically included as conffiles; this is here for example

| deb/toplogger/DEBIAN/conffiles : (retain these /etc/ configs on package removal)

  • In DEBIAN/ create file: postinst
    • Make it executable with :$ chmod +x DEBIAN/postinst

| deb/toplogger/DEBIAN/postinst :


# exit from any errors
set -e

# Create our config that does not reside in the package
echo "/var/log/toplogger  # Directory where logs are sorted and kept" > "/etc/toplogger/logdir"

# Make the loop script executable
chmod +x /usr/lib/toplogger/

# Service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable toplogger
systemctl start toplogger

# AppArmor
apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/
aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/
  • In DEBIAN/ create file: prerm
    • Make it executable with :$ chmod +x DEBIAN/prerm

| deb/toplogger/DEBIAN/prerm : (disable services after remove)


# exit from any errors
set -e

# Service
systemctl stop toplogger
systemctl disable toplogger

# AppArmor
aa-disable /etc/apparmor.d/
  • In DEBIAN/ create file: postrm
    • Make it executable with :$ chmod +x DEBIAN/postrm

| deb/toplogger/DEBIAN/postrm : (remove /etc/ configs only on package purge)


# exit from any errors
set -e

if [ "$1" = "purge" ]; then
  rm -rf /etc/toplogger
  rm -rf /var/log/toplogger
  • Create directories:
    • deb/toplogger/etc/toplogger/
    • deb/toplogger/apparmor.d/
    • deb/toplogger/usr/lib/toplogger/
    • deb/toplogger/usr/lib/systemd/system/
  • Place file conf in deb/toplogger/etc/toplogger/
  • Place file in deb/toplogger/usr/lib/toplogger/
  • Place file toplogger.service in deb/toplogger/usr/lib/systemd/system/
  • Place file in deb/toplogger/apparmor.d/
  • Build package:
    • Navigate to directory deb/
    • Run this, then the package will be built, then installed:

| Build, then install Debian package :$

dpkg-deb --build toplogger  # Create the .deb package
sudo dpkg -i toplogger.deb  # Install the package
  • Special notes about Debian
    • systemctl will enable, start, stop, or disable the service through the package installation
      • This is because of how dpkg handles the packages
      • This handling method is one of the appeals to Debian for some developers
    • Config files are listed in DEBIAN/conffiles
      • These files will be ignored on package upgrade or removal
        • Config files will be preserved even if not changed, unlike Arch Linux
        • This preserves original files, not moving them to backup copies as with Arch Linux
        • This handling method is one of the appeals to Debian for some developers
      • These files will be removed on package purge
        • Package purge considers both conffiles & postrm
          • Without postrm, removing the package will attempt to remove everything created at install
          • Contents listed in conffiles will be left in place without the --purge flag for apt remove
          • Because we add /etc/toplogger/logdir apart from files included with the package, apt remove --purge will not delete /etc/toplogger/ without postrm explicitly running rm -rf /etc/toplogger
            • Test this by removing the file DEBIAN/postrm, rebuild with dpkg-deb --build, then sudo apt remove --purge toplogger; an error will explain why /etc/toplogger was not removed
      • Only files that reside within the package can be listed here
      • The only config file allowed in conffiles is /etc/toplogger/conf
      • /etc/toplogger/logdir is created via echo, not residing in the package, so it can't be listed in conffiles
      • postrm will only remove the /var/log/toplogger/ directory on a --purge; Arch and RPM will remove it on any remove action
    • The script file at usr/lib/toplogger/ does not need to be executable
      • This is because this installer uses a postinst script
      • This script will set the permissions in the command chmod +x /usr/lib/toplogger/
    • The directory of the package files (toplogger/) will be the same as the package installer's .deb basename
    • The package installer will appear at toplogger.deb in the same directory as (toplogger/) regardless of the PWD from where the dpkg-deb --build command was run
      • For deb/toplogger it will be at deb/toplogger.deb

| Remove Debian package :$ (optional)

sudo apt-get remove toplogger

| Purge Debian package :$ (optional)

sudo apt-get remove --purge toplogger

III. RPM Package (toplogger-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm)

RPM package directory structure:

Note this is probably broken on RedHat distros because of the lacking pandoc package

| rpm/ :

└─ rpmbuild/
   ├─ SPECS/
   │  └─ toplogger.spec
   └─ SOURCES/
      ├─ conf
      ├─ toplogger.service
  • Create directories: rpm/rpmbuild/SPECS
  • In SPECS/ create file: toplogger.spec

| rpm/rpmbuild/SPECS/toplogger.spec :

Name:           toplogger
Version:        1.0.0
Release:        1%{?dist}
Summary:        top logs per-minute

License:        GPL

BuildArch:      noarch
Requires:       systemd

Service that keeps top logs every minute, per month, in /var/log/toplogger/

echo "####################################################
We are creating the top logger service RPM installer...
Other commands could go here...

# We could put some commands here if we needed to build from source

install -Dm755 "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/toplogger/"
install -Dm644 "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/toplogger.service" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/systemd/system/toplogger.service"
install -Dm644 "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/conf" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/toplogger/conf"
install -Dm644 "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/apparmor.d/"

echo "/var/log/toplogger  # Directory where logs are sorted and kept" > "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/toplogger/logdir"

# Service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable toplogger
systemctl start toplogger

# AppArmor
apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/
aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/

if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
  # Service
  systemctl stop toplogger
  systemctl disable toplogger
  systemctl daemon-reload

  # AppArmor
  aa-disable /etc/apparmor.d/

if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
  rm -rf /etc/toplogger
  rm -rf /var/log/toplogger



* Thu Jan 01 1970 Ink Is A Verb <> - 1.0.0-1
- Something started, probably with v1.0.0-1
  • Create directory: rpm/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
  • Place files conf,, toplogger.service & in directory rpm/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
  • Install the rpm-build and rpmdevtools packages

| RedHat/CentOS :$

sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install rpm-build rpmdevtools

| OpenSUSE :$

sudo zypper update
sudo zypper install rpm-build rpmdevtools
  • Build package:
    • Navigate to directory rpm/
    • Run the following commands:

| Build, then install RPM package :$

cp -r rpmbuild ~/
rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/toplogger.spec                     # Create the .rpm package
ls ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/                                       # Check the .rpm filename
sudo rpm -i ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/toplogger-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm  # Install the package (filename may be different)
  • Special notes about RPM:
    • systemctl will enable, start, stop, or disable the service through the package installation
      • This is because of how rpm handles the packages
    • RPM requires the build be done from ~/rpmbuild/
    • The resulting .rpm fill will be at: ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/toplogger-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm
      • This file might actually have a different name, but should be in the same directory (~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/)
    • noarch means it works on any architecture
      • This part of the filename was set in the .spec file with BuildArch: noarch
    • Config files listed in the .spec file under %config(noreplace) should not also be listed under %files
    • Some .spec file variables could have interchangable names:
      • $RPM_SOURCE_DIR = %{_sourcedir}
      • $RPM_BUILD_ROOT = %{buildroot}
      • $RPM_SOURCE_DIR & $RPM_BUILD_ROOT are "officially" supported
      • Which one you use can make a difference, depending on other things done in the .spec file
    • Purge and config preservation are are handled automatically, so there is no separate option for "purge"
      • Configs listed in the .spec file under %config(noreplace) have no guarantee of being preserved on package removal
        • These are listed here to protect them during package updates, not package removal
      • To overwrite preserved configs on a re-install, use install -f for "force" when installing again
      • %postun will also remove the /var/log/toplogger/ directory on any remove
        • To prevent this, comment or remove the line rm -rf /var/log/toplogger under %postun in toplogger.spec
    • If you get changelog or bad date error, then consider yourself normal

| Remove RedHat/CentOS package :$ (optional)

sudo dnf remove toplogger

| Remove OpenSUSE package :$ (optional)

sudo zypper remove toplogger


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